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[RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.14 PUBLIC [01/06/19]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:25 am
by Kolren
Hello all.
This is the first game I actually release (well, kinda of) for other people to see. I’ve worked on other games before but I always kept them between friends or just to myself. If you have any suggestion, compliment, criticism, bug/bad grammar report or question can be either posted on this thread or sent to my email: [email protected].

About the Game
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Domination Quest is made using the RPG Maker MV engine, so there’s no need to install an RTP to play it anymore. The game is just an exe you can download the latest version at the end of this post. Another significant difference is that you now can also play you’re your mouse, so you get one free hand at all times. Yay \o/

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Asus is the daughter of an ex-adventurer. After her mom retired from doing big jobs she and her family moved to the little village of Bordon, in the Grasslands. But Asus’ family isn’t a normal one: her mother is a very dominant type, who likes to make people serve her, man and woman alike. Influenced by her mother Asus trained her entire like together with her effeminate childhood friend, Mile, to be an adventurer and get people to serve her just like her mother.
But right on the day she and Mile were old enough to become adventurers a succubus appeared near the village. She told them that the demon lords are infiltrating the mortal realm disguised as them. Asus makes a pact with the demoness and now with the help of the succubus magic she’ll try to stop the demonic takeover while getting a few pets during the way.

Latest Version Notes:
And it's finally here. This is the last story update to the game and the official end of the project. Well, official only in the sense there's nothing else to add to it besides the art that's still being done. This update adds the final string of events and completes this version of Domination Quest. Is not what I first envisioned, by far, but it's still good to say it's finally finished after almost 3 years of development.

The release took way longer than expected to get out because Mars had a problem with his HD, resulting in him losing all of his work on the last few maps and me getting a new job on top of the holidays and family was over and by the end of it I had to make the ending faster than intended for the sake of closure. There's a new CG leaving 21 to be done and once they are all inside I'll finally mark the game as its 1.0 version. There'll be a post on Patreon and the blog soon regarding the next project but for now thanks for everyone that played this game. I know it's really faulty and even taxing at certain spots, but I just glad I finally officially finished a project.

Due to the delay in the release, I decided to skip a bit of the time-gating stuff and do a full public release right out of the gate in hopes of compensating for it a bit.

How to Install an Update Patch:
Download the patch and unzip it on top of the old game folder, replacing all files it asks to.

Link to latest public version.
Development Blog

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

V0.13.4 Changelog:
- Two visual bugs fixed;
- Removing old doodads;
- Setting a few tilesets correctly.

V0.13.3 Changelog:
- Fixed visual bugs on a number of maps;
- Fixed the size of the two maps;
- Added the teleport between the Cathedral and Water Warden Temple;
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to walk on top of some guild boards.

V0.13.2 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug that would take Asus out of the map on "Escort to Merchant's Stop" and "How to Train Your Providers";
- Fixed a small typo in the Caravan Leader dialog;
- Fixed visual bugs on the Noble and Palace districts in Salt Castle;
- Added the CG for a scene in Riverbank.

V0.13.1 Changelog:
- Fixed the trigger on To the Elemental Plateau;
- Fixed the nameplate for the Prince during the Badlands event.

V0.13 Changelog:
- Added the areas od Plague Fort and Badlands;
- Added one new Main Quest;
- Added one new sex scene.

V0.13[5] Changelog:
- Miah Household added to the game;
- One new Main Quest;
- Fixed the event on Merilyn's farm main map;
- Fixed Seagull's Rest western exist;
- Added one new CG.

V0.12.1 Changelog:
- Fixed Riverbank's south exit.

V0.12 Changelog:
- Reworked some maps for the Highpool area;
- Reworked the maps of the Crossing Bridge area.

V0.12[5] Changelog:
- Reworked maps for Merchant's Stop.

V0.11.2 Changelog:
- Small modifications for the roads connecting to Riverbank;
- Fixed one of the crystals in Lust Palace.

V0.11 Changelog:
- Revamped the Hideout maps;
- Added the CG for Maradan's Verdant scene;
- Updated the reward text for some quests.

V0.11[5] Changelog:
- Revamped maps for Lust Palace and Riverbank;
- Changed some quest rewards texts.

V0.10.2 Changelog:
- Fixed Horse teleport;
- Fixed Scenic Memory menus visible conditions;
- Fixed tileset collisions for insides;
- Added calibration events for Brightfish and Salt Castle.

V0.10.1 Changelog:
- Fixed a few bugs with Merilyn's quest.

