by Borkenone » Sun May 08, 2016 5:56 pm
Did a quick chick:
It seems you haven't apply the new code for Horizon map?
I think it'd be better for the "Choose a number of men to enroll" option to notified the player when they doesn't have enough money instead of just does nothing.
The tavern location pic can be displayed bigger, same as to the Archipel one.
Also it seems tailor shop isn't finished yet, the same length and width pics I sent you haven't been apply yet, and for some reason the tentacle dress is already there from the start.
BTW,the appearence24 pic wasn't intended to be a appearance pic but more of a location pics for tailor shop.
might be a but:
the Palace event after the invitation to Trolls and Pigs Tavern (415) seems to be unfinished, also the option "Look for the room" in the tavern appeared before the invitation.
just an Idea,
maybe there can be more to do in the place other than the bathroom event chain?
I mean have a place page first and the the bathroom events as a option in there. also it'd be nice to have location pics for the palace page, bathroom, and secret door.