[RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

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[RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:30 pm

The Janitor.

A simple game where you play as a janitor. As of 2016-06-30 that is 2016-30-06 for some, I have decided to put this project into hiatus, as in, "on the shelf", no longer in active development.
There are alot of reasons for this, but first and for most is that this was my first rpg maker project, and I wanted to use this to learn about the program.
My ambition was that in the future I might make a game and host it on a website, but right now no such game is in the makeing.

I have learned much from this project, such as but not limited to, the need to plan ahead, how easy it is to get side tracked, and how addictive it is to work with rpg maker,
I have more then once found myself sitting with the program for 24 hours straight just to solve the next canandrum.

When I first posted this project I was sure I was going to be able to finish it, and I did have a plan for what I wanted to do. HOWEVER, I didn´t plan far enough ahead,
and after much debate, as in me sitting and arguing with myself, I came to the conclution that I should drop this project.
Will this be my last project, probably not, but for now I am going back to the drawingboard to redo everything from scratch.

I want to thank the people that posted in this thread, it gave me a funny feeling seeing as someone acctully took part of what I did.
As I wrote in my orignal post, (this one but I edited it with each update) I will post the project files for the game, so if anyone would want to, they can download the game and continue
or use it to see how NOT to do it. I really learned alot and I will use those things for my next project.
For those that have tested the game, I thank you, for those that hoped for a full game, I am sorry.

According to Mega.zn where I host the files the files will be available for 30 days, from the last download, so if the files are no longer here, that means that the site nolonger has them.

Well that was that... also here is the last version as promiced, and as said, it is by no means complete, but there are some things to do.

The game as rar, playable in a browser about 180mb.

The game files for rpg maker MV about 375 mb.
This is useless to download if you don´t have the program RpgMaker MV if you want to check it out, use google to search for it

Things that this project teached me.
The need for planing.
Rpg Maker.
Basic scripting.
How many images on the net that acctully has copyright attached to them.
Not to release a game unless it is ATLEAST in the beta stage, as in everything is in there it just needs bug testing.
The need for planing (yes one more time)
How much time is needed on a project like this.
How nerve wrecking it is to let other people see what you have done.

See you in the future, when I have made a more complete game, and one that I have planed out more ahead of time.
BYE BYE for now.
Last edited by Duoiz on Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:29 pm, edited 14 times in total.
Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:13 pm

Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby kvier » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:43 pm

Things hosted on Mega require a decryption key. Either your URL needs to look like mega.nz/#!zyxwvuts!abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFG , or you need to include the decryption key for us to copy/paste
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:44 pm

THanks for informing me. Thought that when I choice key free url, it didn´t need it... going to fix this before heading of to bed.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby konowal » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:38 am

link to game still doesn`t work.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby hoboy » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:18 am

Missing the H up front. I copied adding the h and opened a fresh chrome window and it downloaded fine. Still need to try to out though...
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby konowal » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:25 am

it missed pictured2.png:d
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby zerolegend15 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:49 pm

I am having a problem getting the game to load it keeps telling me that it failed to load data/Actors.json. Any ideas on why?
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby kvier » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:19 am

Chrome has some obnoxiously pedantic rules about what javascript programs are allowed to do from the local filesystem. Try another browser?

Theoretically, chrome has an option you can set for "let me play my DHTML game without a web server", but my copy never seemed to accept it.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:43 am

hoboy Wrote:Missing the H up front. I copied adding the h and opened a fresh chrome window and it downloaded fine. Still need to try to out though...

Fixed. Thanks, guess doing a 50+ hours marathon on this made me a biiiit lose on details...

konowal Wrote:it missed pictured2.png:d

There should be no image named pictured2.png. I am guessing you are refering to picture "2.png" If that is so I will fix that with the next patch.
Try to avoid using the "Imagez" on the computer terminal for now, the picture in question should only be viewable there.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:47 am

kvier Wrote:Chrome has some obnoxiously pedantic rules about what javascript programs are allowed to do from the local filesystem. Try another browser?

Theoretically, chrome has an option you can set for "let me play my DHTML game without a web server", but my copy never seemed to accept it.

