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Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.10 Free Update

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:46 pm
by Dede Kusto

Version 0.10

Win Version:!9c5VFSSL!jKhjj5aQ50XW ... SHDS7yEoZ0

Mac Version:!UFYUBCyb!AKDLiEBJ4XNfYbsPGs3A6Q

Walkthrough and Save Files:!oJRXzbJC!gBZRDtb2TvDU ... NvTRZJAYVE

Hello everyone,

This is Dede! After consuming a good amount of time on adult games, I decided to step up and create my own. I'm using Rpg Maker MV which I think is a great platform for creating in-depth stories and combining them with a decent 2d world.
Yes, I named it "The Opening" because I'm expecting it to be the start of a very long series. The first game will conclude in 9 days (game time) and after the 9 days, you will play the ending that you have shaped with your prior choices. So the complete game will be 9 days plus the endings. The story will take place in a town called "Gates City" in the modern day.
The protagonist is a 25 years old male character whose name is Sam Adams. He will start working as a literature teacher at the Gates High School right after the intro of the game. You can also work as a part-time waiter in a local medieval themed inn. More part-time job opportunities will appear as the game progress. There is a whole city waiting for you to discover!
There will be 3 main endings and all the endings will have their unique locations and story lines. Besides to the main endings, there will be quite a bunch of side endings. These endings can happen from day 1 to day 8 and all of them are story related.


Currently, there are 9 ( average of 50*50) maps within the game and I'm planning to enlarge it after the first chapter is completed. All the maps are representing a different part of the city and edited according to this.

In Game Map:

There is also a subway system which will help you to travel around quickly. I placed 3 subway stations to the strategic points of the city so you don't have to walk this big map on foot.

Gates City Subway:

The story line will grow bigger and bigger as the game progress. With all the different choices that you will choose, you will get a piece of the big picture. These branches with the story will also create a good amount of replayability.


You will never meet a dull character inside the game. All the characters will have their fair amount of effect to the story. Because all of them will have their own personal ambitions and agendas. There will be 10+ characters and you will be in a real interaction with them. Sometimes your actions will affect them and sometimes their actions will affect you.


Well, you probably realized that English is not my first language while reading the post but let me say it again English is not my first language :). And I want to work with one of you as a proofreader. It's gonna be a long project,this part depends on the feedbacks that I will get, though, and I need someone to give me quick reports (in 2-3 days) about the games new releases. So if you are interested please send me a pm with the mistakes that you have found within the demo. It's a story driven game and I really don't want my grammar mistakes to ruin the ambiance. If English is your mother tongue please let me know. Because I'm tending to choose someone from the "Anglosphere".

I also placed and easter egg / secret achievement inside the game. If you find it send the name of the achievement to me (via pm) and I'll make you the first official tester of the game which means you will have the new releases before everyone else. It'll be a reward type of thing so you don't have to send me bug reports but if you do I'll be grateful for that.
Good luck!

Like I said the game will have 3 chapters and whenever I finish a new chapter I'll release the prior chapter for free. For the beginning, I will release the updated free public demo after I start making of the first chapter.(Thursday Events)

Well, that's all I can say for now. I'm looking forward to hearing your feedbacks.


Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:18 am
by Teal
I'd found the easter egg, but i can't send privates yet :(

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It is at the beginning of the game, i should say the name of the achivement anyway?

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:09 am
by Dede Kusto
[quote="Teal"]I'd found the easter egg, but i can't send privates yet :(

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It is at the beginning of the game, i should say the name of the achivement anyway?

That's the right answer, Teal. With jbomb (he sent pm to me) you both won in my book. Please send a message to [email protected] so i can send you the games updates when it's ready.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:13 pm
by Darthjake
Lol does that mean I'm going through the game in vain?

I was trying to get everything bookmarked before I sent you a pm, but if it's already done let me know. Kinda of a time consumer when you can only save once and have multiple choices for each encounter.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:50 pm
by Dede Kusto
Yes, it's done. But i can always use a feedback :/

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:02 am
by Darthjake
Well you did well on the spelling for the most part, I found some mistakes but even those sometimes I had to check twice to make certain of the spelling what I found the most of was use of "i" instead of "I", and sometimes missing an apostrophe like in "that's".

That and a few sentences that probaby could have used a bit better structuring, but I'm no grammer nazi, the story itself is well written.

I know you are probably going for making the choices count but that tour / intro is a beast if you are trying to explore all the options, lol.

That and the prologue took me the longest. You might also provide an auto save before the "game over" screen, I about blew a gasket when I saw those words come across the screen and the only thing that saved me from closing the game was that I was trying to hit ESC to reload to a prior save when it faded and the game came back.

I should have realized it due to prior events, but damn that was good, you really had me going.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:23 am
by Teal
Dede Kusto Wrote:
Teal Wrote:I'd found the easter egg, but i can't send privates yet :(

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It is at the beginning of the game, i should say the name of the achivement anyway?

