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[Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:48 am
by Lithier
It's been a while! I didn't actually know we'd posted here previously, but one of your forum-goers suggested we come by again, and I thought since Katsu isn't on the team anymore, it would be a good idea to start a new thread.

So, hello! We're developing a 3D furry porn game centered around being the spoiled heir to the owner of the world's greatest brothel. The game will focus on learning how to please your clients, gaining levels and skills as you work your way up to higher tiers with more discerning tastes. Eventually you'll be able to indulge the most strange and exotic desires of the world's most wealthy and powerful, and just maybe prove yourself worthy to take over as the owner of The Cathouse! Along the way, you'll have the chance to get to know your coworkers, help them when they're in need, form relationships, and learn things from them to help you get the edge with tough clients.

We went through some hard times last year, we lost some people, and had to go on hiatus a while. But we've formed a new team, a stronger one than we ever had before, and we've rebuilt the game from the ground up! We recently built the basics of a pretty expansive character customizer system, and right now we're getting started on the big questions behind how we're going to make our plans for the gameplay work and look awesome, based on the customizer models. Those are our two biggest technical challenges, but we nailed the first one, so we've got high hopes for the gameplay! In the meantime, we've got lots of beautiful characters and NPC animations to check out, and we just redid the mansion itself in v0.4.


More screenshots:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):






You can check out our Patreon to download the latest free version! Supporters can get access to new versions early along with some other goodies like previews of WIP models and animations.

I just made a huge post recently explaining where we are in the overall process of making this game, what we're working on now and why, if you'd like the latest news. If you have any questions or want to discuss the project, you're welcome to comment anywhere on our Patreon, stop by our forum (it got wiped a while back and could really use some love) or comment here! I'll be checking in here fairly regularly, we do want to stay engaged with the community. Sorry the last thread pooped out! Hope you guys like the new content!

Sorry for the huge images, can't seem to make it resize with bbcode!

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:16 am
by YelloMit
I like the look of this, but every time I start to move around a bit in the game, it crashes. I have all the settings at the lowest, but it doesn't seem to help.

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:25 am
by Lithier
Hrmm. What OS are you on? Linux and Mac versions tend to be a little funky, partly since Unity doesn't seem to want to play nice with them. You said you turned everything down, did you both select Fast in the launcher and go into advanced graphics settings in-game? There's a pile of things in there that aren't controlled by the launcher.

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:48 pm
by YelloMit
I changed it to Fast in the launcher, and in the actual game settings, I turned everything down. I can create a character fine with no problems, but when it loads in, after moving around a bit, it just crashes every single time. I'm on Windows 8.1.

Also, when it does crash, I get a pop-up at the bottom right that says my AMD drivers crashed as well, which has never happened to me.

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:00 pm
Welcome back to LoK Forums

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:20 am
by T3X
YelloMit Wrote:I changed it to Fast in the launcher, and in the actual game settings, I turned everything down. I can create a character fine with no problems, but when it loads in, after moving around a bit, it just crashes every single time. I'm on Windows 8.1.

Also, when it does crash, I get a pop-up at the bottom right that says my AMD drivers crashed as well, which has never happened to me.

Hi, sorry to hear that, might I ask what GPU you have as well? I'm guessing your AMD drivers are fully updated too?


Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:15 pm
by Artiik

Scenes currently accessible in the game:
-April and Fenrir
-Evelyn and Rebecca
-Chloe and Fenrir (x2)

mean talking to them?
or actual scenes beacause i cant seem to reach them

but no game crashes for me (Playing on Fantastic)

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:51 pm
by T3X
Artiik Wrote:does

Scenes currently accessible in the game:
-April and Fenrir
-Evelyn and Rebecca
-Chloe and Fenrir (x2)

mean talking to them?
or actual scenes beacause i cant seem to reach them

but no game crashes for me (Playing on Fantastic)

Those are the scenes, so you'll want to talk to them to get those scenes, taking different chat paths to get the result you want. You'll see a "Listen intently..." chat option which will lead to a scene.

Re: [Unity] The Cathouse Tale is Back!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:59 am
by Artiik
Ohhh okay i see now i never press E after i used Listen intently