Urban X Life - VXace - New version

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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby KingG31 » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:54 am

Okay I just got the upskirt pic and I have been waiting for the friend to tell me when she pantiles can someone tell me when is it supposed to happen I've been waiting day after day but nothing
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby brontanius » Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:42 am

Tsubakii Wrote:
brontanius Wrote:It is a damn shame that wootch is being inactive with the game atm. He isn't updating his patreon/blog at all. He said patrons get it on 17th april, nearly 10 days late now. Meaning that the next free build which by his usual schedule would be out at most by the end of the month(2-3 days from now) will be at best in the middle of may. That is of course if he sticks to his guns and delivers the patron version on first of may like he stated on january 10th. :cry:

I read somewhere that his internet died out and until his ISP gives him a new modem hes SOL.

Yeah i saw that message too, it was on his blog site or something but i can't believe it. If it is true then that is fine, i can live with waiting but in this day and age, it is way way too easy to get connected to the internet. The fact that wootch has internet means he isn't in the arse end of nowhere, he is either outside of a town or near a town or in a town. In any of these cases, he has 100% capability to travel to a place that has internet. After all nearly all forms of cafe, fast food place or library has access, heck i know of some supermarkets that allow for customers to use the internet. If his internet is broken, he can still go to a nearby place, connect with his phone(if he has one which is quite likely) and post an update on the situation. The fact that he is actively not doing that means that he is incredibly lazy or is just disrespectful.

KingG31 Wrote:Okay I just got the upskirt pic and I have been waiting for the friend to tell me when she pantiles can someone tell me when is it supposed to happen I've been waiting day after day but nothing

That scene will be implemented in the next version when wootch decides to update it.

Ayeka Wrote:Can you please give tips how get new scenes? I get ones from version linked here, now I downloaded new version from his website, but not have idea how get new ones. Please help!

It really depends on what scenes you want. On his blog(accessable on the 1st page of this forum thread), you can find a referata which tells all available scenes in the game. Doesn't say how but it gives you an idea of the scenes but if you don't want to wait, here is a list of how to get the scenes:


1.Rape Mom while she's sleeping (FAP/Caress/Assfuck/fuck). Go into her room at night with peio and talk to her. Remove he panties and caress her 2 times in order to be able to fuck/assfuck(when available after doing it multi times) her without fail.
2.Rape sis while she's sleeping (Assfuck / Fuck). Lil more complicated. First get her room key, wait till dinner, go into her room and search her bed(bottom side), then go out of the house via the back exit(kitchen) and head to the store. Cut her key for 15$ and then attend dinner. She takes the key back after dinner but you have the copy still. Next you want to go to nessa's side and buy sleeping pills for 50$ at the old lady to the right of the food store. Back on peio's side, buy an icecream from the fishing shop, go home and while infront of your pc, open your item menu and click the sleeping pills. He will combine them(don't click into the pc). Then on a day when your sis is watching tv, walk up to her, inventory, give her the special icecream and then wait for dinner. Talk at dinner for the appropriate dialogue and then go to her room at night. You can now fuck/assfuck without failing.
3.Mom's handjob redrew. On a morning after the starting accident, pretend to feel ill and win the influence minigame. Then to replay, just pretend to feel ill again(no minigame a 2nd time).
4-6.Mom's blowjob while peio's sleeping.
Mom's boobjob while peio's sleeping.
Easier for me to put this in the middle. When at the dinner table, if you have enough relationship with mom, ask her how her day was and then choose the bottom option. Then just go to sleep.
Mom fuck Peio while he's sleeping.
7.Mom's picture at the sink. Use your phone while facing your mother in the kitchen in the afternoon before dinner.
8.Mom shower talk. Go for a shower before dinner(while mom is cooking) and you have a chance for this scene.
9.Peek on Mom or Sis. Fairly easy. Buy 2 tool kits from the shop and use them in your room at the bottom left and right of the room. Then at night before you sleep just press the interact buttom on them in the middle.
10-11.Cumshot on mom in the shower
Cumshot on sis in the shower.
Go for a shower on a saturday/sunday and you can have a chance for either.
12-13.cumshot on diana in the shower
Cumshot on Adara in the shower.
Do the say as 10-11 but for 12 you can only do it on days when sister is talking to diana in her room and for 13, you can only do it on a day inwhich you have invited the achwak family over(will explain how when describing ms.aschwaks scenes).
14-15.Cumshot & assfuck sis in the couch Fairly easy. for the cumshot, on a tuesday/friday(only these days) peek on your sister at night and then go downstairs. Choose to "fap" on her face first for the cumshot scene. For the assfuck scene, after you fap on her, go around to her and use your phone to get a blackmail photo. After that on the next day(tues/fri) go down and select the "go for that ass" option
16-18.Peio fap on sis's face (desk)
Peio solo fap (desk)
Peio Blowjob (desk)
Due to bolding, i can't put in middle :cry: . Oh well. For these three scenes first you need to de-activate parental control on your pc. Go to moms room at night and click on the grey thing in her room to check her notes. Code is in there and is different every playthrough. For solo fap, just use the desk on an afternoon(while mom cooks) while your sister is downstairs watching tv. For fap on sis face, on an afternood,make sure your sister is watching tv ,
then keep going in and out of the back entrance till your sister disappears and the tv is off. Examine tv area and then talk to mom. After that go fap at your desk and your sister will be there. Do this 2 times and then on the third time, if you want the bj, just choose to take a nap and your sis will gobble you.
19-21.Mrs. Aschwak Peio’s WC (2 scenes)-Mrs Aschwak's picture Fairly easy. To start you need her photo. Go to adara during the afternoon and then while at her house use your phone on her mom. After that you need to invite them over. To do this, go to your mom and use Ms.Aschwak's photo on your mom twice. Choose to invite them over. For Aschwak's first scene, keep going up and down the stairs till she is in the downstairs bathroom, then go in to her. Scene one is shark attack. Scene 2 is the same process but is sex and you can only do this after enough shark attacks for relationship building.
22.Chipie visit during night After recruiting chipie at the orc palace by throwing a stone at the keys for her. Buy a tool kit at the shop and build her a house in your room. After that go to sleep at night without your mom coming to you at night(don't say your day was bad at dinner) and you have a chance for this scene.
23.Amandine's assfuck Go to the park after school(easiest time) and go into the octopus at the right of the park. Peio says he needs friends for this and then talk the girl running around the octopus for the scene.
24-26Jamming handjob during class activity
Jamming Blowjob during class activity
Jamming Blowjob during detention
For these three scenes you need relation with ms jamming. The easiest way to do this is to play with your friends and so you get in trouble and do the lines in the after noon by clicking on your desk. Keep doing this till when you pair with jamming, you can choose to focus on her boobs. This option triggers scene 24(hj) and with enough relationship, before peio orgasms, you can choose to trigger scene 25(bj). For scene 26, you need to get at least one handjob from jamming and then play with your friends but then don't do the lines. This sends you to detention where you do an influence minigame which allows you to get the scene. (its not great though).
27-28.Nurse Dounie Handjob
Nurse Dounie Boobjob
After the accident, on the first saturday available as peio, go to the hospital and then win the influence minigame. This triggers 27(hj) and after that visit the hospital daily at anytime but night. Talk to the receptionist to replay the scene and after enough times you will be able to access scene 28(boobj)


