Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a name?

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Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a name?

Postby 5rrrrr » Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:48 am

Hello People!

I'm developing a new "Adult Interactive Fiction" game :D

Development status: Active
__________________________________________ TOPIC MAP __________________________________________
1. What is this game about?
2. You said mods?
3. How easy to mod will be this game? And what you mean variables?
4. What is this game about?
5. Game name?
5. Lasts words
7. What i'm working right now / What i have already done

1 - What is this game about?

Before i talk about the game i'm working on, i will talk about some other games that inspired me to make this game...

First of all is Skyrim, i really like how Skyrim is easy to mod, make quests, create NPCs, build your own drama inside a game that is already awesome and allow the game to keep being developed by other people, its been years since Bethesda stopped working on it and still have lots of content everyday by modders... And i also love open world games :D

Fenoxo's "Corruption of Champions" also was a big inspiration for me to start working on a "AIF" game (Adult Interactive Fiction, also known as Erotic Text Game), it was my first game on this genre and introduced me to text games :V

"Newlife" from Splendid Ostrich Games was the game that made me realize how having control about little choices can make you much more immersive on the game than reading big texts, dont get me wrong though, big texts are entertaining, but constantly having the option to change the outcome of every action or conversation is very entertaining...

I also got inspired from "Rimworld", Ludeon Studios, the artwork is really simple but still amazing, i'm not a artist myself but i'm trying to do everything on my skill power (lel) to make the art nice even tho the game is not supposed to be graphics focused.

Well, those games are my inspirations and the game i'm doing will have for sure influence of those that i previously mentioned: The easily modded and open world Skyrim, customization of the NPCs, customization of the player, top down view from Rimworld, transformation themes from Corruption of Champions, and choices everywhere cutting through big texts like Newlife...

2 - You said mods?

The Engine that i'm developing this game is the "Unity Engine", i could make this game in a way that only me could modify the NPCs, create quests, modify variables and create the texts all trough programming but i decided to make something that everyone could easily modify, create NPCs,variables and quests without the need of knowing C#(the programming language that i'm developing the game), The text editor is fully functional and it works well without bugs, with it i could already make a game with the choices and texts just like Corruption of Champions, but i want to make NPCs that walk around and also the player to interact with everything, oh and also a open world...

So right now, with the Text Editor working properly, i started to make a NPC editor.

Here some screenshots of the Text Editor and the NPCs Editor
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Text Editor:
NPC's Editor:

The instalation of the mods is all done through the game, so the mod installing process will be amazingly easy.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):



3 - How easy to mod will be this game? And what you mean variables?

Variables are some "titles" inside the game that can hold numbers and texts inside, all games have lots of them and usually only programmers have acces to them, and they say if other people can change them or not, but in this game you will be able to create you own variables, and edit them without the need of being a programmer, so lets say that you want to create a quest in this game, in your quest the player will have to enter a party, but the party only people with more than 21 years can enter, so basically you just create a variable called "age", and then in the text editor when you will be making the party quest, you add a choice to enter the party and say "hey game, this choice can be only shown if the player have 'age' more than 21 lol"... well not actually this way... But close, you need to say "agemorethan==21" and its done :D You can modify your variables aswell in that same easy way.

Here is the "Show variables menu":
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Text Editor:

I will tell more about it later :V

4 - What is this game about?

Initially the main game will be happening in the medieval era in a fiction world, when you first start a new game you will be put in a situation that your choices will lead you into lots of differents outcomes for your new life in this fictice world. In the game you will be able to play from a Prince/Princess to a lowlife, the gameplay will be focused more on diplomacy and conversations than actual combat. But keep in mind that this will be the default version of the game, people can still make mods that makes the carries the player to another planet in a spaceship.

I haven't trully started making the game drama and quests yet since i'm working in something else in this game, but the tools are already ready to be used.

But i can tell that this game will bring some topics/fetishes just as:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Female Solo
Male Solo
Mental Changes
Female to Male
Male to Female
Mythical Creature
Body Transformation


5 - Game name?

Good question lol.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):



6 - Last words

So that was it guys, i really hope that you like it when it become playable :3
I would really appretiate some help on making the characters customizations art, and I also would love to hear your ideas and critiques, if everything goes right i will try to hire someone to make a website and a forum to post mods once i have some money, can't do it right now cuz i'm broke af and i dont have time to make it myself xD

7 - What i'm working right now / What i have already done

Text reader - Done.
Text code replacer - Done.
Choices Manager - Done.
Text and choices editor - Done.
Mod loader - Done.
Custom variables editor - Done.
NPCs editor - Done.
NPCs loader - Done.
NPCs behavior - In progress.
Player movement - Not started.
World - Not started.
Mod creation compiler - Not started.

Game Playable? No.
Last edited by 5rrrrr on Sat Jul 28, 2018 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a n

Postby Dead2112man » Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:10 am

So basically, This should be in discussion area and not here
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a n

Postby kingofbrocoli » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:44 pm

You are making a text game in unity?
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Re: Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a n

Postby 5rrrrr » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:05 am

Dead2112man Wrote:So basically, This should be in discussion area and not here

Board index ‹ Creative ‹ Creative Corner ‹ Non-Flash Projects

I think it fits really well here since this is a "Non-Flash project" that is being "Created"

kingofbrocoli Wrote:You are making a text game in unity?

yes :V
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Re: Developing a new Adult Interactive Fiction... I Need a n

Postby zergius » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:06 pm

There are so many options...
1. You can name game by the name of your realm or kingdom where action goes - Strangeways of Lorem Ipsum, Legend of Dolor Sit Amet etc :)
2. You can emphasize one of your favorite kink - Urge to transform, The beast within
3. You can choose something common and trivial that associates with open world game - Place under a sun, Path to glory, Slippery destiny
4. Combine points above - Cocks and pussies of Lorem ipsum, Beasts of Dolor Sit Amet, Champion of Fertile Land
5. Something irrelevant but funny - Fast an furryous, Sperm of justice, Prude sinner
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