Love you guys, sorry I couldn't pull through in the end but sometimes you just gotta know when it's time to stop zapping the dead body and inform their family that she ain't coming back.
Jenallia's Wrath is officially Cancelled. If the links aren't accessible though for whatever reason and you'd like the files, give me a heads up. When the first of their kin appeared in the world, magic users were viewed with harsh prejudice. In most cases, magi were killed, or abandoned as soon as their latent power became noticeable.
Centuries passed... Removing mage-kin from the world was commonplace until the great kineticist Jenallia came to be. Managing to escape death, she was the first recorded mage to have understood her powers, and quickly put them to use. The reports claimed that small villages had been attacked at first... Then watch towers, strongholds, eventually entire castles! As Jenallia's uprising grew, so did the number of mage-kin under her watchful eyes...
These kin began to follow in her footsteps, seeking out those of magical power, and teaching them to control their curse. Soon, an empire had formed under her, from which mage-kin not only lived freely, but ruled over others.
With the increasing number of mage-kin, Jenallia had found various reports of magical abilities she had never heard of. Seeking out rare individuals of different magical prowess, the four domains of magic were established- Mind, Body, Anchor, and Kinetic.
In the years that followed, the wars began to die down as peaceful solutions were found. History records that Jenallia had continued to resent those of nonmagical descent, but that her disciples had forced her to end her various conquests.
Five centuries have passed since Jenallia's empire was established, and while its borders have changed from the occasional war, it still remains as the only region where mage-kin are not resented and killed, and the largest empire in the world.
In Jenallia's Wrath, you control Nytarra Mel, a young mage with a modest frame, brought to the Northern Institute to train and master her powers. Her reason for being there? A dark past, shrouded in lies, false memories, and conspiracies far and wide regarding the true nature of the mage-kin.
Current bug-free version-doesn't exist-
Completely untested version (keep a finger on F12 in case a bug screws with the game, after the prison, save at your own risk. Everything prior should be safe.) ... tedbuild_2Alternative Link!5MclzZQZ!PCfjjRskx ... VLxzPqT4FQAverage Runtime: 55 minutes or more
Update Logs
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Made initial Cutscene
Introduced Sen
Made a little variable with attached dialogue that doesn't really affect the game.
Introduced Bryll
Got the library "shop" put together
Finished the Dorm hallway/bathroom
Mostly finished with the lounge (added in 2 books, both with crummy wording/spelling at the moment)
Added first "potential" combat encounter
Created the "basic layout" for the first chapter and a half's area (subject to change at any time, be careful with your saves)
Fixed a little dialogue
Fixed a few game-breaking glitches I somehow missed (D'oh!)
Fixed the events on the overland map
Established a little more story
Wrote down the plot for chapter 1 (not IG)
Established Lendell
Established Lucien
Made the fairgrounds
Made the tournament's first cutscene!
In V0.4
Fixed a little dialogue
Added in the whole tournament section
Added in the aftermath
Completed Chapter 1
Established Sen as a party member
Added two more books! (One establishing location, one establishing races)
Started work on Chapter 2
A lot of other junk I can't remember off the top of my head.
Quick Edit to fix a critical error with one of the transfers. (my bad, folks!)
NOTE: If you've already downloaded V0.41, and you aren't after the H-scene, don't bother with redownloading V0.42 as the changes are minor and mostly behind-the-scenes.
Another Edit, fixed some things, decreased some wait times in events to speed it up a bit, fixed the Lendell glitch (I think)
Added in an H-scene. It's hidden, the only hint is that it's inside the main school building. One of the reactions is slightly different depending on if you have gotten "permission" to leave the building or not! (save -before- activating it if you want to run through the various options).
Edited Note: If saving on V0.4-0.42 DO NOT save when it asks you to or after that point. I've tried to make a fix in case people did, but certain options will still bug out the game. I can't fix this. RPGVX is finding some line of commands I never inputted, and I can't get rid of them. I'm sorry if this screws with anyone's things.
Added music (I just saw the votes. The future updates won't have them unless it changes between now and the next update! I should note that all the music is SFW, no need to worry about someone overhearing a random moan or some such!)
Played around with the tint effect
Took advice given and applied some of it
Introduced new approval variables
Bugfixed things
Fixed the opening to Chapter 2!!!
