#Giggles# Thigh job...
#Ahem# Yes, I'm a creature of many fantastic and just plain weird tastes.
I was worried about that thigh being a tad too high too, but I wanted to keep Rebecca's waist as low as possible becaaauuuuuuse:
- Threesome it is!
- ZomSmx3some.png (19.07 KiB) Viewed 2150 times
See, I wasn't sure if this was going to be a single zombie scene or the threesome scene. However ZFied in his infinite wisdom
has shown me the answer: Threesome it is!
The waist had to be as low as possible for her to be comfortable having the second zombie sit on her and get a tit-job, but also
high enough so that the one at the rear wasn't left out. Anyway, I've hoped this rearrangement works; things I'm looking out for
- Identical sizes for both zombies; don't want one being too large compared to the other.
- Rebecca not looking too uncomfortable; she is...
probably an involuntary party, but don't want her to be turned off.
- I need the boobs to be visible enough, but I can't have the arms in a weird way. So the only restriction is the zombie arm;
you'll notice I changed the position of Rebecca's arms so her expression and her breasts are more visible. It was ZFied's idea.
- The head orientation of the rear zombie; is it alright or does the perspective look weird if he's looking a little ways towards
the player?
- Anything else you guys catch.
I've also asked ZFied that once this gif is done, whether it can be the universal sex scene, a placeholder for the other scenes
while I work on them. This might not be all too favorable with you guys, but it'll give us a chance to push for an early release.
I'm about as eager as you guys to see the sprites in action, and what needs work. Anyway, with this in mind it's important I get
this one gif right, so your suggestions are very much appreciated.
My checklist for today stands at:
- Worked on aiming sprite. Not quite finished just yet.
- Added changes to the running sprite as per everyone's suggestions. Her torso and the rest of her upper body rise
in tandem with both feet pushing off the ground; calf muscles reduced to make her look more natural. Her hair strands
dynamically flail according to movement. I still have to animate the arms a bit though.
- Posted the final check for the above threesome sprite.
Till next time, guys