1.Nessa blowjob from dude in the bar toilet On any night before you go to bed with Nessa, go to the pub(building below sleeping pills lady(also called cafe for some reason)) and go to the bathroom. Talk to the dude and get the scene and i think it is 20-30$
2.Grocery Blowjob For this, you can get it as early as the first time you go there. Go into the grocery store and talk to the dude, click seduce. Give bj.
3.Victor scene 1 After you blowjob the grocery store clerk and step outside you run into victor. For his scene you visit his house 3 times after this(right next to the grocery store). Then you get the scene. First time is a photo shoot with nessa in an office job uniform. Second is nessa in construction worker clothes. Third is her in sexy lingerie when after the scene finishes, she gets caught in the lingerie which triggers victors first scene. Next victor scene is in the next version.
4.Nessa Handjob cafeteria Can be gotten on day 1 of school. After first period of classes, go downstairs and to the left. This takes you outside and then go into the closest building. This is the cafeteria and then go to the glowing spot at the far left of the room. After going the first time you are teleported to the classroom where you can instantly choose to go back to class. Choose no and then repeat the process. Eventually nessa will give the dude a handjob.
5-6.Nana Gloryhole Handjob
Nana Gloryhole Blowjob
For these the handjob scene, go above the cafeteria and then job the Club that nana is in. (pretty much automatic). This will trigger the handjob for the first time and then to replay the scene, talk to nana at anytime during school hours and get her to work in the toilets(once per day). For the blowjob scene, I am not too sure if there is special requirements to trigger the convo which leads to the minigame or not but for me, I just kept working with nana and then asked her to do a blowjob. At which i won the influence minigame and then could choose for nana to give the dude head in the bathroom.
7.Schoolgirl’s Upskirt This is fairly easy. After first period of classes go to the front entrance of the school and talk to the first girl on the left. She is rather bitchy so you can choose to lift up her skirt which results in this scene. Do this enough and it leads into the side story that will be in next version of game.
8.Schoolgirl Candy's photo Instead of talking to bitch tits mgee a the front entrance, use your phone on her to take a picture of the upskirting.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby matsc » Sun May 01, 2016 3:02 am

Here is the email Wootch sent to patrons explaining his absence -

"Hey there,

It's been a while

since I havn’t had the opportunity to give some news.

The thing is I lost my internet connection for a while and I was on a business trip just after.

Currently I still have not recovered my internet connection. The technician must come this week to fix the problem but I already change my box so it must come from my service, so I can’t guarantee anything.

I'm really sorry for the wait but I can’t upload anything in this context. Even read or send email is way too long right now.

I'm leaving soon traveling for business again and I’ll come back on the weekend

of May 8.

Hope everything

will be resolved by then if not this week.

