Hey guys, sorry I kind of forgot about this thread since it wasn’t bumped for a very long time.
Tumblr seems to have some new policies where they are cracking down on nsfw content, you need an account to view it which sucks.
I have a twitter now as well:
https://twitter.com/mminit_devThere’s a content filter, but I think you can still view it without an account (I may be wrong), the twitter has lots of art and such that isn’t on the devblog!
But anyways, as for updates I’ve been working on the game pretty much on a daily basis since. It’s feature and content complete, meaning it can be played from start to finish. I’m just working on polish and lots of quality of life stuff (just finished the gallery mode, warp points in the boss rooms, cleaning up the HUD, better sounds, etc), these things are what make a game feel complete and they take a lot of time.
I hope to start beta testing soon, and depending on how that goes I’ll have a release date. Thanks for still being interested after all this time.