This game is a small project for me to try my hand a multiple art styles. It is a simple board game where the goal would be to obtain a number of point before your adversary. I say "would" because there's no win/fail state at the moment, but there's a working AI and ~10 kind of cards.
You play by dragging and dropping cards on the board during your play turn. Cards can only be placed on certain spaces, and you can only play them if your token is on one of these spaces (hover over a card in your hand to highlight the valid spaces). You can place one card per turn, and play one too(drop a card on your token to play it). You may also end your turn early (End turn button at the top of the screen) or discard a card (by dropping it on your discard stack), both of these actions will make your token move 1 space toward the right. Each card can move you on the board, and you play cards you reach at the end of the movement. You can inspect cards in your hand or on the board by clicking on them. Each card played after the first one will give you more and more bonus points. Your turn finish when you end up on an empty space.
Each card can change the Play stat (moves you toward the right), the domination and submission stats (domination moves you toward the top while submission moves you towards the bottom).
Press R to restart the game and Escape to quit.
A screenshot of the game.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
I'm not sure what i'll be adding to the game besides more cards.
Here's the link for the game!cAMCAQZa!3UmrCk4OYnFX68ZQwYFuN8mTMuYmJHG7y2havksvr9M
I'd like to receive critics on the art in the game (though what is present now is more or less in a rough state) and your thoughts on the game itself (card balancing, rules, etc...). There's still not much to try, but you can see where it's going from what's there.
Thanks in advance