V0.10 Changelog:
- Revamped the maps of Verdant and Bordon's regions;
- Changed a few rewards texts;
- Added the CG for Leia's Verdant scene.

V0.10.1[5] Changelog:
- Fixed the transport from Verdant to Bordon.

V0.10[5] Changelog:
- Changed the maps for the region of Bordon.

V0.9.4 Changelog:
- Fixed bug with Rock Shatter Fort's main quest;
- Fixed a bug with Gentle Breeze's side quest.

V0.9.3 Changelog:
- Added one new side quest to Gentle Breeze;
- Three new H scenes added;
- Fixed the party NPCs being visible on the ceiling when talking to the Smuggler Boss;
- You should properly fight the Smuggler Boss instead of him disappearing after you talk with him;
- Completing Maradan's pet quest won't lock "Map form the Past" anymore;
- Two items from Gentle Breeze's item shop shouldn't be placeholders anymore;
- The inns of Whitestone and Gentle Breeze should send you back to the right maps when visiting Lust Palace;
- The guard at Salt Palace should say the right noble that you choose in Brightfish when first arriving;
- "Shady Deals" should be properly completed after you see the scene with Albana now;
- You won't get locked inside the blacksmith at the fort anymore;
- The mysterious figure in the fort should disappear after the event;
- Added a missing audio file;
- The screen should fade back in after the event at the ruins.

V0.9.2 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug in the Pet Quest for Leia and Main Quest at Ferdinand's Fort.

V0.9.1 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug that crashed the game when trying to open the menu or dealing with the Quest Log.

V0.9 Changelog:
- Gold and esperience rewards reworked;
- Level requirements changed;
- Battles rebalanced.

V0.9[5] Changelog:
- Gentle Breeze Added to the game;
- One new Main Quest added;
- One new scene with Alisa added;
- Fixed a bug with Water Warden Temple's Main Quest.

V0.8.1 Changelog:
- Added two Side Quests;
- Added one Pet Quest;
- Fixed the target scope for the Stimulant;
- Fixed a teleport at Whitestone that was taking the player to the wrong map.

V0.8 Changelog:
- Kido's art has been taken off the game. The first piece by MothKing has been added;
- The calibration event at Salt Palace has been fixed to give levels to Frederica instead of Albana;
- White Stone, Rock Shatter Fort and Water Warden Temple have been added to the game, together with their Main Quests;
- A calibration event has been added to Whitestone in case you've completed the Main Quets ther ein version [5].

V0.7.3 Changelog:
- Added two missing enemies files;
- New party member enters the party at level 13;
- Added a calibration event to bring the new party member to level 13 is recruited on 0.7.2.

V0.7.2 Changelog:
- Added missing Magic4 file;
- During Frederica's chase you can't leave Brightfish main map;
- You can't trigger Frederic's chase scene more than once;
- Added a calibrator to bring Frederica to level 12;
- The party member won't be seen on top of the roof during the confrontation with the smuggler's leader;
- You won't get inverted dukes on the Royal Ball quest anymore;
- Fixed event on Ferdinand's house not being autorun;
- Fixed Duchess Solari flavor speech to action button;
- Fixed permanent black screen after the event with Ferdinand after the ball.

V0.7.1 Changelog:
- Added the file "StateUp.png".

V0.7 Changelog:
- Salt Castle added;
- One new main quest and two new side quests;
- One new party member;
- Two new futa scenes.

V0.6.6 Changelog:
- Player start position fixed;
- Missing file error at Maradan's quest fixed;
- Added Frederica's recruitment scenes.

V0.6.5 Changelog:
- Fixed the infinite loop when talking with Alisa in Maradan's quest;
- Fixed the teleports at the abandoned house;
- Merilyn doesn't appear in Merchant's Stop after moving to the Hideout;
- Player shouldn't be able to walk through certaing tiles anymore;
- The right ladder to the scret passage now takes you to the right entrance;
- Using the horse now tints the screen;
- The horse now should be unlocked after completing the Cathedral;
- Highpool missing scene was added;
- Fixed Frederica's recruitment scene.

V0.6.4 Changelog:
- Fixed the bug that freezed the game upon entering the smuggler's den.

V0.6.3 Changelog:
- Fixed Brightfish's entrance teleport;
- Fixed the teleport to the guard post second floor;
- Fixed the infinite loop when choosing which side to help;
- Fixed a running event in the smuggler hideout;
- Fixed Frederica's skills;
- Added the missing stores in Brightfish;
- Changed the game's first messages;
- The horse doesn't get permanently blocked after completing Highpool.

