A Perfect Ten - Cancelled

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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [v0.1 Released! 8/24/17]

Postby Exer » Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:14 pm

Almost done with version 0.2, and should be releasing it next week at the latest. Already have the work area finished, the base mall area done (which will give hints as to what costumes are going to be put in), the current scene done, and added a button to check stats from the main map. Just need to finish up the new scene and the first date, and it will be ready to be released. This also means the base mechanics of the game are done, I just need to add in content. I'll tweak and add things as needed as I continue making the game though.

However, very few people have really expressed interest in the game, and not many people have been downloading it. So, I'm starting to wonder if it's just because there's a lack of content, or because there's already a game based on the DCAU art style, or something else entirely. So, I thought I'd ask, and see what people have to say.

I drew a sample of Angela in a more detailed art style to possibly use for the game, if disinterest is really because of the art style. It's still heavily influenced by the DCAU, but is a little more detailed and realistically proportioned. Here is the sample.

Let me know what you want to see in the game as well. If you don't want to leave a comment, that's totally cool, just please vote in the poll! No matter what, I'm going to continue making it, because it's a game I've wanted to make for a while. The amount of content I put it will change depending on how much interest there is though.
Last edited by Exer on Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [Thread Updated Sept 04 201

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:21 am

I like the DCAU art style, I wouldn't change it. It's fresh and different and still sexy.

If you're wanting to add more to this style, try studying the work of Bruce Timm. I think Bruce Timm is responsible for establishing the DC Animation style of cartooning, wholly or partially, but some of his non-animated work is higher quality, since they don't need to pull their punches for the sake of animation.

EDIT: As for not downloading it, I'm personally really hesitant to download anything ever. I would want to see more screenshots of gameplay, at least, gameplay video would be better, preferable more positive reviews on the forum, although that's not something you can do anything about yourself. To some extent and read "dating sim" and remember how tedious those games can be. I would need to see evidence of a unique hook, which the DCAU artwork kind of does for me, but still, I want to know more about the gameplay before I download, preferable with pictures rather than words.
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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [Thread Updated Sept 04 201

Postby Ungawa » Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:00 pm

All due respect, I like the art style, but I dunno if you're here for the long haul. So I'm waiting to see the game progress before I become invested in it. I've been burnt way too many times by people expecting a playthrough or five and then they no longer update. The art style is fine. But I'd like the same thing Ace has posted before I get into the game.
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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [Thread Updated Sept 04 201

Postby Saika » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:18 pm

Yeah, I like the DCAU artstyle the original post has as well. I just haven't played because I tend not to touch initial builds of things since they have so little content to start with.

Honestly, this is basically just a "me too~" post for what Ace said above.
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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [Thread Updated Sept 04 201

Postby operasingeronwednesday » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:54 pm

The style is fine, and the basic premise is solid. Some of the ideas to take away tedium, and random guessing are also good additions, but for problems it's a combination. Since it's a first project people will be hesitant to really get into it until it's been around for a while getting constant updates, or you've done several decent games. Since it's an early build there's little to do. I went ahead, and just spammed rep with her to see if there's any more than one scene and didn't find it. Other than that there's not a lot to do it seems.

This also brings me to a different point. With no time day/night sort of deal and no real obstacle to the goal it feels aimless. I can just spam all my stats to max in one day and then talk to her at my leisure and we're good. There's no timer I'm competing against to make sure I'm managing my time as best as I can to make sure she ends up with my character.

While I agree that too much of that leads to outright annoyance a lot of the time so too does the opposite without a rival trying to woo her, or her leaving because of X reason in a set number of days unless she falls in love with you, then the game is essentially just wasting your time, and may as well just show you the goods up front. It stops being a game at that point, and just becomes a mash a button until you unlock what you want.

Even something as simple as a rival for her affections that slowly gains rep with her and starts building up faster and faster, could be enough. If you really wanted to make every game different then I'd say randomize his stats each game so you don't always know that you have until X to do something about it. You could just add an option to her talking to give the player some idea where the rival stands with her.

