The Casting Couch [18+][Simulation][Online]

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The Casting Couch [18+][Simulation][Online]

Postby hentami » Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:13 am

Become the biggest dick in the amateur porn industry and grow your new company all the way to the top! Explore Fuxor City and forge your porn empire.

Start your journey as CEO of your very own adult casting company. Get side jobs, gamble, buy items, upgrade your lifestyle, fill it with swag, join a swingers club, buy some hookers, roleplay with demons, recruit new girls, use social media, upload videos, gain those subs and become the biggest dick!

-Open World
-Random Events
-Online Rankings
-Offline Progression
-In game Messages
-Romantic Interests

Our goal is to combine what we love and create a whole new experience.


1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on "casting_couch.exe" to start playing.

Downloads: DROPBOX ...

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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:11 am

Re: The Casting Couch [18+][Simulation][Online]

Postby hentami » Sat May 19, 2018 3:09 am


- online database improvements to query
- chaper 1 quest line complete (needs more meat tho)
- audition 4 added
- back end improvments to save
- hired new render artist (thank you supporters!)
- new music
- new random music changes to decrease repetition
- adjusted fame levels for new auditions
- new intro CG screens
- new intro songs
- backpage choice can return to opening audition
- windows7 compatibility started
-make it rain achievement fixed
- 3 new stats (all save)
- stat +physical (gym)
- stat +mental (library)
- stat +social (bar)
- stat +random (stripclub)
- stats offset fame/money for quest unlocks
- JOBS (manually clicking now 4 * faster)
- job level stat - reduces jobs auto completion timer instead of manual timer
- currrent day in game saves
- gym workout available + physical
- exploring hotel creates commercials
- hotel 1st pass random movement
- Therapist - improved character model
- Nurse - improved character model
- removed chapter 1 play on game start if played
- spa exporation easter egg
- hotel now has elevator. Dam cool idea it is
- more stat checking / quest slowdown (balancing check)
- setting (font) started / works in office text
- added patreon credits back in! (escape)
- can now fire maid (no penalty, rehire anytime)
- can now fire assistant (no penalty, rehire anytime)
- choices will now appear instantly without intro delay
- stripclub fight scene reticle very slow
- quest status now saves
- spelling fixes (thanks amexican666!)
- lowered audition persuasion failure
- stripclub 'makeitrain' exchange 100$ for 10 fame
- job skill level stat increases
- job skill level stat saves
- job skill level lowers job time
- receptionist now takes gifts
- maid now takes gifts
- receptionist desire level saves <60
- maid desire level saves <60
- office/receptionist split into seperate objects for speed
- audition 3 available
- receptionist now halves time of social media
-- testing -- manual screen resize 'should' work better
-- testing -- basically adding 'black bars' to center view on resize
-- NOTE -- render resolution makes fullscreen rather meh
-- testing character highlight on dialog removal for visual
-- random character blinking script complete - trade off, need double the renders..
-- library anim
-- reception amim
-- fixed phone visibility on toggle gui
-- fixed job scene phone move
-- stripclub trndstter cuz, so good
- removed money test from login
- added 'F95' password bonus
- hard reset on created videos for update change
- online mode saving to new database (no more dupes)
- cleaned up few audition 2 bugs.
- audition 'sequence' template set
- added slight animation chapter 1
- fixed inventory adding from shop
- inventory now saves
- spa money taken
- settings color choice testing
- fixed poor home world map
- removed game pause on esc
- gym ban possible
- random phone call-voice now random
- added online developer real time notes
- first quest able to complete
- first past on small fight system
- quest character testing anim
- librarian testing anim
- first pass player mod support text
- hotel receptionist in progress
- hotel maid in progress
- rework player vars script for future expansion
- changed video upload to daily video editing
- hire assistant but does nothing yet
- Entire rewrite of phone-GUI for future updates
- fixed home scene text speed
- fixed map scene text speed
- ranking now shows ten closest ranks
- Hooker was taking too much money. Bad Hooker. fixed.
- incomming facetime calls are now random events / triggered events
- Fame/Money text color changed
- Starting changing all color options to be able to be customzed
- Office Scene now testing scene movable movement by mouse
- facetime video movement glitch fixed
- new shop items
- show buy works but only lasts current session
- changed office menu layouts
- office scene testing movable scene mouse
- spa scene testing movable scene mouse
- increased view game window size 1344x756
- this increase only matters for mouse movement testing
- patreon bonus added
- escape forces saves
- game auto-saves on scene swaps
- ONLINE MODE disabled by default
Turn on in Phone Settings
- Optimization for WIN10 DX11
Older machines not tested but win7 machines confirmed work for some people
- AUTO SAVE when start game in case crash
Escape key now forces save
- Released to public
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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:11 am

Re: The Casting Couch [18+][Simulation][Online]

Postby Spiritmook » Sat May 19, 2018 6:59 pm

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_game_chapter_one:

Variable obj_game_chapter_one.obj_video_audition_1(100401, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_game_chapter_one_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_game_chapter_one_Step_0 (line -1)

I keep getting this error at the first phone call how should I fix it?
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Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:39 pm

Re: The Casting Couch [18+][Simulation][Online]

Postby hentami » Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:25 am

VERSION 0.1.10
- Quest chain - up to quest 18
- downtown added (in progress)
- backend performance updates
- backpage recruiting fame needed better matches quest progress
- starting ASMR patreon video scenes)
- (asmr video will replace patreon skype)
- less alpha on money/fame top gui
- all jobs now improve skills on use no random check
- added quest available text for new players on unlock
- using BACK key for 'text log'
- fixed escape screen to show back key for text log
- gambling removed from office - improved version coming downtown
- sister in dorm able to visit in between quests
- changed entire opening game sequence - for improved new player experience
- changed office options / backpage model sequence for improved new player exp
- fixed stripclub banning for no reason
- lowered initial social stat check to 3
- lowered initial mental stat check to 3
- lowered initial physical stat check to 3
- lowered second stat check to 6
- hotel quest find maid now has quest color to help understand explore
- finding maid for quest rnd lowered
- gym workout timer (faster + job level bonus)
- fixed phone glitch on new player use/bills
- random travel encounters rely on fame only (removed money)
- fixed MrD fight name
- 2 more pov scenes added in chp 1
-- added public debug quest keys
-- f12 to increase quest step
-- f11 to decrease quest step
-- must complete quest step to debug that level
-- will not be able to duplicate fame gain on redo
- removed random video creation code
- creating one place for patreon videos for win7 redux
- fixed mistake created in first audition
- hotel convention center outside dev promo
- spa explore meditation girl added
- added "quest markers" for all chap1 steps
- debug keys no longer able to be accidently pressed
- day of week changes location music (stripclub)
- version release on escape, now proper decimals
- new opening song Branded
- intro bar text improved
- PHONE GUI, swapped hover for readability
- added stat check hints on locations to increase
- more achievements added
- all jobs now increase 'job level' - higher level speeds up job
- stats increase / Gym,Spa,Stipclub,Library - achievement on completion
- lowered fight hit points, less clicks
- shrink quest step 5 social lower to 4
- bad job, gave double stats, fixed
- phone GUI shows money/fame all the time now
- phone gui social completion adjustments
- display multiple achievements at once now possible
- quest completions now give much more fame
- escape key - patreon vocals started
- office computer scene - now POV style
- chp1 opening scene, pov style
- office main intro - pov style
- quest step 1 - now instantly available
- more music, perfect circle fight scene
- quest chain taking slightly darker turn of events!
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Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:11 am

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