V0.6.2 Changelog:
- Added the missing "OpenX.ogg" files;
- Fixed the bug with the Cathredal's garden map.
- Asus now starts the game invisible during the first texts.

V0.6.1 Changelog:

- Added the city of Brightfish;
- One new Main Quest, three new Side Quests and one new Pet Quest;
- One new party member;
- Two new CGs;
- Calibration events to unlock CGs from scenes previously watched.
- A bunch of typos were corrected.

V0.S4.1 Changelog:

- Added the regions of Seagull's Rest and Cathedral.
- One new Main Quest.
- One new party companion.
- "Lesser Synchronization" shoudn't cause your game to hang anymore.
- The events with the Fake Nun won't leave your screen faded out now.
- Various old calibration events removed form the game.
- Exp rewards were changed for better level progression.
- Older enemies were rewords so they aren't too easy.

V0.S3.5 Changelog:

- New games start properly.
- You can't use the horse to skip the wolves battle in Merilyn's quest.
- Alisa won't mention a cock when choosing Merilyn's scene.
- Now you need to interact with the locked door in Furybrak Mausoleum before being able to find the key.
- The screen wont stay black once you go to Lust Palace after the marriage scene nd the event will run properly.
- The darklings for "Dark Armies" can now be properly found in the mangroove.
- "The Beast" quest now uses the right variable to track its progress.

V0.S3.4 Changelog:

- Fixed Riverbank waitress and Merilyn display issue.
- Fixed Hideout second floor teleport event.
- Fixed the Hideout first floor second version teleport.
- Fixed Gustav not showing up in Highpool when it should.
- Fixed player not being able to equip the rings.

V0.S3.3 Changelog:

- Fixed a lenght with a line in a banter between Leia and Mile
- Merilyn only shows up in Merchant's Stop after the Hideout is done.
- Merchant's Stop teleport only becomes available after completing "How to Train Your Providers"
- After completing Merilyn's quest Asus' party comes back.
- The punks in Highpool doesn't appear again in the warehouse after completing the quest
- Fixed a few typos in Merilyn's Companionship Scene
- Various plugins were updated

V0.S3.2 Changelog:

- Fixed the issues with MenRecolour.png and Originals.png... Hopefully
- Merilyn's quest shouldn't loop anymore.
- "Cut a Deal" only rewards the player once.
- Removed Riverbank's Calibration Event.
- Aded Merilyn's Domination Scene.

V0.S3.1 Changelog:
- Originals.png and MenRecolour.png shouldn't crash your game anymore.
- You can now enter Merchant's Stop stores.

V0.S3 Changelog:
- Two new areas: Merchant's Stop and Highpool
- Two new Main Quests
- Two new Side Quests
- Three new Guild Quests
- You can now complete "Escort to Merchant's Stop"
- New party companion: Merilyn
- Seven new sex scenes (Three Implemented)
- Plugin updated so it helps clear memory

V0.S2.3 Changelog:
- Added a "Status" command to the battle screen.
- Added some missing files.
- Buffed player's status.

V0.S2.1 Changelog:
- Added some missing files.

V0.S2 Changelog:
- Added two new main quests, three new guild quests, three new side quests.
- Two new sets of scenes with three variants each.
- Riverbank and Hideout added.
- Asus now has a natural 10% armor penetration in basic attacks.
- Exp and gold rewards throught the whole game have been revamped to help decrease griding necessity

V0.S1.2 Changelog:
- A few grammar correction.
- Correct a game breaking issue with the event after the hobgoblin is defeated.
- Implemented a fix for the memory leaking issue.

V0.S1.1 Changelog:
- Fixed a few parallax issues with Meru's House, Verdant and the Equipment Shop.
- Fixed some textbox/grammar errors.
- The inside house maps we're reworked, so, instead of the roof filling up the unused parts of the map, the places outside the walls will now be black.
- Some events where tweaked to work more efficiently or have a few bugs fixed.

- First release of the game rework, covering Bordon and Verdant.

- Start position of the character fixed.
- Maradan, Frederica and Leia will only appear in the "Election" quest if they're in your party.

- Now you can't the reward from "The Wereshark Attack" more than once.
- The final sex scene in the lesbian route in the Magical Academy quest should play now.

