[HTML] BSC4: Shelly Gets Schooled - WIP

edit: had wrong link
edit: 03March have trigger system in place, can be viewed with timemachine.
edit: 04March have 2 quests completed one with a fail option
edit: 06March. Reworked the event on floor 2, changed the title screen to in-game capture
edit: 16March. 2 laptop died. But still going on project. Completed first day of school.
This is a WIP/Tech Demo ....
I just needed to see how hard it would be to post an RPG Maker MV HTML game to Itch....
Only 1 snag ... the export left out one image for some reason.
What you can do in this tech-demo:
See the Intro
Play Tag in the park with weirdos
Laugh at my spelling errors (I misspelled play ???) whatever ...
Buy Pizza (if not naked)
Buy Magic Water (water bottle that never needs refilling)
Use toilet (requires drinking water a few times)
Use shower (if naked, no cleanliness checks at this time)
Talk to a few people
(try a guess the door codes to the apartments)
Sleep, Do Laundry, Watch TV, Explore
See the credits
edit: additions 16 March
Upstairs Event
Working Class Schedule
Meet your Handler
Complete first day of school
Talk with Nurse
what you can't do
Get jobs (except the one doing laundry, which requires hacking the door locks)
No extra events outside of the first day...
Buzz Kill to follow ...
I do not plan any CG thingies ... that is just not me...
I plan to just let the voices out of my head so I can sleep at night
Side Note:
I started trying to create my own RPG using Franks Laboratory (Youtube ++)
and after several months, found RPGMaker MV on steam for $5. ... WHAT!!!
and it exports to HTML ... so, here I am ...
Seems almost every event needs a bit of JS to get working anyway ...
Prime example: When playing tag in the park, I need to keep all the players in an area ...
2 lines in JS is all it took.
edit: had wrong link

edit: 03March have trigger system in place, can be viewed with timemachine.
edit: 04March have 2 quests completed one with a fail option
edit: 06March. Reworked the event on floor 2, changed the title screen to in-game capture
edit: 16March. 2 laptop died. But still going on project. Completed first day of school.
This is a WIP/Tech Demo ....
I just needed to see how hard it would be to post an RPG Maker MV HTML game to Itch....
Only 1 snag ... the export left out one image for some reason.
What you can do in this tech-demo:
See the Intro
Play Tag in the park with weirdos
Laugh at my spelling errors (I misspelled play ???) whatever ...
Buy Pizza (if not naked)
Buy Magic Water (water bottle that never needs refilling)
Use toilet (requires drinking water a few times)
Use shower (if naked, no cleanliness checks at this time)
Talk to a few people
(try a guess the door codes to the apartments)
Sleep, Do Laundry, Watch TV, Explore
See the credits
edit: additions 16 March
Upstairs Event
Working Class Schedule
Meet your Handler
Complete first day of school
Talk with Nurse
what you can't do
Get jobs (except the one doing laundry, which requires hacking the door locks)
No extra events outside of the first day...
Buzz Kill to follow ...
I do not plan any CG thingies ... that is just not me...

I plan to just let the voices out of my head so I can sleep at night

Side Note:
I started trying to create my own RPG using Franks Laboratory (Youtube ++)
and after several months, found RPGMaker MV on steam for $5. ... WHAT!!!
and it exports to HTML ... so, here I am ...
Seems almost every event needs a bit of JS to get working anyway ...
Prime example: When playing tag in the park, I need to keep all the players in an area ...
2 lines in JS is all it took.