Unfair: NSFW V20160425
Link to Blogger:
http://gameunfair.blogspot.com.br/What Is this?Spoiler (click to show/hide):
This is a game focused on adult public, single player, it will be basicaly a game with:
-Events will ocour during the gameplay like bandits and creatures going at your encounter and you can deal with it depending on your gameplay style.
-Real time combat.
-As an RPG, the game will never over and you can choose the way you want to play.
-Attributes, for now there is 9 attributes that you can choose, three of them focused on combat/intimidation(Fighting skills), three of them focused on combat/persuasion(Magick skills) and three of them focused on sex/persuasion(Sexual skills).
-Walk, idle, jump, crawl, sex animations, spells animations, attack animations and more...
-There will be clothing that the player can choose to wear.
->Character customization:
-This game focuses on a female protagonist, so the character customization will be exclusive for a female genere, maybe in the future if this project goes on, will be options for other kind of generes who knows =D.
What I'm doing for now:1.Animations
New:--->New Scene.
--->New Menu.
Animations:--->TiedIdle, MaleArrive,MalePutInside,MaleFuck.
Engine:--->Male semem System.
Objects:--->Cloud system, base ground, scenario.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Demo image (zoom out to see all the image):