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[RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Beta 0.8.0 Public)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:50 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
This is not my first Game I created. But It definitely will be the first with a Much Higher Quality.
My English is Bad but I work on it. Help is always appreciated
Lucafin will be an RPG / Adventure type Game.
With many Choices and "Use correct Item" Events, Combine Items and Inspect Items.
But there are also Quests, Minigames and ofc Classic RPG Maker Battle.
Additional I work on a "Dirty" System.
After having sex you get your "Dirty" Level up. After somepoint you get special Choice Options and the Character gets more into "Slut Mode".
However Bathing will reset the Dirty Level to 0.
The "Art" for the Game will be Self-Drawn by Me!
Sure it is not perfect. And for most people not even decent.
But... working on it...

The game takes place in a Fantasy World called "Lucafin". This World only exists because of the four Magical Crystals.
But something Evil is taking the Power from them. And so our Hero, a little Village Girl "Lucy" is selected to Save the Crystals.
The Player will learn more about the Story step by step.


For Combat I use the RPG Maker Battle System. However! Losing a Fight will never end with a Game Over Screen.
I plan stuff like getting kidnapped. And starting side Quests.
Some skills have different effects based on Enemies Gender.
And yep! I draw all by Myself -> Hope to improve...

I use a mix of RPG Maker MV/VX and XP RTPs to make better Maps.

Game Download:
Version 0.3.1 19.May (Public Release)

Update Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

spellcheck update!
(NPC, Story, H-Scene and Item text) thanks to DAWN for fixing this :)
add details to all maps
fixed gamecrash (missing file for sideview battle)
reworked 2 Sex scenes (Dog 2 and Tentacle)
re-sized Enemies for sideview battle
remove display map-name from Dungeon Maps
fixe bug with mousetrap, fixed bug with Pub side Quest
more pub costumers
and more maps for dungeon. (1new Puzzle)

next update will be a big update!: Fishing, Alchemy, Farming, Day/Night System, Out of Combat Skills...
pretty sure we jump some versions... :) thanks!

0.1.5 (BIG Feature update)
Day and Night
Day counter, Sleep until..., Out of Combat skills. And Lucy get tired with time. so sleep is a must :)

Gardener Quest
(read the job offer at the Tavern and Hire a gardener. Bring him seeds and get some new Items for alchemy.)
Gardener can Level-up to 30! 2x H-Scene possible. (at level 10 and 20)

Alchemy Quest
(bring herbs to the Alchemy and get some very usefull Potions.

Fishing Quest
(Yup! Lucy can now use fishingpole and get Fishing EXP/Level-up)
add some spots where Lucy can start Fishing. (fish with 3 different baits or none)
(catch: Carp, Sarda, Monkfish, Plaice, Eel, Riverperch, Moonfish and Turbot)
excahnge Fish for tokens and earn nice Items!

New Shop Item: Dog Food! After finishing the Dog side Quests. The Dog's will stand infront of Lucy's Home.
now you can give Dog Food to replay H-Scenes and ofc earn Dirty Level+

get now Empty Bottle after using Potions

Wow! and with this version... The Village is almost done!
Next goal is to fix some bugs, remove placeholder and improve some stuff at the village.
after that I add more content to the Dungeon. (fixes and stuff until 0.2.0)
I'm proud and thankful guys! It's not just a financiel support. it is much more a motivation generator!


New short side Quest BDSM Cellar
BDSM H-scene picture (with placeholder, finish it at v0.2.0)
Fixed Day/Night bug (this time for sure!)
disable Day/night inside the Dungeon
fixed bug at slime cave (key cant be picked up multiple times anymore)
add more text to H-Scenes
balanced BGM for all maps (background music)
add text to unfinished maps. (allow me to release faster with hint that a map is still WIP) maps take so much time :D...
this Game Version will be released for the public. (when I release the next patreon only version)


if using an old save file. make sure to save outside the dungeon befor using the new game version!
(I have changed the way Ropes work.)
new title screen
replaced more Placeholder texts.
New Text for H-Scenes
More Dungeon Maps. (underwater dungeon part)
New Items and Puzzles. (underwater dungeon puzzles)
another entrance to the dungeon.
re-balanced tentacle Monsters HP (combat is not that important but still they are to weak)
Fishing (using other items as bait will not affect the results. and item will stay in inventory.)
(you can only lose baits, no quest items)
re-balanced price for most items. (working at the pub is now more important to get money)
another dog to find (no scene so far)

*Underwater part 2*
Underwater Dungeon looks now more nice. (add some bubbles to it)
Watch out for the Underwater Monster! puzzles and 1H-scene)
BDSM Cellar (map is now done), Lucy can no longer re-visit it.

