AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

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AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:15 am

So, I've been thinking it might be easier on myself to try and reach a balance between making artwork and games. I love games, but making a decent game will take so long. Artwork is going to be better quick-gratification, both for you and for me.

I made a lot of 2D Reward CG for Bungaroids and then Bunga Mission, but since I'm probably not going to finish those games, I've started time-releasing them on Patreon. When I get enough of them time-released, I'll make some kind of preview graphic for you.

I've got a few 3D models that I could start using for pornography too. Like Kicky the Roo:

And Cascade the Shark:

I am especially interested in using the 3D models to do comics or photo sets, like this photo set of an earlier version of Cascade:
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageFull Collection
And here was a practice comic I did with new Cascade:

I am also theoretically capable of making animations like the infamous:
or holy shit, (did that in 48 hours for school. Hard to tell, I know.)

Long term, I'm interested in hearing some ideas about what to do. 3D stuff is probably going to eventually overtake 2D. I'm honestly kinda disappointed with myself for bailing on Astro Vulpus, so I might do some Astro Vulpus artwork/animation at some point.

To some extent, I am limited by what 3D environments I can find, since it's too time consuming to make good ones myself. Most of what I have is from but I've also got this Sci-Fi Apartment and I sometimes peruse , , and If any of you have suggestions for 3D sets that look good, I'm all ears. (Yeah, I use my ears to read. I'm a Super Villain.)
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:34 pm

So here's something that neither of us were expecting:

2017_11_02_ducks.jpg (41.39 KiB) Viewed 4752 times

I decided to see if the new 2017 Duck Tales was any good, and I love it. Might revisit this concept later with something actually pornographic.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:43 pm

Working on a new set for a new photo-shoot.

temple_ruin.jpg (146.36 KiB) Viewed 4722 times
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:55 am

Okay, so, various things happening. After setting up that forest temple thing with the free assets, I felt like some of the free assets were lacking, so I decided to see what was available for money. There was a limited time sale thing, and a bunch of assets I had seen in the Unity store that I had my eye on, so I decided to just pounce and grabbed a bunch, well honestly, a lot more paid assets than I probably should have. Unfortunately, these assets are generally not formatted for use in Blender, so I spent a long time reformatting them, and I'm not even done.

Then, I decided to upgrade Blender to the latest version, which, SURPRISE, broke most of my rigs for existing characters. This is annoying, but honestly, not a majorly huge deal, it's basically just Cascade and the Wyvern girl (for the Dragon Anthro RPGMaker game, coming soon eventually) that are "lost", and the wyvern would honestly benefit from another stab at the rig anyways. The upgrade includes some major enhancements to the metarig system, so it'll be good in the long run enhancement.

So I decided to re-rig Kicky the Roo, here:
2017_11_05_ion_roo.jpg (104.6 KiB) Viewed 4688 times

Which means, sometime soon, she's going to get fucked in or near that old forest temple. Which, if you're interested, here's the new version of that with the paid assets, same old temple, new forest assets, and a new sexy pond:


Finally, I want to share with you guys some of the assets I bought. I have been having some trouble coming up with ideas for things to do, either in comics or quicker photo shoots, so I'm open to suggestions if you see these and get inspired.

I got a couple of fantasy dungeon sets: ... eons-caves ... own-t-pack (this is already in the scene above) ... ngeon-pack (annoyingly, when you actually get this scene, it's all in grey-scale, I can't figure out how they intended for colors to be implemented)
Mostly, I'm thinking these will be backgrounds for games made with RPGMaker.

Similar to these is the Pirate Pack: ... irate-pack
This has an absolutely awesome amount of stuff included, and it's all very cool, very piratey. I'm worried that it might have the same grey-scale problem as Shard Saga, but I haven't poked around too much yet. It also comes with a bunch of blocky characters, which I'm not sure if or how I'll use. They might become extras, like the faceless subway people, or I might be able to modify them into AceSV quality characters, or somehow steal their clothing for AceSV characters. It might also be conceivable to turn them into RPGMaker sprites. But definitely, throw me some pirate stories, I'm looking forward to using this one.

For modern scenes I got: ... plete-pack (although, as far as I can tell, the package does not come assembled, as you seen in the demo pictures, you get an empty building and all the furniture models.) ... e/ad-house (This developer has made several houses that would be fun to have sex in, so I got this as a demo of him more so than for this specific house. I do really love this house though)

I also felt like I wanted some monster characters, so I got these: ... enemy-pack ... -pack-vol2 (still kinda cute and cartoony, but this crew totally looks like it would rape the shit out of you)

I also got a bunch of plant packs that aren't really worth looking at, but they'll make things nice in the long run.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:49 am

Okay, I've got some progress done on the new comic. There's more to do, but I'm a little burnt out and my day job is coming up for the rest of the week. I've uploaded my current progress to Patreon, the full comic will be up when it's ready.

The first 9 reward CGs are up on Patreon by now, so here is a demo picture:
2017_11_06_2Ddemo.jpg (75.52 KiB) Viewed 4663 times
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:46 am

2017_11_13_new_shirt.jpg (72 KiB) Viewed 4615 times

So I've decided I want to add another character to this adventure, which involves rigging the new character, which isn't going well. As I mentioned in another topic, the new version of Blender has a new and improved rigging system which renders most of my old rigs useless and is proving to be different from what I'm used to.

Anyways, I also work retail and my day job is going to be picking up in severity starting the week of Thanksgiving, ugh, next week, so hopefully I can finish off this little adventure and then batten down the hatches for the holiday shitstorm with something nice and easy, possibly some more 2D artwork.