Something like "Player mentions rival's name in passing"
and her response could indicate her current level with him. She could be dismissive, not really know who he is, blush, or any other number of things to give the player an idea of how close they are to winning/losing her to the rival.

Just some random ideas, but I'm sure you can think of better, or more, but regardless that's my main gripe with it now.
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Re: A Perfect Ten - A Dating Sim [Thread Updated Sept 04 201

Postby Exer » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:07 pm

Thanks everyone for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'll keep the art style and just work on getting more content in the game.

I completely understand concerns about the game being abandoned. I've seen it happen a lot as well. The only reason I was really worried, was because I had made one other game a few years ago, and it got a lot more feedback initially. So, I was a little worried about this project when literally no one was saying anything.

Future updates should hopefully address the concerns about creating there being no obstacle to the goal as well. More stats will be introduced as the game progresses, and you'll need a combination of them in order to not just buy different costumes, but get Angela to actually wear them for you. I did this so that you can't just mash one thing and unlock everything in the game. This is also why I made Angela's stats invisible, and don't say exactly what's needed to unlock anything. I give out hints, but there's nothing that says anything exact. That's the way I'm going about it, in lieu of a day/night system, or an energy system to really disrupt gameplay and force you to take extra steps for no reason, other than extend game time. And I just don't like time limits. Having to start over after working hard to unlock something is just frustrating to me, and I don't want to make a game that does that. I'm making the game to be relaxed and about collecting costumes and unlocking scenes, not about time management and min/maxing. There's plenty of other games that do that much better than I could (a couple of my favorites being HunieCam Studio and Tsuma Shibori).

As for the art style, Bruce Timm did create the DCAU style, and many of his personal works are masterfully done versions of that style. That being said, I'm not a good enough artist to be able to completely emulate his personal style. I can emulate the cartoon style, but he tends to use markers or colored pencils for his coloring. Which are two styles that I am not very good with. Especially when working digitally, which I do.

With that being said, the next build of the game is almost done, and it adds in a lot more content. The basic mechanics of the game are done and I'm also adding in another hentai scene for Angela, the first date, and a couple of scenes for one of the costumes. I'll keep working and adding new content, and hopefully everyone will like it. I've been working on this game for a while, and until recently, I wasn't able to find and engine I could use that I could do what I actually wanted. Now that I have, things are going relatively smoothly. I hope everyone enjoys the game once it's got a bit more to do!
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Re: A Perfect Ten - v0.2 Released 9/8/17 & 1st Costume Poll

Postby Exer » Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:24 am

Version 0.2 is up with a lot of stuff added in. There's now a total of 3 scenes in the game (2 for Angela, 1 for the Classy Dress outfit). The full version notes are in the first post.

The first costume poll is also up! Be sure to vote by 9/15/2017! I'll be adding in a new poll once that one is over, and adding in the winner to the next version release!
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Re: A Perfect Ten - v0.2 Released 9/8/17 & 1st Costume Poll

Postby Exer » Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:45 pm

Just 3 more days until the Secret Identity costume poll ends! Make sure to vote while you can!
It's currently tied between Felicia Hardy and Barbara Gordon. I'm honestly pretty surprised at how well Felicia is doing. She'll be a fun character to put in if she wins though, since I'll get to translate her into the DCAU style.

Two more days left in the poll, and Felicia and Barbara are still tied, with Lana Lang just one vote behind them. Since it's starting to look like we may have a tie, I just wanted to mention that patreon supporters get more votes, depending on your patron tier. If you really want your character to win, that's the easiest way to guarantee it. Also, if there's a tie, I'll be the deciding vote. However, I may just put both costumes in if there's a tie. Some of these polls were made because I couldn't decide which to put in, and if a poll can't decide either, then I'll just have to put them both in.

Thought I'd take some time to show off some character artwork, and give a progress update, in between versions.

Progress Updates
First, overall progress!
Character art for 6 of the currently planned 26 costumes are done
Artwork is done for 5 of the 155 scenes.
1 of the 5 Angela dates are done.
All main areas are done.
0 of the currently planned secret areas are in the game.