Stone Cave done.
There is a new Puzzle to solve (using some old strange machines.)
Enter the domain of the Inferno Lord! (only the first map so far... this will be the biggest part of the Dungeon)
Rockmonster H-scene
add new location to the Village (preparing for next version)

I do have a Patreon if you like to support me, and get early access to new Versions.
My Patreon

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.1)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:27 pm
by FMC
Well, I'm going to check this out since the heroine seems super cute. And for some reason, I love to see super-cute heroines plowed in rape-scenarios. I know, I'm twisted and weird. xD

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.1)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:59 am
by Frurose
Nice game so far, but I did find a couple of bugs:
When I give up the package to the robbers, the guard in the tent says that he will find them then does nothing.
When I give up the package to the robbers, the guard captain in the fort calls for Tim but the game freezes and Tim never comes (waiting for Tim to appear?).
When I give up the package to the robbers, if I go to the camp and enter the tent, the scene plays exactly as if I had fought and lost. Maybe this should have some additional text or a fight scene?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next update (hopefully with some repeatable scenes).

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.1)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:59 am
by Martin_Yamanaka
New Version Out for Public!
V 0.0.2 ---> V 0.0.3

Map Details add for: Thief Camp, West Forest
New Maps: Tavern Basement, Slime Prison
Quest: Monster Liquit need now 3 and Drop Chance Increased
New Scene: Bathing
New Scene: Lose to Slime Monster (with placeholders)
New Scene: Gigantic Rat
New Quest: Tavern Basement
Fixes: Garrison Movement Fixed, Slime Monster Walking on Wall Fixed, Text cut off Fixed.
New Skill for Lucy: Surrender (Give up the fight and lose it.)
Pub: Just an Alpha Feature! (Can Increase Dirty Level)

Pub Upgrade (Gear)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:13 am
by Martin_Yamanaka

Here is a preview for you guys!
The Pub will be a Huge part of the Game. You will do Quests to Upgrade the Pub Level. And with each Level you get a New Clothing for the Pub to get more Money when working there.
Please remember! Lucafin is an Adventure Game! It wont be a super Long Game. If you know what to do and how to solve puzzles it can be short.
So I think side Quests and Minigames is a must for this type of Games.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.3)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:29 pm
by Frurose
Great progress on the game from .02 to .03! I'm really enjoying what you have so far. Here are a few things I noticed in the current version...

Game breaking Bug: Package stolen, Tim appears in the wall, after he says "No, I can do it.", the game freezes. (waiting for Tim's next action?)
Bug or no content: Guard in tent still does nothing when package is stolen.
Text Bug: When telling Lucy to follow the dream, the ??? person says "No! Lucy...this is very serious" two times.
Suggestion: Too many pauses in the text, please just use spaces or ... or at least shorten them alot, maybe 75% or more.

I did not re-play the stone throw game, because it's too much trouble to do in each release.
I'm still hoping to the doggie comes home *wink*.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.1)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:33 pm
by Frurose
FMC Wrote:Well, I'm going to check this out since the heroine seems super cute. And for some reason, I love to see super-cute heroines plowed in rape-scenarios. I know, I'm twisted and weird. xD

I like when the cute and innocent ones can remain that way after they get into "trouble". I think the cleanliness metric will allow that for this game.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.1)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 8:12 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
Frurose Wrote:
FMC Wrote:Well, I'm going to check this out since the heroine seems super cute. And for some reason, I love to see super-cute heroines plowed in rape-scenarios. I know, I'm twisted and weird. xD

I like when the cute and innocent ones can remain that way after they get into "trouble". I think the cleanliness metric will allow that for this game.

Hehe! Yeah Lucy (The Heroin) got a Talent for getting in trouble ;)

Valentine Day

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:36 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
Lucy is not alone this valentines day!
So I decided to show you guys a Free for All preview.
This are the steps I need to go through when drawing.
Well Picture is not Finished. still needs some smoothing... (and nipples + Clothing)

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.3)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:47 pm
by FMC
I forgot to comment after checking it out, but I do like what I've seen so far from the game. :P

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.3)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:57 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
0.0.4 is out now!
you can see its a small jump from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4 but there was work behind it!