The only thing I can promise is a very big update on my return.

Thank you all for your understanding and take you well."
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby ceess1 » Mon May 02, 2016 3:13 am

I really liked the game, you can just donate will do it without thinking twice .

I would suggest adding events where blackmail sister to fuck her at night when she is awake.

Also able to enter the neighboring house by night to fuck her .

As a bonus would be nice to add more languages ​​, I speak Spanish , I do not read the game was difficult , but I would like to read it in full in my language.

I hope the next update. Maybe it done in September , I promise
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Tue May 03, 2016 1:10 am

Something I'd really enjoy is if he finished implementing things, rather than half-implementing them. Don't have an icon on the cellphone if it doesn't do anything yet. Don't be able to see the neighbour through her window without actually having an image go along with it. Don't make the computer interactive and ask for a password, if a password does not exist, and the computer does nothing.

I do very much enjoy the game so far, despite it's fluctuating art style (seriously, the visual differences between scenes is obscene), I just wish you'd wholly, of at least marginally, finish a function before implementing it in the game.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Ayeka » Fri May 06, 2016 4:56 am

brontanius Wrote:
Ayeka Wrote:Can you please give tips how get new scenes? I get ones from version linked here, now I downloaded new version from his website, but not have idea how get new ones. Please help!

It really depends on what scenes you want. On his blog(accessable on the 1st page of this forum thread), you can find a referata which tells all available scenes in the game. Doesn't say how but it gives you an idea of the scenes but if you don't want to wait, here is a list of how to get the scenes:

Thank you very much :)
Mayby you put it in wiki?
http://urbanxlife.referata.com/wiki/Mai ... Characters
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Tue May 10, 2016 5:18 am

I guess he meant the coming weekend.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Okar » Sun May 15, 2016 5:36 am

Well, another weekend come, The week of may 8, has finished and the prometed update never arrived. So Bad
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Mon May 16, 2016 4:18 am

Okar Wrote:Well, another weekend come, The week of may 8, has finished and the prometed update never arrived. So Bad

*lies down*
*tries not to cry*
*cries a lot*
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby hoboy » Mon May 16, 2016 5:44 am

Geez - no pressure on the creator...
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Okar » Mon May 16, 2016 5:48 am

kazacku Wrote:
Okar Wrote:Well, another weekend come, The week of may 8, has finished and the prometed update never arrived. So Bad

*lies down*
*tries not to cry*
*cries a lot*

Jajaja, you are right, meantime, has anybody the old version of the game just to past the time, I are really curious about it, because there where more activities than in the new, please, post it, and thanks in advance
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Gjbindels » Mon May 16, 2016 3:50 pm

great fun little game.
keep up the good work.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby FurryTitties » Thu May 19, 2016 3:51 pm

I would also be very interested in playing previous versions of this game--from when it was basically a different game from what it is today. Does anyone have those files by any chance?
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby muttdoggy » Fri May 20, 2016 5:04 am

FurryTitties Wrote:I would also be very interested in playing previous versions of this game--from when it was basically a different game from what it is today. Does anyone have those files by any chance?

I do. It includes a walkthrough as well. It's version V01a08. Send me a pm or email and I'll send you the file or the link.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby FurryTitties » Fri May 20, 2016 8:28 pm

muttdoggy Wrote:
FurryTitties Wrote:I would also be very interested in playing previous versions of this game--from when it was basically a different game from what it is today. Does anyone have those files by any chance?

I do. It includes a walkthrough as well. It's version V01a08. Send me a pm or email and I'll send you the file or the link.

That'd be amazing! I have been looking for this previous version of the game ever since I discovered the "remake" a few months ago. It seems I can't pm you or see your contact info--luckily I have an email address for just such an occasion! Thanks very much!
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby matsc » Sat May 21, 2016 12:13 am

muttdoggy Wrote:I do. It includes a walkthrough as well. It's version V01a08. Send me a pm or email and I'll send you the file or the link.

This is remarkably frustrating. I've been hunting for a link for months, and now one is within reach.... and the forum won't show me your email or let me PM you. It's like the cosmos is taunting me!
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Okar » Sat May 21, 2016 4:42 am

matsc Wrote:
muttdoggy Wrote:I do. It includes a walkthrough as well. It's version V01a08. Send me a pm or email and I'll send you the file or the link.

This is remarkably frustrating. I've been hunting for a link for months, and now one is within reach.... and the forum won't show me your email or let me PM you. It's like the cosmos is taunting me!

Sorry muttdoggy, but as we are new members in this forum we can't have the right to send pm or see your email, I really want that game.
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby Samurai » Sat May 21, 2016 2:10 pm

Me 2 :/
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby FurryTitties » Sat May 21, 2016 4:30 pm

So I'm not sure what going on with my posts...does it usually take over a day to get a post approved? Anyway, thank you for your generous offer! Hopefully one of these posts make it to the forums...
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Re: Urban X Life - VXace - New version

Postby kazacku » Sun May 22, 2016 1:10 am

I'd love to play the previous version as well. Is there no way you can simply post a google download for it and the guide?
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