AllenAndArth Wrote:shouldn't sleeping recover HP?
Kiollo Wrote:I installed RPG Maker VX and then installed the game, i was not able to play the game since it said that RGSS202E.dll file was not found can anyone help me fix this
cookie jar Wrote:AllenAndArth Wrote:shouldn't sleeping recover HP?
It does, but only a small amount as far as I can tell.
What it does recover is mana. And once you get your first healing spell basically that's all that matters. And getting to that point doesn't take very long.
And yes, granted, once the VIP Whore gets recover Mana that stops being an issue as well.
cookie jar Wrote:I just realized I never commented how much I like the way this game is developing. I admit, I was a bit disappointed after the first few versions I tried. But the last few were really good imho.
So basically I just wanted to throw a "keep up the good work" in.
cookie jar Wrote:I have a little content question, so I'll put it in spoilertags. Wouldn't want to ruin that for anyone.Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Mickele Wrote:I'm not sure if anybody has mentioned it before, but when i tried to get healed by the nun in game town, but for my party, it didn't do anything...
AllenAndArth Wrote:shouldn't sleeping recover HP?
xaina222 Wrote:When i start a new game, im a lv 99 standing infront an orge castle which i cant get in, i turned back to the map, walked around a bit and the monsters and other npc are impossible to beat since the have like over 9000 hp or st. is something wrong with my game ?
Kiollo Wrote:How do i install RTP ? im kinda new to all thisso im not quite how to install it
IrrelevantComment Wrote:I've done everything up to the red room without having sex a single time, but so far as I can tell it's impossible to get into the red room without getting raped. Since the storyline is supposed to be about stopping the rape and prostitution, it should be poossible (albeit more difficult) to complete the game without having sex.
wolfmanjoes Wrote:So what future plans are you working on?
Lord154 Wrote:Hello all
Any news about an update?
Lord154 Wrote:Hello all
Good luck with the exams
Don't worry we'll waiting
ReadyOrNot Wrote:Just two questions:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Thanks for all of your hard work. I love this game.
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