Maybe I could finish up those sketches of seagulls with giant boobs...
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:52 pm

Another batch of 2D reward CG is up on Patreon:
2017_11_16_2Ddemo.jpg (72.18 KiB) Viewed 4577 times ... g=rewardCG
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Sun Nov 19, 2017 6:59 am

Still slowly clunking along with the 3D comic. Finally got another character rigged and ready to show up:

2017_11_19_wyvern_demo.jpg (62.64 KiB) Viewed 4547 times

I'm not sure what it is exactly, but lately I've been having some sort of anxiety related to doing 3D stuff. I think part of it might be that I used a grey sky for the comic, to make it seem dangerous and mysterious, but since the weather has been cold and grey here where I live, it feels doubly depressing to experience that in the virtual world as well. So as you can see, I've changed the sky to blue, and hopefully that will help. Also, now that the rigging is done, the "fun part" of actual storytelling should also amuse me more.

I've also gone looking through my pencil paper sketchbook for new 2D artwork to make, and I've extracted a whopping 96 potential new images to finish up for 2D Reward CG. I hadn't realized that I'd been drawing so much.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:30 am


So I'm kinda double posting this, but for those of you that haven't seen my other topic, I'm working on hopefully doing a big RPG Maker space adventure game. I'm currently hoping to attract some programmer types to the project, so if you're feeling attracted, PM me via LoK, Newgrounds or RPGM forums. If you're not a programmer-type and still want to join up, let me know what you're good at, anything is helpful in a big project.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:43 am

As for 2DCG, I have another set of 9 nearly ready:
2017_11_30_2Ddemo.jpg (85.73 KiB) Viewed 4495 times

Finally, getting around to some brand new Reward CG. Quite proud of these ones, I feel like I'm getting better. As of this post, the last 2 images are still waiting to be time-released on Patreon, on Dec 02 and Dec 04. ... g=rewardCG

EDIT: Tell you what, let's throw in a free sample here:


Some of you will recognize this as Pepper and Renard and the placeholder squadroom from Astro Vulpus. Consider it a little apology for calling quits on that whole adventure.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:29 pm

Hey, what's up.

I made a new 3D pin-up set. The real set will be slowly released on Patreon, but I'm excited about it, so I'm giving you a sneak peak here on LoK:

I've decided that I want to try doing regular scheduled art uploads on Patreon. So every Mon, Wed, Fri, 6AM UTC-5 will be a new upload. The 3D pin-up set is 14 panels, and I've got a few more 2D that haven't aired yet, so this will carry me well into January.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:25 am

2017_12_14_2Ddemo.jpg (41.22 KiB) Viewed 4413 times

Here are the last four 2D Reward CGs before the wallaby dungeon pin-up starts.

You can see all of these and more from my Patreon Page:

Also I decided Mon-Wed-Fri updates is a little too lazy, so the 3D dungeon pin-up will go up one frame at a time, 14 frames over 14 days, starting Fri Dec 15. Should give me plenty of time to squeeze in another before the end of the year.

In other news, I bought a bunch more 3D prop packs, because there was a sale, so I've been working on disseminating them and preparing them for use. If you want to see what I got, the ones that most excite me for porn are ... -city-pack , ... oon-assets and ... oon-assets . Particularly the Office set. I'm thinking of maybe making a mini comic based on this scene: ... -492896265 Not necessarily those exact characters, but the idea of a new timid male co-worker being preyed upon by a sultry female. Maybe multiple females. But I would still need to some more modeling and rigging for characters, (which I need to do anyways) and model office attire, and come up with an actual story before I can jump in and start working.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:12 pm

Here are the first 3 free-sample images from the wallaby dungeon pin-up set. The patreon version is completely nude, and comes with a bunga boob version.

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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:52 pm

2017-12-18-gull_talk.gif (788.2 KiB) Viewed 4359 times

Thought I'd take some time today to have some fun and keep the old animation organs limbered up. There's a couple gremlins in the rhythm, but that's normal for the short amount of time I put into it. Mostly I'm trying to make sure that the rigging checks out.

By the way, this is turning into a lot of big images all on one page. Is this problematic for anyone? Should I switch to spoilers or off-site links?
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:56 pm

Oh no, she has no eyes, I can see into the depth of her soul ..... it is a white void.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:07 am

yeah, if the artwork's not finished, I feel like I have to do something to make it super obvious that it's not finished or people might think that I'm just bad at this.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby Jumbo70 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 8:14 pm

a quick easy way would be to plop a "in development" or "alpha" in one of the 'camera' corners?
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:57 pm

The wallaby dungeon pin-up continues


Remember, nude version available for patrons
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:12 am


Hey gang, I've been thinking about converting some of the poses from this pin-up into 3D printed models from Shapeways. I haven't bothered with 3D printing in a while because the conversions can sometimes take a lot of work, and I've never made very much money off of these things. Here's my shop with some examples of how some of my older products look: If this is something that people would like, I could offer those again, so let me know if you guys would be interested. Shapeways does not allow pornography, but it does allow artistic nudes, so scenes like these would be fine, but no fucking or masturbating.
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Re: AceSV Artwork Thread (Pics!)

Postby ANooB » Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:02 am

Looks excellent, as usual. Your 3d is great, but I actually must say I like your 2dCG above all. Are you commissioning right now? I gots a few requests; but all the artists I'm requesting from are pulling out due to the difficulty. I have purchased a copy of Esoteric Software's Spine and need some layered characters to animate for a short Construct 2 game. Lemme know in a PM if you're interested. :D
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