[VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby decimad » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:33 pm

February almost over. ^.^
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Zaiaku666 » Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:49 pm

Dude, read a couple of posts back, the relase has been delayed until later in the year so that the full game can be released instead of episodically.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby epoxymoron » Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:48 pm

Zaiaku666 Wrote:Dude, read a couple of posts back, the relase has been delayed until later in the year so that the full game can be released instead of episodically.

Maybe my reading comprehension isn't as good as it should be but I didnt see anything about changing from episodic releases to a monolithic release, just that he was organizing the switches in rpgmaker now so porting the new content into the current chapter releases would be quicker and easier. I'll infer that it would also make debugging so much easier. . .
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:33 am

You had to be THAT guy John... just kidding! :-)

I know I have been very silent on all the forums I've posted this game on. That was on purpose, as I did not mind the thread drifting back a bit. I figured, when I had things ready to go, I'd start posting more frequently in these threads and reignite the discussions. I will post an update when I make major status updates. To answer your question, still plugging away. Thanks for you assistance on that event, I did get it working. That was my last hold up on the earlier portions of chapter 1. I'm still working on the final third (and other parts of the game).

In regards to my release plans. I DO still plan to release things episodically. My post earlier was referring to the fact that instead of focusing solely on chapter 1, I'm simply designing the game itself. I did this for a couple reasons: 1) To ensure that the development time from chapter 1 to chapter 2 was shorter, as well as future chapters, 2) To keep things exciting, remember I'm doing this in my spare time, and 3) To limit bugs/mistakes, and to bolster my ability to build a dynamic experience. This meant that chapter 1 is taking even longer, but the date that will really matter is when the full game is done. I keep saying that, and it is probably annoying to hear, but it's the truth. Playing chapter 1 will hopefully be fun, but it will still leave you wanting more. Playing the ENTIRE game should be far more satisfying. I'm very much on track for a full release later this year. So, just be patient a little longer.

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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:58 am

Hey everyone, wanted to give people an update. I don't post often right now, as I don't want to get people overly excited until I actually release more content. Rest assured, this is not at risk of becoming vaporware or anything, I'm just a slow, procrastinating bastard at times :D. That said, things are looking real good for me to have much more time in the near future to focus on indie game development. If that occurs, fuck yea, I'll get to see just how fast I can work when I have more than 5 or so hours a week.

Anyways, figured while I was posting an update, I'd give you guys a little teaser. I'm spoilering it for those who'd rather wait and see it in-game. Patreon peeps already saw this, so it'll be anti-climatic for them...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Now, resume your daily activities.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby JohnCollins5091 » Sun Mar 20, 2016 3:39 am

I am here, once again, to be a dick.
Thanks for the update, and the tiddies, but I will not forget my duties of dickeridoo.

So, yeah, we're a week and a half from the end of march 2016. You know what would be convenient? A new game update that I could use to sate my severe crippling case of blue balls. That would be great.
Anyways, my dickery dooties have been fulfilled. *flies away like a motherfucker*
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby JohnCollins5091 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:25 pm

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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Zaiaku666 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:32 pm

Oh give it up. He decided on doing a full game release, and that was predicted to be damn near six months from now.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby decimad » Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:19 am

Zaiaku666 Wrote:Oh give it up. He decided on doing a full game release, and that was predicted to be damn near six months from now.

Did he? As far as I remember he began to work on the entire game aswell, but chapter 1 will be released apart from the entire game.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby JohnCollins5091 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:20 am

decimad Wrote:
Zaiaku666 Wrote:Oh give it up. He decided on doing a full game release, and that was predicted to be damn near six months from now.

Did he? As far as I remember he began to work on the entire game aswell, but chapter 1 will be released apart from the entire game.

He's working on it as a whole now, yes, but the releases will still be episodical. The reason for this, from what I understood, is he wants there to be less of a gap between releases.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:06 am

Hello everyone!

Wanted to give people a status update to let you know I'm not dead. I've been ridiculously busy this month getting things ready to take YT Gaming to the next level. I had originally planned on releasing chapter 1 and be near releasing chapter 2 before I went part/full time due to how my pledging works, but it is simply taking too long, and I don't have enough time to realistically get the game I want done in our lifetimes.

So, this month I had an opportunity to move into a more "consulting" type role at my work and I jumped on it. As such, I'll be truly working part time on Aylia's Story starting next week (I had thought it would start this week). That means I'll be working 8+ hours a day for at least 2-3 days per week. Compare that to the 4-5 hours a week I work now most weeks, that is a HUGE increase. Still, it meant I had to train my replacement and get all my shit in order, which took 50-60 hours a week these last few weeks. So, I kind of disappeared...