Now, progress between versions!
Character art for 2/3 new costumes are done.
Artwork is done for 2 of the 5 scenes being added.

Character Artwork
First up is the "Classy Dress" based on Mary McGinnis from Batman Beyond. This is the only costume available 0.2, and has one hentai scene available. Two more scenes are being added for this costume in 0.3.

Next up is the "Ghost Hunter" costume based on Maddie Fenton from Danny Phantom! This costume is going to be included in 0.3, with at least 1 scene.

Finally, is the "Rocket Skirt" costume, based on Jessie/Musashi from Pokemon! This costume is going to be included in 0.3, with at least one scene as well.

I'm going a lot faster making this artwork than I expected, so I may be including more costumes and scenes into 0.3 than I initially planned. It depends on how long it takes me to finish up the Movie Date, and the new CG. If it gets done before the poll is done, then I'll keep adding more scenes for the existing costumes until the poll is done. Then I'll be adding in the winner, with at least 1 scene. I'll be updating the thread once 0.3 is released! Feel free to let me know what you think!
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - Results of 1st Costume Poll Are In!

Postby Exer » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:44 pm

Results of the first poll are in, and the winner of the Secret Identity Costume poll is...!

Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)
Ref Used - http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com/word ... 2/date.bmp
You can check out the character artwork on my patreon in the results post, or you can wait until 0.3 is released to check it out! - https://www.patreon.com/posts/14392917

Felicia's costume will be added to the game in 0.3, as the "It's A Secret" costume!

Coming in 2nd was a tie between Lana Lang and Barbara Gordon. Since 2nd place was a tie, I'll be putting them both into a runner up poll. Runner up polls wont be happening until all of the initial 16 costume polls have been decided. Then, I'll start doing the runner up polls. Given the game is popular enough for me to continue working on it past the currently planned costumes.

The next poll will be starting in just a couple of days, on 09/17/17, and the theme will be DC Heroines.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - Results of 1st Costume Poll Are In!

Postby Exer » Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:23 pm

The DC Heroine costume poll is up!
Sorry about the delay everyone, my internet died, and I wasn't able to get it back up until today. Check the first post for more details and references I'll be using for each winner. Also keep in mind, patreons get more votes in every poll, depending on your patron tier!
Anyway, I'm personally pulling for Batgirl, but since she's also in Something Unlimited, I decided to put her in the poll. If she ends up winning, I may add in a second costume with her, a recolor to make it a different Batgirl. It'll just be a recolor, and it won't have any unique scenes, but I thought it would be fun to do, if she wins.

Version 0.3 is also almost done. I'm going for releasing it into early access on Sunday 9/24/17, and then to the public on 10/01/17.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby AcetheSuperVillain » Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:29 am

Maybe you could do both the Animated series color Batgirl and the Adam West series color Batgirl. Purple and Gold is fun.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Exer » Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:57 pm

AcetheSuperVillain Wrote:Maybe you could do both the Animated series color Batgirl and the Adam West series color Batgirl. Purple and Gold is fun.

That's a great idea! If she ends up winning, I'll have to do 2 variants instead. The normal DCAU one, an Adam West series color, and then the Stephanie Brown version color. I suppose if I'm going to be doing recolors, I could expand the base number of costumes in the game, and do recolors for some other costumes too. There are a few that would be easy enough to do, like the black version of Jessie's outfit. Thinking about it, I could even some original recolors, like a Ghost version of Maddie, or a dark skinned version of Angela. Maybe even add a secret shop that has all of the variants. If I didn't do any unique scenes for the recolored outfits, it'd be really easy to do too.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby musical74 » Thu Sep 21, 2017 9:54 pm

Probably won't happen, but as there's a tie at the moment: what happens if the poll closes and there's a tie, do you choose both, or what?