Thanks for the heads up. I only have firefox myself so I hanv´t been able to test other browsers.
But since the game should only be using html5 and javascript, it should work on all browsers.
Provided they have basic support and the rigtht settings.
I can only edit my main post every hour or so since all posts needs to be administrated for now, but when I upload the new version (probably today or tomorrow) I will include what you have said in the main post.

Thanks again.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Alex250 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:24 am

Lots of bugs and annoyances in this game, but lots of potential as well.

- The bathroom is a trap, you cannot get out of it.
- I got to a point where I couldn't progress when starting the game with the Intro. The Red Letter Box would not give me the request.
- At some point Jenny's room locks up, I don't know what triggers it.
- Once you blackmail Jenny the appartment 103 locks up, despite keeping the whole thing secret to her mother.
- There's nothing to do except on Tuesday, from what I have experienced. This is not explained very well. While I know when all the inhabitants are there you will have things to do every day it might be a good thing to give Jenny a few more days off.
- There are many missing pictures: the picture from the kitchen (picture2 I think), six pictures for the gloryhole (gh_103_[b1|b2|b3] and gh_Jenny_[c1|c2|c3]) and maybe more. I could go trough the gloryhole scenes creating a pic with the right name in the img->pictures folder.
- After you make Jenny submissive enough to get her phone number corrupting her feels very grindy, getting the same blowjob scene every time. Consider making it either a linear progression like in the allayway or make a pool of avaliable scenes (like the gloryhole I think)
- I did not find a way to raise her Like, despite reaching over 100% submissiveness.

I hope you can fix your game, it has a lot of potential. I particularly liked the Gloryhole using two pictures to make the setting, and I hope we get more people to work there.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:43 am

Alex250 Wrote:...
- The bathroom is a trap, you cannot get out of it.
- I got to a point where I couldn't progress when starting the game with the Intro. The Red Letter Box would not give me the request.
- At some point Jenny's room locks up, I don't know what triggers it.
- Once you blackmail Jenny the appartment 103 locks up, despite keeping the whole thing secret to her mother.
- There's nothing to do except on Tuesday, from what I have experienced. This is not explained very well. While I know when all the inhabitants are there you will have things to do every day it might be a good thing to give Jenny a few more days off.
- There are many missing pictures: the picture from the kitchen (picture2 I think), six pictures for the gloryhole (gh_103_[b1|b2|b3] and gh_Jenny_[c1|c2|c3]) and maybe more. I could go trough the gloryhole scenes creating a pic with the right name in the img->pictures folder.
- After you make Jenny submissive enough to get her phone number corrupting her feels very grindy, getting the same blowjob scene every time. Consider making it either a linear progression like in the allayway or make a pool of avaliable scenes (like the gloryhole I think)
- I did not find a way to raise her Like, despite reaching over 100% submissiveness.

Was just about to post an update when I saw your post, I see I have alot of things to fix, thanks for the finds. But since I need to do some other things the update will take atleast another 12 hours due to bug fixing.
It is so hard to bug search when you know "how to" advance the game. So you really helped me out.

As for having jenny not liking you when you black mailed her, the like factor in this case is to be (not yet implemented) game over trigger, atleast untill I can come up with a good senario for you to turn the tables on her like/dislike.
(I think I might rename this hate instead of like... makes more sence really)
As for the reason tuesdays is the only "active day" I need to implement more girls, more events, locations and so on. Once downtown is added you will be able to run into the chars there. For instance you might get to see one of Jannets Yoga (cl)ass(es) :P
As for missing pictures, I think there must be something wrong with the code if it leaves out all those, they SHOULD be in there... I will have to redownload the file from mega myself and check some things. I will also recheck the game once more
once I have converted it to www format.
Once again thanks alot. Looking forward to giving you an updated version.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Killer12345 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:50 pm

Great game idea. Can't wait to try the update when it comes out
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:13 am

Wow, a game about janitors? Finally, someone made a game about me!
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Killer12345 » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:39 pm

New version bugs
Cannot started the first quest room 103 - go to room no girl ?
right clicking to cancel sometimes error
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby DragonG » Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:05 pm

i don't really get what to do i get a pic i sell it but i cannot see it ?!?!? and more over there is kinda nothin to do...
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby dullman » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:03 pm

Duoiz Wrote:Hi all!

