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A project of sort...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:01 pm
by TyrantX
Hey there guys.I'm just posting a little project of mine (my 1st rpg maker game) although it's not really that big.It's not ero or anything,just a simple rpg vx ace game which i was busy with for the past 2 days so I would actually appreciate if someone could review what I made so far like the quality of my writing (eng is not my first language...understanding,writing,spelling,singing and rapping in english I can do but speaking that's something for the future)cutscenes and so on.I don't have any friends opinions that i can get because they only play "real games" like Fifa,PES or catch my point,so please any criticism,complaints,rants or compliments will be appreciated :D (PS:Please don't remove my attachment admin,I had nowhere else to go :cry: )

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:24 am
by WonderGamer
Any screenshots or backstory?

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:10 am
by TyrantX
Non whatsoever,but like I said it's my first project so I would actually like to hear what other people have to say about the game so far.

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:13 am
by Zeus Kabob
Hi! Welcome to the forum. Attachments are perfectly acceptable, though you can take advantage of free hosting platforms like MEGA, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Mediafire in the future.

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:34 am
by TyrantX
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Hi! Welcome to the forum. Attachments are perfectly acceptable, though you can take advantage of free hosting platforms like MEGA, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Mediafire in the future.

Thanks for the advice admin Zeus Kabob,still kinda new to all this posting stuff :lol:

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:36 pm
by Kromar
So... I tried your game
What to say... The fight was balanced, other than that, there's no story, everything is thrown at you (the quest, and the first companion)
The store was working correctly, but everything in it was weaker than what you already have. Also, I don't even know what the reward for the weapon was, if there is even one. Use a bubble text or something when awarding a reward. If you don't do that, the players will never know what they recieved.
There's not much else to say, except for the mistakes in the texts, but you already warned us about it.
So... don't give up, and try to bould something around what you have (story, characters backgrounds, etc.)
Right now, your game is ore a demo of the engine that the demo of a game. work on it more, and don't be afraid to do whatever you want in it!

Re: A project of sort...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:08 pm
by TyrantX
Kromar Wrote:So... I tried your game
What to say... The fight was balanced, other than that, there's no story, everything is thrown at you (the quest, and the first companion)
The store was working correctly, but everything in it was weaker than what you already have. Also, I don't even know what the reward for the weapon was, if there is even one. Use a bubble text or something when awarding a reward. If you don't do that, the players will never know what they recieved.
There's not much else to say, except for the mistakes in the texts, but you already warned us about it.
So... don't give up, and try to bould something around what you have (story, characters backgrounds, etc.)
Right now, your game is ore a demo of the engine that the demo of a game. work on it more, and don't be afraid to do whatever you want in it!

Thanks for spending time playing my demo,I agree with everything you said and your comment just motivated me even more to continue making my game.I had no idea how to use the rpgmaker vx ace software and just spend time fiddling around with it about 2 days ago and of course watching tutorial videos on youtube.I just made the demo with a little help from youtube,motivation from such awesome people as yourself and a little bit of ambition received from seeing people posting games on this website (Master sierra lee I'm talking about you :D ).And as for a story,I do have one,but I don't feel I have enough skills yet to bring the story of the game to fruitation,if your wondering what the story i'm planning is about,there is a clue in the discription of the mc so check it out and see if it pique's your interest.Maybe one day I'll post the full game or post bits and pieces of it when I can and hope I see that it satisfy's people as much as possible.Once again thanks for the advice.