She probably won't wind up winning (even though she's tied for first right now), but I would love to see Zatanna win. She's kind of a bit player compared to the other 3 but she still has her uses, and it's always nice to have lesser-known characters involved!
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Exer » Fri Sep 22, 2017 12:07 am

musical74 Wrote:Probably won't happen, but as there's a tie at the moment: what happens if the poll closes and there's a tie, do you choose both, or what?

She probably won't wind up winning (even though she's tied for first right now), but I would love to see Zatanna win. She's kind of a bit player compared to the other 3 but she still has her uses, and it's always nice to have lesser-known characters involved!

If there's a tie, then it kind of depends. If I'm ahead of schedule, and they're both relatively easy costumes, I'll put both in. Otherwise, I'm the deciding vote.
If the game ends up being popular enough, they'll all eventually make it in though. Because as long as people are supporting the game, then I'll keep putting costumes in.

Zatanna is way ahead right now, I'm pretty surprised (currently at 7, with Supergirl in 2nd with 4). There's still another 10 days in the current poll though, so we'll see what happens. I originally planned for Zatanna to be in the game, but since she's not a very major character, and I don't really see much of her, I wasn't sure how much other people really liked her and wanted to see her. A lot of the poll characters are like that.
I also had planned on putting both Batgirl and Barbara Gordon in, but there were way too many redheads. About 2/3 of the planned costumes were redheads, so I had to throw a lot of them into polls to prevent the game from having too much of the same type, haha.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Exer » Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:59 pm

V0.3 has been released into early access on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/exerart
It will be released to the public next week, on 09/01/2017. In the meantime, here's a sample of one of the scenes.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I'm pretty shocked at how well Zatanna is doing in the poll too. She's got a HUGE lead on everyone else. The poll still has another week though, so there's still a chance that someone else could catch up.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Ungawa » Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:50 am

The reason for my vote is that I've seen all the other characters in recent movies, games, etc. Zatanna can be a lot more fresh and new and is far more intriguing with her magic focus. Can't speak to the other people and their votes, but mine is based on knowing that WW is based on a bondage fetish, Supergirl is super boring (IMO) and batgirl/Oracle needs more than to be Batman's sidekick to be interesting.

Just my few thoughts...
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby musical74 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:40 am

I voted for Zatanna because she's more a bit player than the other three, Wonder Woman is kick of getting overdone lately, Supergirl doesn't interest me much, and while Batgirl would be interesting... I think Zatanna with her magic would be interesting to see, and seeing how she might use magic for perverted reasons (or using magic to convince perverts to stay away!) would be very much worth it!

So yeah, same train of thought as Ungawa. We need more love for the bit players!
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Exer » Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:31 pm

Ungawa Wrote:The reason for my vote is that I've seen all the other characters in recent movies, games, etc. Zatanna can be a lot more fresh and new and is far more intriguing with her magic focus. Can't speak to the other people and their votes, but mine is based on knowing that WW is based on a bondage fetish, Supergirl is super boring (IMO) and batgirl/Oracle needs more than to be Batman's sidekick to be interesting.

Just my few thoughts...

musical74 Wrote:I voted for Zatanna because she's more a bit player than the other three, Wonder Woman is kick of getting overdone lately, Supergirl doesn't interest me much, and while Batgirl would be interesting... I think Zatanna with her magic would be interesting to see, and seeing how she might use magic for perverted reasons (or using magic to convince perverts to stay away!) would be very much worth it!

So yeah, same train of thought as Ungawa. We need more love for the bit players!

Everyone, please read the first post, or try out the game, before voting. These votes aren't for the characters to be put in the game, they're for costumes to dress the main character up in. I've edited to first post to better convey this, but seriously, please read the first post, or try out the game, before voting.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby musical74 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:51 am

Wouldn't change my vote, Zatanna costumes are still good, better than the others IMO.
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Re: A Perfect Ten v0.2 - DC Heroines Poll Is Up!

Postby Ungawa » Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:20 am

Same here. I've seen plenty of Batgirl and Wonder Woman to last me a while. Haven't seen enough Zatanna. And you're telling me about a cosplay with a magic wielder who has fishnets?

Yes please...
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