Added a book on demons
Changed some info about the badlands
Fanservice! ("Hidden" H-scene #2 added!)
Made the school more lively since chapter 2 is on a school day.
Made the kitchen staff have some dialogue!
Altered little bits of dialogue (not really noticeable, but it makes me feel better)
Designed the isolated teaching area!
Possibility to begin a "romance" with Jill
Unfortunately resort to the blue boxes of death to reduce data a bit...
V0.55 (Partially bugtested/incomplete... SAVE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
Fixed the tournament issue
Introduced Lucien as a follower
Finished up the isolated teaching area
Extra H-scene! (had writers block at the time, so comments are more than welcome if it stinks)
Fixed the annoying sound from entering the toilet stalls
Seems I can't make a "no music" and "music" version unless I specifically go in and remove each bit of music, looking at alternatives that might be possible without crashing the game.
Gameover screen changed
Title changed
Finished a Lendell Romance subplot
Introduced a new weapon- Amnis
Introduced a quest with the Nun outside.
Attempted some combat balancing
Juicy scene in the prison restrooms
In V0.6 I plan to:
fix a lot of dialogue
Finish chapter 2
Add in more books! (I'm thinking cities of Solarinth)
Design some more behind-the-scenes systems
Look into possibly adding H-scenes. (1 definite, 1 possible one with the new enemy... Though it'll be a "bad" gameover one if added... and skippable.)
Estimated Release Date: N/A
Introduce Lanae in chapter 3 (Only info I'll state is that She's an elf/potential follower)
Maximum level is 10, got the system established. (10 levels, 11-12 chapters hopefully)
I want any feedback people are willing to give. Good, bad, doesn't matter.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
FAQSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Q: Wait a second, if this game is about Nytarra, why is it called Jenallia's Wrath?
A: You'll find out eventually
Q: It says I'm missing a runtime package?
A: Download the VX one
Q: A Missing Music File is crashing my game! How do I fix this!?!?!?
A: Copy/paste a music file from your folder, rename it to the missing music file. Go to an area where the music changes, and when you go back the problem will be resolved.
Q: X is wrong, X needs to be fixed, X feels out of place!
A: Thank you for informing me! I will do what I can to fix X. If X is fine, I will inform you and we can discuss this politely.
Q: I think Nytarra should have sex with X
A: I'm more than willing to come up with a scene where Nytarra has sex with X, Y, Z, and every other variable inbetween! Please ask me if I have current plans to make X sexable. If I don't, you're welcome to send in a short storyboard/script of how you think it'd play out and if it's reasonable I'm willing to add it and give you credit. Note that certain things such as jailbait and light bondage are fine, but that if it's too hardcore, it'll be an auto-no.
Q: I want Nytarra to form a giant orgy/harem/etc.
A: I won't say no, but I will tell you that it'll be the hardest thing to accomplish in-game.
Most of the characters want a monogamous relationship with Nytarra, so forming any sort of sexual relation with more than one, let alone
all the folks traveling with her will be very hard. Because I'm trying to make characters dynamic, you may be presented the option to break some characters, harden others to the harsh realities of life, but doing so might have its disadvantages in the story. (A Nytarra focused on sex/making her companions weaker mentally is less focused on her mission!)
Q: Why isn't X a follower? I want X to be a follower
A: Through the majority of the story, Nytarra isn't exactly looking to draw attention to herself, which is exactly what a large party would do. Not to mention each new party member is potentially four or more lines of dialogue per party-based conversation, not to mention when the party is grouped together for Nytarra to talk to them one-on-one. It'd be too much of a hassle and I'd be even more late on updates then I already am!
Q: Hey! This isn't half bad! How do I get good with RPGmaker VX?
A: I learned the basics of it from: ... g-maker-vx The rest you have to figure out on your own or find guides for.
Q: I spotted material that I own and/or someone I know owns and it wasn't given credit! How do I fix this/how do I get it removed?
A: Well, I certainly hope you don't want it removed, but if you do I understand, lets discuss it if that's the case please! Otherwise, simply give me a shout if I forgot to give you credit! I find a lot of material on my phone when I'm just browsing around for fun, and when I do I typically derp and forget to write down the person's name for credit reasons... I'm sorry!!!