Have you played too many slave OWNER games? SlaveMaker v3, BrothelSim, Harem, Harem Collector, Overwhored, Conquest, etc. etc. etc. Are you suddenly wanting to play a game from a SLAVE'S perspective? Well, do I have a game *cough*demo*cough* for you! Dive into the kingdom of Fatuua and follow the adventures of a slave named Chell. Through dozens of missions *cough*none-yet*cough* and maps *cough*only-three-complete-ones*cough*, discover secrets *cough*not-actually-spoiling-anything-you-little-fuckers*cough* and perhaps even find love in chains *cough*obviously-not-implemented*cough*. All your choices have an impact on the story *cough*not-yet*cough*. So what are you waiting for? Download the *cough*very-early-demo-of-the*cough* game here: https://mega.nz/#!mBMATBLQ!633mq3tGtqIq ... efIO8Kttpo
*hint* There are currently three codes; one should be obvious, one is a very famous code, and one prefers to be called Miss (check another part of the forums to find that reference) *hint*