- One new Main Quest, three new Guild Quests, one new Pet Quest and two new Misc. Quests
- Eight new sex scenes.
- Fixed the "Missing People" event trigger bug.
- Fixed a bug that made Leia's scene in Brightfish to repeat after completing Maradan's breaking quest
- Corrected a few bugs regarding Maradan's Breaking Quest.
- Corrected a few guild quests that weren’t giving guild reputation.

V 0.4
- Two new Main Quests, one new Guild Quest and one new Pet Quest
- New sex scenes for Mile and Leia.
- Two new companions: Bella the apprentice nun and Frederica the wannabe thief

V 0.3
- One new Main Quest, one new Miscellaneous Quest and three new Guild Quests.
- Rework in how the events track quest progression.
- Rework in how events change pages.
- Added Fast Travel, Ingredient Gathering and Item Synthesis systems.
- TP now works differently.
- Testing a new style of sex scenes to add as an option.

V 0.2.1
- Fixed bugs with Alisa’s scenes, intro scenes, gold window and Lust Palace.
- Added a few new appearances for the cursor and indicators for new quests.
- Re-design of Riverbank map.

V 0.2
- Added the locations of Riverbank, Merchant’s Stop, Hideout and Merilyn’s Farm.
- 10 new quests that can be completed and another 4 that can be started.
- 3 new scenes, 2 with 2 variants and 1 with 3 variants.
- A lot of changes in the scripts and events.

V 0.1.1
- Added the missing files.
- Correct a few events on Verdant that made Asus be alone in the part inside the city.
- Corrected an event on Bordon, now the last scene of the introduction won’t play again when entering the village after advancing Verdant quest.

V 0.1:
- First release

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.1 [11/05/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:31 pm
by Akkin
A good game with a good story that promises good things ... but that lacks a lot of files.

When I start a fight, I come across this error message: Failed To Load: audio / SE / attack1.ogg

When I go to the Item Shop: failed to load: img / characters / actor1.png

After discussion between Asus and Miles to the inn: Failed to load audio / bgm / dungeon4.ogg

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:02 pm
by konowal
where can i found adventures from the first quest?

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:01 pm
by Zaiaku666
Kinda laggy, the grammar needs a whole lot of work.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:46 pm
by Kolren
konowal Wrote:where can i found adventures from the first quest?

One of them is in the guild, the other one is in the equipment shop.

Zaiaku666 Wrote:Kinda laggy, the grammar needs a whole lot of work.

The lag is a problem with the engine in a few computers. And I know, english is not my first language and sometimes (almost always, I belive) a few grammar errors go unnoticed during my revision. I'll take another look at the text but if you could pinpoint some of my erros I would be most grateful.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:59 am
by Nakogeri
If you want;

I'm happy to give your text a review if you can send me the narrative?

Long time lurker, I'm crap at creating but if I can help proof read then more than happy to.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:40 am
by Kolren
Nakogeri Wrote:If you want;

I'm happy to give your text a review if you can send me the narrative?

Long time lurker, I'm crap at creating but if I can help proof read then more than happy to.

I would be grateful, just send me an email or something like that so I can send you the narrative. Thanks for your help in advance.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:09 pm
by Ayeka
I give a try and write you my opinion. I not have anything against futa or other fetishes, it is a good way to taste it without involving real life. If fact, more perversion is better. Good way to release stress from common life. I can have seksual fantasies about prostitution, gangbang and so on, but I never dare try it in my life. So I wish you good luck :D

I found two bugs:
1) after sleeping first time in Inn group not regained health. I payed to sleep again and I get replenished after.
2) after beating hobgoblin I go back to homecity and get replayed opening ( unloading cart and so on ).

My suggestion: some people is born masochist, some can be raised to be but most humans have limits. If heroine become too cruel, too selfish her lovers/comrades can turn against her. If you plan made different ends depending from her behavior you should add BAD END to game, when she is hated, abadoned and tossed away IMHO.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:51 pm
by Kolren
Ayeka Wrote:I give a try and write you my opinion. I not have anything against futa or other fetishes, it is a good way to taste it without involving real life. If fact, more perversion is better. Good way to release stress from common life. I can have seksual fantasies about prostitution, gangbang and so on, but I never dare try it in my life. So I wish you good luck :D

I found two bugs:
1) after sleeping first time in Inn group not regained health. I payed to sleep again and I get replenished after.
2) after beating hobgoblin I go back to homecity and get replayed opening ( unloading cart and so on ).