That's the right answer, Teal. With jbomb (he sent pm to me) you both won in my book. Please send a message to [email protected] so i can send you the games updates when it's ready.

Yay, i win haha, i gonna send you a message right now :)

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:24 pm
by Berten1
Is there still a chance to get those updates (only found this today), or will there only be 2 winners?

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:01 pm
by kazacku
killing old people. The greatest of achievements.
Seriously though, it's a really good game so far.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:49 am
by theredfear
Friendly suggestion. Let me pick my own First and Last Name. It's a very common RPG feature, so I can't imagine it's that difficult. It's a small thing I know, but having a name imposed on me is something I don't much care for in games.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:58 am
by Dede Kusto
theredfear Wrote:Friendly suggestion. Let me pick my own First and Last Name. It's a very common RPG feature, so I can't imagine it's that difficult. It's a small thing I know, but having a name imposed on me is something I don't much care for in games.

Hello, sorry for the late reply. I didn't get any email notifications so far and thought nobody is talking about the game :/

Yes, letting users name a character is easy but the name that I used has some meaning behind it (Just like all the other NPC's) so it's part of the story.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker MV Game (Alpha Testing)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:07 am
by Dede Kusto

I just released an update. For now, It's available for the patrons and later it will be available to the public when I release my new update.

So what's new with the update:

A New character named Aura. Here she is;


3 New Events:
1)Doctor's Office Event (Happens after the class. You have to talk with Mr. Caligari)
2)Aura's Event (Happens at night near Sam's house. You need to be on the right path to completely finish this event)
3)Rest of the webcam event. (You have to finish the Aura's event first to trigger it.)

Shops & Buyable Items
There are two types of items that you can buy. One of them will restore your health and the other one will restore your energy.

You can buy the album for Ulya if you have talked with her.

I also fixed/added things that you can do inside the house.
Now you can have dinner and take a nap. These actions will restore your health and energy.

And fixed the stereo. Now it works properly and you can turn off/on the music with it.

Also, you can use the gym's sauna and restore energy there too.

I placed a drug dealer next to Sam's house. Gates City is not an easy place to live in so yeah :) Drugs will change your morality and ego levels. Their effects are temporary and will wear off after some time.(If you use it in the morning, it's effect will wear off in the afternoon. If you use it in the afternoon it's effect will wear off next morning.)

Along with the map, i also added a baseball bat. You can equip it and use it as a weapon. It will give you +5 attack so no more dying in the cellar :)

I also added a shutdown button and a credits button to the main menu.


Dede Kusto.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:14 am
by theredfear
I know it's a small detail, but I for one wish I could choose a name of my preference for the protagonist. It's a relatively common feature so I can't imagine it would be that difficult to implement. First and last name ideally, but if it can only be one or the other then last name. I just don't much care for "Mr. Adams".

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:21 pm
by Samurai
Pretty cool game rly liked it aslo I fount a little bug in the intro if u happen to click the door to your classroom u get in it before ms goodman has a chance to talk to u and u get stuck inside

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:49 pm
by DragonG
i can't get one thing if u say that u will hande it with ulya on first day u surely loss th game? there is no way to succed in that route?

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:55 pm
by Darthjake
DragonG Wrote:i can't get one thing if u say that u will hande it with ulya on first day u surely loss th game? there is no way to succed in that route?

Wait out the game over scene... :D

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:58 am
by DragonG
never did it i am an idiot ty

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:00 am
by Darthjake
Nah, just hot tempered like all gamers when they get a game over for what they think was a perfectly rational decision. :D

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.02 Free Update

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:26 am
by Dede Kusto

Version 0.04 is out for patrons and V.0.03 is available to the public
There are 12 new events related to the main story and 1 new side event. (More than 8k words)


You can download the V.0.03 from these links

Win Version:!ZMAnHRgL!LoR6VMvHfOLM ... K_-GEpKi0c

Mac Version:!RM4l0bwA!ULHoj-8vxbYE8SMRar5Gtw

-Matilda Hill with 2 new events.

-Mary Goodman with 2 new events.

-Lilia Evers with 1 new event.

-Kari Moon with 1 new event.

-Ulya Lebowski with 1 new event.

-Eva Angelina (School nurse) with 1 new event.

-Helena (Bard Girl) with 1 new event.

-Aura with a new event.

-Cassandra Hill with a new event.

-Ashley Cole (The Barista) with a new event.

-Also, a side character that you will find near to your house after school.
-Skip the waiter mini game option added.
-Skip the puzzle option added (The one at the Inn's cellar)

Dede Kusto.

Re: Gates; "The Opening" Rpg Maker Version0.03 Free Update

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:37 am
by theredfear
I could use some help. I was unable to trigger the new event with the nurse. Every time I tried to enter the office it just said the door was locked.

Similarly, every time I went to the Inn for the Bard event it just said I had nothing to do there.

Are these events bugged or am I doing something wrong?

Lil disappointed in the Barista event. Morality was low enough that failure was the only option and zero'd out my relationship points with her.