New game I made, hope to share it with you all.
You play as a janitor and try to get girls and money while you keep your job.

So my question is about a game, since i do not know if i would like, you plan to making money attach with girls (like slowly from pictures through making porn towards making them prostitute themselves) or rather independent form girls (like you either gets adult content with money or gets money by doing some normal jobs)?

As for 3d software i would propose you to use daz3d models and render software since it's the biggest 3d model store which also has adult models (although it's in shops called renderotica), and the base models are free and can be used to render scenes without additional license (additional license allows you to use 3d models in your 3d games). If you had skills in 3d modelling you would be better by making yourself a 3d adult oriented model, but i believe if you had a little skills it's better to rely on existing models and slowly try to start makes yourself models for hair/clothes/etc.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:09 pm

Killer12345 Wrote:New version bugs
Cannot started the first quest room 103 - go to room no girl ?
right clicking to cancel sometimes error

The events are set that you cannot even enter room 103 before you get get the first quest. If you have entered the room the quest should have been picked up, and Jannet should spawn in her room. (you can´t see through walls you need to go in)
Tested this several times today and could not trigger this bug.
Make sure you actully get the request from the mailbox and not just get the information about it. I will change this in the next version so that the pointers that show that corridor 1 have been unlocked isn´t hightlighted, since this misslead the player.

dullman Wrote:
So my question is about a game, since i do not know if i would like, you plan to making money attach with girls (like slowly from pictures through making porn towards making them prostitute themselves) or rather independent form girls (like you either gets adult content with money or gets money by doing some normal jobs)?

As for 3d software i would propose you to use daz3d models and render software since it's the biggest 3d model store which also has adult models (although it's in shops called renderotica), and the base models are free and can be used to render scenes without additional license (additional license allows you to use 3d models in your 3d games). If you had skills in 3d modelling you would be better by making yourself a 3d adult oriented model, but i believe if you had a little skills it's better to rely on existing models and slowly try to start makes yourself models for hair/clothes/etc.

Sorry if I miss read your question but you wanna know if all money gain is from prostitution of girls or not.
There is planed 3 ways of income increase. (only 2 implemented so far.)
Selling Images on the Internetz.
Getting girls to work for you, either by trickig them or by their own free will (maybe paying them). (good/bad ending/version more or less.)
Doing quests. Most quest will in the begining be focused around the sex. After all this is a game about sex. But there will, MAYBE, when I have time and the energy be quests that are non sex related that increase your standing/increases your pay.

Money will be spent on investing in tools such as but not limted to, glory hole upgrades, some events (they will have a cost to activate them), aswell as buying cameras and tools needed to do quests.

Also thanks for the tip I will look into it. But Right now I am considering holding the 3d model thing of untill I get my mind around RPG Maker. This is my first project and as such, things are already looking messy when it comes to switches and variables.
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby DragonG » Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:31 am

probably it is me but it doesn't enter her bedroom i just spam the enter button in front of the exit sign before her room but it does nothin any help?
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Re: [RPG Maker MV] The janitor free project

Postby Duoiz » Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:38 pm

DragonG Wrote:probably it is me but it doesn't enter her bedroom i just spam the enter button in front of the exit sign before her room but it does nothin any help?

I think I finnaly was able to repreduce the bug in question.

If you talk to the debug wizard he sets the day to saturday, My bad, apparnetly this sets some triggers out of wack, especially the ones that are set to take place before you can use the bed.
Sadly I don´t have time right now to fix this.

If it doesn´t work even if you don´t talk to the wizard please let me know. Then I will need to, most likley anyway, redo most of the game, since I can´t find what is causing this.
(tear it down and build it up again.)
If you talk to the wizard he sets the day to saturday, and you can only get the quest from the mailbox on mondays, you can also only find Jannet on mondays for the first encounter.
And you can´t change time due to the fact that you can only do that once you have placed the first spycam in jannets bedroom.

Atleast I have narrowed down the reason for the bug. Now I just need to have some time to fix this, maybe this weekend. depends.
Thank you ppl for locating this !#"¤! of a bug. Hopefuly this is the cause.
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