My suggestion: some people is born masochist, some can be raised to be but most humans have limits. If heroine become too cruel, too selfish her lovers/comrades can turn against her. If you plan made different ends depending from her behavior you should add BAD END to game, when she is hated, abadoned and tossed away IMHO.

Thank you for the bugs report, I’ll into them as soon as possible. And about you suggestion: I’ve thought in something similar. If you go either the friendly path or the dominant path with you companions you’ll have to do a few “love quests” or “breaking quests” during certain points of the relationship. If the player is unable to complete theses quests the relationship between them will end, in the friendly path this means the two won’t have private scenes anymore while in the dominant path… This is a spoiler so I’ll just say that they will leave the party. As of now there’s only three “safe” romances, “safe” being that they won’t end their relationship with the heroine. Mile, Merilyn and one that will be introduced in one of the first locations of Seacoast.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:09 pm
by Vid
I like how it's looking so far. Your English could use work, yes, and also the money counter is sitting in the top left corner, covering up the dialog window. So maybe fix that. Also it would be REALLY nice if the bandits dropped healing potions or if someone had a heal spell or something, because for the whole bandit fighting part, you have no heals. You don't have money to buy healing items before starting that chain of fights either, so...

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:53 pm
by Kolren
Vid Wrote:I like how it's looking so far. Your English could use work, yes, and also the money counter is sitting in the top left corner, covering up the dialog window. So maybe fix that. Also it would be REALLY nice if the bandits dropped healing potions or if someone had a heal spell or something, because for the whole bandit fighting part, you have no heals. You don't have money to buy healing items before starting that chain of fights either, so...

Thanks for the reports. I’m already working with Nakogeri to re-proof read the text and correct the grammar in the texts. And I also thought that the bandit part in Verdant was hard, but for some reason making them drop healing potions never crossed my mind lol. I’m going to take a look at these things and release a small update with these things corrected soon.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:32 pm
by Dead1
3 bugs:

1) After defeating the bandits in Verdant text appears that this is the end of the game.

2) After visiting Lust Palace you always end in the Verdant inn.

3) No one of the 3 variants scene work.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2 [12/08/15]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:18 pm
by Kolren
Dead1 Wrote:3 bugs:

1) After defeating the bandits in Verdant text appears that this is the end of the game.

2) After visiting Lust Palace you always end in the Verdant inn.

3) No one of the 3 variants scene work.

Thanks for your report.
1) Yeah, I’ve forgotten to take that text off, thanks for pointing it out.
2) I’ve noticed it too, I’ve already fixed that.
3) I’ve confirmed the bug with Alisa’s scenes, but the other two scenes and their variations are working, right? The scenes are: Merilyn at the end of her quest with 2 variations; And the scene at the end of “Asus, Private Investigator”, with two variations.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2.1 [12/12/15]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:09 pm
by Dead1
The 2 other Scenes and their variations are working fine.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2.1 [12/12/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:17 pm
by Mickele
okay, then after playing through this game once, I'm gonna share my two cents...

this game fetishes are not really mine, but i guess i can afford to look the other way....
the game play so far is fine adjusted, while the maps and events are nothing special they are well made...
the mechanics with positive, negative and neutral choices isn't something new, so let's see what's coming out of this...

I must admit that I had many problems defeating the bandit leader in Verdant with my party only being on level two,
after rushing through the beginning and not geting any new armour/weapon and items...
so my magican dies really fast and the fight was really hard to do/nearly impossible,
so maybe some advice to farm/collect some money and items beforehand would be advisable???

so overall, from game playing aspects I'm enjoying this here until now, I feel a little lack of "normal" sex scene's but well this could change...

but here are some bugs, played with v0.2.1:
- after playing through the beginning in Bordon and the meeting with Alisa, when you try to return to the map infront of the succubus cave,
Mile still stands there and you can't leave the map (Asus says to investigate the cave) while inside the cave there are no further events (since you already met Alisa)
- you can do guild quests again, if you hadn't selected all quests from the board at once...
I selected in Verdant to do the poison hornets quest and could select it again after finishing it once and got the reward again (without doing anything)
until I selected the second quest as well...
- during the raid of Verdant, most of the town people are in the Inn, but the cleark of the guild is still standing in the guild house at her desk....
- after visiting RIverbank, I could leave the the city to the south and could go immediately to the bandits hideout without fighting any member,
so maybe you want to change something there sothat you can't leave the city until finishing the main quest???
- when raiding the bandits hideout, you can walk thorugh the stairs onto the walls etc. on ground floor,
the way upstairs get only triggered by pressing enter (etc.), but the stairs are missing the walls at the top end....
- after the events at the farm of Merilyn, on the next day Asus is alone in her party all the time (even after sleeping etc.)
- when you find the letter of the blonde gang leader in the hideout, you get this text: "Asus>......."
this also happend with Alisa during the first meeting with Merilyn in merchants stop: "Alisa>...."
- well I say this spelling mistake quite a few time: "felling" written instedt of feeling...

