Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 18/5/2013)

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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Kuragari » Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:44 pm

I would think it wouldn't be too hard to find a voice-modifer program, I mean, all your doing is shifting pitches and tones.

Also, Can't wait for the next update.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby agentmax » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:56 am

Guys, it seems Z-Fied has updated his blog. check it out . He was really busy with his personal life and he didn't do much work on the level but FAPCOM is really working on the sprites so hope we might get to see them once a level is designed.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Kuragari » Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:18 am

Any spoilers for us Fapcom or Z-Fied?
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:13 am

tiny question: which of the links on your blogspot do I click to dl the demo?
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:34 am

i just hope he does a walkthrough... I LOVE WALKTHROUGHS!!! And by the way: it's so good!
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:52 am

Sorry Kuragari but I've been very busy lately. :(
I'll try and pitch in something, but I can't promise anything for the first few days after the new year.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Kuragari » Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:07 pm

FAPCOM Wrote:Sorry Kuragari but I've been very busy lately. :(
I'll try and pitch in something, but I can't promise anything for the first few days after the new year.

Eh, you don't need to throw any sprites or something up, I was just thinking a sort of news/update of whats been done, and whats still in progress.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:09 pm

He's got another poll up, trying to re-hash the question of whether peeps would prefer better sprites or not. The answers seem to be coming out a little differently this time, but either way, I thought I'd mention it.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:02 pm

People do understand that nothing going to happen if you keep going back on your self.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:35 am

Well so far we need a new version post. So interest is kept.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:05 am

Ah, yes, it's been a while and you all must be really eager for a new version post, so I feel bad that I'm really the only thing holding ZFied back.

I was a lot busier than I expected over the new Year's (still am, actually :( ) and everytime I sat down to work on this I keep getting
a call to go out and do something important that just came up. At the end of the day when I do come home I just faceplant on the bed.

Sat down yesterday and today for a little while (barely), and finally managed to pull this scrap together.

Proportion/Animation Check
BeccaPrototype3.gif (31.82 KiB) Viewed 2571 times

As you can see, not many frames, and I think my shading made her legs look slightly too muscular.
It's the *clothed* running sprite, although I figured I should just nail down her running animation before
I dress her up.

I need feedback on whether I've finally got the proportions down reasonably well; ZFied needs me to make her hair dynamic so it
moves according to her motion. And I'm also wondering whether I ought to animate the arms to swing a bit from side to side as
she's running to follow her overall motion. Or wondering if I should just leave that for later if I've got everything else down so I can
get to her aiming and shooting sprite, as well as dressing her up.

Till next time, guys
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Spectre » Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:21 am

The proportions are perfect, and if you make the changes you're saying you'll make, no need to alter it no further. Animate the arms juuust a little, since it looks kind of akward the way it is.

Well, it's just great that we're getting some update on the thread! And happy 2012 everyone! (kind of late though)
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Edley » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:28 am

Hey really enjoying this so far, hope you get some time to work on it a bit more.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:33 pm

The animation itself looks fine to me as it is, except that she still seems to be limping a little.
It's far better than it was, but the fact is still that only her right foot pushes her body upwards.
I can't comment on the proportions, since I'm no artist, but nothing leaps out as being glaringly inaccurate, inhuman, or uncanny valley-related.

Animating her arms is fine, but it seems more like a polish point, and by now I'd think it's more important to get the basics of all the sprites reasonably done than to apply maximum polish to just one sprite.

We already know that, when polished, the bigger sprites WILL blow the smaller ones completely out of the water, and that's pretty firmly established.
Since that's already been demonstrated, I'd say that getting out usable (And reasonably high quality) versions of all the necessary sprites should probably outrank getting out completely perfect versions of 'em, so as to allow at least a rough demo to be made.

I mean hey, the game started out with basically stick figures, right?

Anything is an improvement over that, and there'll be all the time in the world to apply max polish to the sprites later.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:49 am

I'm wondering if the calf muscles are a pixel or more too thick. That's all I can see though and that's really pushing it. Animation looks solid. I wouldn't mind at all if you left it like that. More frames aren't entirely necessary.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby FAPCOM » Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:58 am

Thanks for the feedback guys, I can't even begin to tell you how helpful you've been.

ByHisBillowingBeard Wrote:I'm wondering if the calf muscles are a pixel or more too thick ... Animation looks solid ... More frames aren't entirely necessary.
The calf muscles also worried me a bit at first, but I was also worried about fluid animations and frame count. Cheers.

Lucky777 Wrote:... she still seems to be limping a little.
It's far better than it was, but the fact is still that only her right foot pushes her body upwards.
... think it's more important to get the basics of all the sprites reasonably done than to apply maximum polish to just one sprite.
We already know that, when polished, the bigger sprites WILL blow the smaller ones completely out of the water

I was worried about how many pixels I had to displace the main torso upwards; I ended up being able to only make her torso
bob up as only one leg pushed and skipped the other one. A solution would be adding more frames, I'd guess, but that would take a bit of time. However, you're absolutely right, and as each leg pushes against the ground, her torso ought to be displacing upwards in tandem. Will work on this.

Also, yes, we'd been getting feedback that the smaller sprites just weren't cutting it for the fap value, so we decided to up the ante a bit,
and now we hope the payoff was worth the risk of redoing a lot of sprites.

Spectre Wrote:Animate the arms juuust a little, since it looks kind of akward the way it is.
Penned down on the to-do list, thanks Spectre.
Right now I might have to side-line it as I need to work on quite a fair bit of sprites. Speaking of which, more incoming:

Aim stance check
BeccaAimPrototype.png (12.97 KiB) Viewed 2309 times

I'd be groping in the dark when it comes to shooting stances; the first smaller version I made nearly looked like Rebecca was about to do a moonwalk. :oops:
The first time around I was just referencing Rebecca as she was aiming in-game, but I didn't pay much attention to her feet... Biiiig mistake. I'll need some feedback on how this new version works/doesn't work.

Proportion check
BeccaPositionSecretEnemy.png (10 KiB) Viewed 2309 times

This is one still from one of Rebecca's sex gifs. I can't tell you much, only not to expect to see it anytime soon since it'll be implemented for one BOW
waaaaaaaaaaaay down the line. I still have scaled-up zombies to go through! I'd like some proportion feedback on it, although I won't be posting
any sex gifs, completed or otherwise. Those will be in-game on version updates as ZFied posts them. Hopefully that'll allow you to see them in context.

Until next time, guys
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby KBridget » Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:47 am

fantastic sprites
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:26 am

Fantastic work on the perspectives too, especially with limited pixel.. space..ness..... you know what I mean.
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Re: Resident Evil: Progeny (Last Update: 30/09/2011)

Postby Kuragari » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:55 am

This game shall be...awesome!!!
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