0.0.4 Is all about the Pub! Basically it is a Way to earn InGame Money without doing Quests.
You enter the Pub and start working by getting Random Costumers. They all do have different wishes. and you can decide between 3 types of jobs.
Softcore - Hardcore and Roleplay Sex. When you do what the costumer like you will earn more Money. After you had 10 Costumers you will need
to do a Short Quest to continue working. after that you can upgrade your Sex Skills in Soft-Hard and Roleplay.

(you get more money) also you earn PUB EXP and each 100 EXP your Outfit will change and you get even more Money. (Total EXP = 1000) = 10 Outfits.
So far I have like 30 different Costumers. I will add more with Patches. Also there are
only 4 different Stamina refill Quests. I add more when the Game World gets bigger.
please this is not the Main Game Focus! The Pub is simply something you can do.
You don’t have to. //what it does is that Lucy is able to level up her Dirty Level…

check out the main post or visit my patreon to download.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.3)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:48 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka

for version 0.0.8 I have some nice news!
-spell check update!
-rework H-scenes and more!

will release it this week for patreons.
and release this week 0.0.5 for public. please give me feedback on it! I do my best to improve.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.6)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:04 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
Hey Guys! New Version is out for Public!

Notes v0.0.4 --> v0.0.6
Fixed spots where the player get stuck
Fixed some English Errors.
All Buildings can now be entered. (NPCs still work in progress)
Add 4 new Dungeon Maps
1 New (short) Sex Scene
Replaced most of the placeholders.
Text of interest is now marked with a color. (make it easyer to solve puzzles)
Added more customers to the Pub (will add more with every update)
More Items in the Shop
Fixed Guard Move Bug at Garrison. Now for sure! <.<
Replaced more placeholders.
Add more NPC to the Village. (so far they dont have any quest or anything. talk to them in later versions.)
Add more Text to Objects on the Map.
More Costumers for the Pub
Increase Dungeon Size by some Maps! Try them out! let me know if the first puzzles are not to hard. (hint. you can use Key Items from the Menue.)

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.6)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:23 am
by Frurose

I just checked the progress on your patreon page and I'm looking forward to the next update. That being said, I don't understand what your release schedule is. I see that you have done four more releases and are now at v1.6. I also see that you have 10 supporters (sadly I cannot currently afford to support games financially). I do believe this game has a lot of potential and should have more supporters. My suggestion is to release older versions more quickly and do not go an entire month making patron only posts.

Anyway, I do love your game so far and my suggestion is given with respect and I wish you luck with this and future games.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.6)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:43 am
by FMC
I just saw a post you put up today on Patreon saying 1.7 will be made public, which makes me happy. =D I like this game, but I'm kind of in a situation that I need to penny pinch so I can't support. D= If I could just support as many games as I wanted, I'd be spending like 100+ dollars on suppoort. xD

In any case, even if you don't release public builds very often, could you make an attempt to post here a little more often to give progress updates? I was honestly wondering if you had abandoned this, but I was holding out hope. Thankfully, it wasn't abandoned, but I had to go to Patreon to find out. Not a huge deal I guess, but putting updates on here would go a long way to show people that you mean it on this site at least.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.0.6)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:47 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
FMC Wrote:I just saw a post you put up today on Patreon saying 1.7 will be made public, which makes me happy. =D I like this game, but I'm kind of in a situation that I need to penny pinch so I can't support. D= If I could just support as many games as I wanted, I'd be spending like 100+ dollars on suppoort. xD

In any case, even if you don't release public builds very often, could you make an attempt to post here a little more often to give progress updates? I was honestly wondering if you had abandoned this, but I was holding out hope. Thankfully, it wasn't abandoned, but I had to go to Patreon to find out. Not a huge deal I guess, but putting updates on here would go a long way to show people that you mean it on this site at least.

Yea sorry for not updating much here. Had some Difficult weeks :)

Next Public version is just around the corner. (0.1.9). And I try to make more public versions from now on. (but I cannot promise)
I plan, releasing 2 Versions each month. (lower version for public).