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2.1 [12/12/15]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:03 pm
by Kolren
Mickele Wrote:okay, then after playing through this game once, I'm gonna share my two cents...

this game fetishes are not really mine, but i guess i can afford to look the other way....
the game play so far is fine adjusted, while the maps and events are nothing special they are well made...
the mechanics with positive, negative and neutral choices isn't something new, so let's see what's coming out of this...

I must admit that I had many problems defeating the bandit leader in Verdant with my party only being on level two,
after rushing through the beginning and not geting any new armour/weapon and items...
so my magican dies really fast and the fight was really hard to do/nearly impossible,
so maybe some advice to farm/collect some money and items beforehand would be advisable???

so overall, from game playing aspects I'm enjoying this here until now, I feel a little lack of "normal" sex scene's but well this could change...

but here are some bugs, played with v0.2.1:
- after playing through the beginning in Bordon and the meeting with Alisa, when you try to return to the map infront of the succubus cave,
Mile still stands there and you can't leave the map (Asus says to investigate the cave) while inside the cave there are no further events (since you already met Alisa)
- you can do guild quests again, if you hadn't selected all quests from the board at once...
I selected in Verdant to do the poison hornets quest and could select it again after finishing it once and got the reward again (without doing anything)
until I selected the second quest as well...
- during the raid of Verdant, most of the town people are in the Inn, but the cleark of the guild is still standing in the guild house at her desk....
- after visiting RIverbank, I could leave the the city to the south and could go immediately to the bandits hideout without fighting any member,
so maybe you want to change something there sothat you can't leave the city until finishing the main quest???
- when raiding the bandits hideout, you can walk thorugh the stairs onto the walls etc. on ground floor,
the way upstairs get only triggered by pressing enter (etc.), but the stairs are missing the walls at the top end....
- after the events at the farm of Merilyn, on the next day Asus is alone in her party all the time (even after sleeping etc.)
- when you find the letter of the blonde gang leader in the hideout, you get this text: "Asus>......."
this also happend with Alisa during the first meeting with Merilyn in merchants stop: "Alisa>...."
- well I say this spelling mistake quite a few time: "felling" written instedt of feeling...

Thanks for playing and lending part of your time to give your feedback. All the bugs you pointed out will be fixed before the next release and the game text will be properly proof read by Nakogeri (Version 0.2.1 was released before Nokogeri could read it, so the only corrections were the one I made). I’ve also been working on the bandit attack in Verdant so it won’t be too hard, so I hope to get it balanced properly in version 0.3. And if you by “normal” scenes you mean male-on-female ones, yes there will be more of these, and if you play the “companionship” path instead of the “dominant” path they will be even more close to the vanilla standards, but Asus does have a dom personality, so don’t expect too much lovey-dovey scenes.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.2.1 [12/12/15]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:40 am
by Mickele
Kolren Wrote:And if you by “normal” scenes you mean male-on-female ones, yes there will be more of these, and if you play the “companionship” path instead of the “dominant” path they will be even more close to the vanilla standards, but Asus does have a dom personality, so don’t expect too much lovey-dovey scenes.

well mostly my problem is with
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

yaoi or futa on man

so i guess in the future there could be more for my taste....

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.3 [23/01/15]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:55 am
by katie4565
Loving the game so far, i noticed some typos here and there.
I can't wait to see more of it.

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.3 [23/01/15]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:34 am
by pyorgara
First of all, I prefer maledom rather than femdom but that being said, as long as someone gets dominated, I'll probably like it.

This is a pretty good game, the characters are not deep but they are fun and to the point. The sex scenes are all about domination and degradation which is a plus for me. I enjoyed the succubus (she's the most relaxed demon ever. Just chilling in Asus' head.)

A few grammatical mistakes here and there but nothing bad enough to detract from the story. Great job! Keep it up!

Re: [RPG Maker MV]Domination Quest V0.4 [22/02/15]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:14 pm
by Dead1
If you absorb the energy (which does nothing) after defeating the witch you cant complete the quest.