Visual Novel Creator[Windows]to[HTML5]

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Visual Novel Creator[Windows]to[HTML5]

Postby Waffle » Wed Jul 17, 2024 5:56 am

I created this thingy ....
Visual Novel Creator

there is a sample project on the page, that you can edit and view

There is an NSFW one on my website

Girl Problems

This is a windows only tool ...
Exports projects to HTML5 and is super simple to use.
Includes it's own web server.

It does have a zillion spelling errors (my dyslexia showing) combined with rapid writing.
I do really like how my VNC stays out of the way and just lets me simply write.
When I finish the current episode [Laser Tag] I'll run it through a spell checker (notepad++) and fix it up.
For now, if you reach the end of the episode, it resets back to the beginning. Same if you select an episode that is not done [Bank] ...
I plan to fix that up with a message before the reset ...
The story is just a straight story, non-branching ... this is intended as my storyboard for an RPG idea, but it does not seem to be working out
that way, so it may just remain a VN although I do have plans to add hubs for the different areas. To make in non-sequential and more
like a typical VN. Current iteration is at about 800 lines of dialog and 10000? lines in the JSON.
I can already tell I may need to optimize some of the code .... eventually.

edit2: (Girl Problems)
Most spelling is fixed, but there are still many.
Just started the Monster Hunt chapter ...
If you make it that far, you will out how strange the group is :)

edit3: (Girl Problems)
Completed Monster Hunt
Will start on the Bank chapter next.

edit4: VNCreator - Undocumented Feature
While working on another project, in JS ....
I needed a local host .... VNCreator works great for that ....

1 - Start VNCreator ... do not need a project or File-Open anything
2 - Start the server ... from the menu
3 - Create a new folder in the VNCreator folder ...
4 - Place your project there ...
5 - Launch your project by ... ""

simple. Now you have a small footprint local host ...
The host shuts down automatically when VNCreator exits.


You can your VNCreator to test your in-game chat dialogs
and then just simply include or load the JSON into your projects.
(not sure it that works with RPG Makers)...
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