Enkide Wrote:Give a good example please?
Well okay. This is gonna be more writing general advice. You can use it to write CYA or fan fiction or roleplay or anything you'd like. I'm gonna use one of the entries in this CYA as an example. I don't know if you wrote it or someone else but it will serve as a good example on what to do with creative writing.
"Young Amy Rose expected that the day had arrived upon which she would finally win over Sonic. She was wearing a brand new dress perfectly flattering her skinny body and she thought it would do the trick. Unfortunately, she was attacked by robots, to be used as bait again. When they struck her with a beam, she did not feel any pain but her clothes were zapped off. That happened:"
Now it's not bad. I can somewhat tell what is happening but it's not exactly very good ether. So let's add some stuff to it and improve it without changing any of the context.
You can off by describing Amy's morning routing and her waking up, taking a shower and getting dressed. During that she can say to herself that today she will finally win over sonic. You can go into more detail about the dress. The color, the way it fit her curvy body, the way it felt on her body, her panties, gloves, shoes... Describe exactly what happened next. As it stands I don't know where she was attacked by robots, how did the robots look like what Amy felt during the attack. Describe the color of the beam, the way it hit her, how she reacted to being hit, how the clothes slowly dissolved off her body. Did she open her eyes and realize what's happening, trying to stop it and salvage any remains of her clothes or did she kept her eyes closed and only open them once it was too late? I think part of the hotness of that is the embarrassment of suddenly being naked. You should describe her blush and shocked expression. And of course there is no mention of her body. It's nice to talk about all the sexy bits that get exposed. Use a lot of adjectives to describe her body (butt, boobs etc. etc.) like curvy, full, well toned, sexy, round, pink, spherical, heavy, large, perky, womanly etc. etc. Talk about every detail but don't go into the good stuff too quickly. Play a little with the people reading, make them really want to get into the good stuff. But at the same time don't overdo it and make them too bored, you want to always keep the reader wanting to know what happens next and how sexily and realistic you will describe it.
Now I didn't ever write anything yet and already I'm way longer than the entry itself, just bouncing ideas. If you wanted to expand on the ideas you could easily make an at least 3 paragraph entry. If you wanna write longer and more descriptive entries I suggest starting off with few exercises like that.