My hope is that going forward, I can show people what to expect with YT Gaming in the future. What it'll be like when I'm actually dedicated a set amount of time to this every week, instead of whatever I can scrounge up. We'll see the results, but hopefully it means noticeable progress and no more missed release estimates. For my patreon, it will definitely mean more posts, more lore posts, more responsiveness, etc. It really is time to take the training wheels off this sucker and see where the h-game development road takes me!

For the game itself. I'm still implementing and polishing the final section of chapter 1. I did not make much progress this month, but that should change real soon. I'm pushing to get Chapter 1 out in April and Chapter 2 out in June. Hunter's Quest should also be released late April/early May. I finished the complete Hunter's Quest translation earlier this month and am now solely working on my additions (complete with new graphics). Hunter's Quest will also represent the first pledged release for YT Gaming, and will be used to fund my new move into part time indie development.

Thanks for your patience over the past 18 months. I'm truly grateful that people have been so understanding of how LONG it has taken to build the game of my dreams. As I play through Chapter 1, I'm really proud of what it has led to. I think you all will be impressed--at least I hope so.

@Zaiaku: The game will still be released in chapters. John is correct, the purpose behind switching gears towards working on the game as a whole was to 1) ensure that releases come quicker after chapter 1, and 2) to help me keep things under control with all the branching routes and decision impacts in future chapters. I run a content-based Patreon, meaning that if I want to move forward with this indie development thing, I have to start getting releases ready every 1-3 months. I don't want to sacrifice quality, which means I had to do a lot of planning and learn a lot about time management over the past year. Don't judge too much on how lengthy chapter 1 has been, let's see what I can do going forward, now that I can actually work a reasonable amount on the game.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Zaiaku666 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:02 am

Ah, My mistake then...My apologies.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby YummyTiger » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:32 pm

No need to apologize, the whole thing was kind of confusing. In the end though, all that matters is that I should be able to finally dedicate the time to get the next release out the door. I can promise, I'll breathe a huge freaking sigh of relief when that happens...
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Darthjake » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:38 pm

Okay, so I hate registering for forums, and previously have only done so on online gaming forums.

Haveing said that, I had recently downloaded the demo for Aylia's story, and have played through it about 3 times now. I'll freely admit to jumping into content and missing the first batch of healing mushrooms and cursing the combat system when I died to a snake b/c I could not heal and was fighting with a freaking butter knife while wearing an itchy potato sack. :oops:

That being said, I went back to see if another play through would be better, and subsequently my gamer instincts took over and I explored and round more healing shrooms and made it to the first town. Being a complete and total idiot I realized that I had not saved once, and went back through for another play through exploring the conversation choices now that I (sort of) knew where they were.

I then went to Yummy's page and signed up to be a patron and am eagerly awaiting to progress past the demo stage.

Thank You Yummy!
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby FurrinGok » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:00 am

Fun little RPG game, haven't seen much actual H-Scenes but that quick thrust not learning is going to be brutal. Aylia's weak slap is as the name suggests, weak.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby ElPresidente » Tue Apr 05, 2016 2:35 pm

Good to hear you're alive and working on this. Can't wait for the release.

I only hope you put in a good amount of F/F content
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby JohnCollins5091 » Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:17 am

You know what would be great?
If the 1st Chapter launched this 24th

Because you could watch Game of Thrones
and then Paw yourself furiously.
I call that, a fine bloody day.
Whaddya say bud
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby Elaymidoray » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:46 am

JohnCollins5091 Wrote:You know what would be great?
If the 1st Chapter launched this 24th

Because you could watch Game of Thrones
and then Paw yourself furiously.
I call that, a fine bloody day.
Whaddya say bud

You're shameless.

You know, just in case you were unawares.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby JohnCollins5091 » Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:25 am

Elaymidoray Wrote:You're shameless.

You know, just in case you were unawares.

Great nations were built upon the desire for tiddies.
I am not shameless, I am visionary, ambitious, and honest above all.
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Re: [VX ACE RPG] Aylia's Story - English H-RPG Goodness!

Postby An Ying Hu » Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:23 pm

JohnCollins5091 Wrote:Because you could watch Game of Thrones
and then Paw yourself furiously.
I call that, a fine bloody day.
Whaddya say bud

That's almost a haiku.
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