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.1.9 Public)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:58 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
New Public Version is out now! (0.1.9)

Update Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

spellcheck update!
(NPC, Story, H-Scene and Item text) thanks to DAWN for fixing this :)
add details to all maps
fixed gamecrash (missing file for sideview battle)
reworked 2 Sex scenes (Dog 2 and Tentacle)
re-sized Enemies for sideview battle
remove display map-name from Dungeon Maps
fixe bug with mousetrap, fixed bug with Pub side Quest
more pub costumers
and more maps for dungeon. (1new Puzzle)

next update will be a big update!: Fishing, Alchemy, Farming, Day/Night System, Out of Combat Skills...
pretty sure we jump some versions... :) thanks!

0.1.5 (BIG Feature update)
Day and Night
Day counter, Sleep until..., Out of Combat skills. And Lucy get tired with time. so sleep is a must :)

Gardener Quest
(read the job offer at the Tavern and Hire a gardener. Bring him seeds and get some new Items for alchemy.)
Gardener can Level-up to 30! 2x H-Scene possible. (at level 10 and 20)

Alchemy Quest
(bring herbs to the Alchemy and get some very usefull Potions.

Fishing Quest
(Yup! Lucy can now use fishingpole and get Fishing EXP/Level-up)
add some spots where Lucy can start Fishing. (fish with 3 different baits or none)
(catch: Carp, Sarda, Monkfish, Plaice, Eel, Riverperch, Moonfish and Turbot)
excahnge Fish for tokens and earn nice Items!

New Shop Item: Dog Food! After finishing the Dog side Quests. The Dog's will stand infront of Lucy's Home.
now you can give Dog Food to replay H-Scenes and ofc earn Dirty Level+

get now Empty Bottle after using Potions

Wow! and with this version... The Village is almost done!
Next goal is to fix some bugs, remove placeholder and improve some stuff at the village.
after that I add more content to the Dungeon. (fixes and stuff until 0.2.0)
I'm proud and thankful guys! It's not just a financiel support. it is much more a motivation generator!


New short side Quest BDSM Cellar
BDSM H-scene picture (with placeholder, finish it at v0.2.0)
Fixed Day/Night bug (this time for sure!)
disable Day/night inside the Dungeon
fixed bug at slime cave (key cant be picked up multiple times anymore)
add more text to H-Scenes
balanced BGM for all maps (background music)
add text to unfinished maps. (allow me to release faster with hint that a map is still WIP) maps take so much time :D...
this Game Version will be released for the public. (when I release the next patreon only version)

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.1.9 Public)

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 6:49 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
0.2.5 Preview:
*Underwater part 2*
Underwater Dungeon looks now more nice. (add some bubbles to it)
Watch out for the Underwater Monster! puzzles and 1H-scene)
BDSM Cellar (map is now done), Lucy can no longer re-visit it.
Fixed Bug with Rope.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.1.9 Public)

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 1:10 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
Lucafin Fight Club - preview
For the next Game Version (will be 0.4.0) I add another side task to the Town. It is the Fight Club. Im not going to use the Battle System for the Dungeon, but still I want it inside the game. So why not making a side quest out of it.
The Player can level up and train lucy, buy equipment and stuff
(like all the rpg games)
After I release 0.4.0 for Patreons - I will release 0.3.1 for Public.
Should not take tooooo long. Its easy to set up since I can use the build in battle System.

Re: [RPG Maker MV] Lucafin Adventure (Alpha 0.3.1 Public 19.

PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:32 pm
by Martin_Yamanaka
New Public Version out now!
here are the Patchnotes 0.2.2 ---> 0.3.1
I hope you enjoy it! <3


if using an old save file. make sure to save outside the dungeon befor using the new game version!
(I have changed the way Ropes work.)
new title screen
replaced more Placeholder texts.
New Text for H-Scenes
More Dungeon Maps. (underwater dungeon part)
New Items and Puzzles. (underwater dungeon puzzles)
another entrance to the dungeon.
re-balanced tentacle Monsters HP (combat is not that important but still they are to weak)
Fishing (using other items as bait will not affect the results. and item will stay in inventory.)
(you can only lose baits, no quest items)
re-balanced price for most items. (working at the pub is now more important to get money)
another dog to find (no scene so far)

*Underwater part 2*
Underwater Dungeon looks now more nice. (add some bubbles to it)
Watch out for the Underwater Monster! puzzles and 1H-scene)
BDSM Cellar (map is now done), Lucy can no longer re-visit it.

Stone Cave done.
There is a new Puzzle to solve (using some old strange machines.)
Enter the domain of the Inferno Lord! (only the first map so far... this will be the biggest part of the Dungeon)
Rockmonster H-scene
add new location to the Village (preparing for next version)