Titfight Text Simulator

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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:30 pm

OMG so big size of *.fla :o ;)

What part of it do you want ? It is a little hard to do becouse some part of it is in movieclip objects - but i will try to post it.

The code in girls frames will be like:


And etc. for each girl.

On enter frame it will be reed to global like varGlobalTitsSize=Player.iTitSize;

Lets make may be it like
Do not wright it like var ivarHealth:int=50;

Only like ivarHealth=50; var will need only for inicialization one time and it will be mistakes. (do not see how it is now in fight code - all that part is not conected to it directly). I will load new variables in that variables and all will work :mrgreen: So do not vorry that they are named a little strange :mrgreen:

Like it is in your movie but starts from ivar- (integer var) for integervariables / bvar-for boolean / svar - for text and string - for example:
svarFinishingMovie:String="Tratata ta ta kill them all =)";

I use AS3 so i can not work with some parts of AS2 codes so do not worry bout it ;) the most important it have to be named the same for each girl - like copy paste.

The code in fighting fragment is:

Code: Select All Code

//--------------  HP and MP ----------
var PlayerTotalHP:int=100;
var PlayerTotalMP:int=10;
var EnemyTotalHP:int=100;
var EnemyTotalMP:int=10;


var PlayerCurrentHP:int=PlayerTotalHP;
var PlayerCurrentMP:int=PlayerTotalMP;
var EnemyCurrentHP:int=EnemyTotalHP;
var EnemyCurrentMP:int=EnemyTotalMP;


//--------------attack and def stats
var PlayerMaxAtk:int=10;
var PlayerMaxDef:int=10;
var EnemyMaxAtk:int=10;
var EnemyMaxDef:int=10;

var PlayerRandomAtk:int;
var PlayerRandomDef:int;
var EnemyRandomAtk:int;
var EnemyRandomDef:int;

var FightText:String;

var PlayerGirlSkill:int=1;
var EnemyGirlSkill:int=1;
var FinisherUpperLimitToWork:int=10;

var MaxHit:int=5;
var MidHit:int=2;
var LowHit:int=1;

var FinHitCostMP:int=5;
var MaxHitCostMP:int=2;
var MidHitCostMP:int=1;
var LowHitCostMP:int=0;

var FinHitAddMP:int=5;
var MaxHitAddMP:int=3;
var MidHitAddMP:int=2;
var LowHitAddMP:int=1;

var FinFailLoseMP:int=5;
var MaxFailLoseMP:int=2;
var MidFailLoseMP:int=0;
var LowFailLoseMP:int=0;

var AttackSuccess:int;

var TempPlayerMPForAnimation:int;
var TempEnemyMPForAnimation:int;

var PlayerGirlName:String="Player111";

var EnemyGirlName:String="Enemy111";

var RanAtk,RanDef:int;

function fAttackRandom(MaxAtk,MaxDef:int):int {
  if (RanAtk>RanDef) {return(1);}
  else if (RanAtk<RanDef) {return(0);}
  else if (RanAtk==RanDef) {return(2);}
  else { 
   trace("Error wrong fAttackRandom=3");

Code: Select All Code

Code: Select All Code
//Проверка успешности атаки
//Так же установлены значения этих переменных

//Атака удалась или нет
if (AttackSuccess==1){

  //Finisher Hit attack
  if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=FinHitCostMP)&&(EnemyCurrentHP<=FinisherUpperLimitToWork-EnemyGirlSkill)){
  //MaxHit attack
  else if (PlayerCurrentMP>=MaxHitCostMP){
  }//MidHit hit attack
  else if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=MidHitCostMP)){
  }//LowHit hit attack
  else {
else if (AttackSuccess==0){
  // if finisher fail
  if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=FinHitCostMP)&&(EnemyCurrentHP<=FinisherUpperLimitToWork-EnemyGirlSkill)){
  }//FinHit hit attack
 //MaxHit attack
  else if (PlayerCurrentMP>=MaxHitCostMP){
  }//MaxHit hit attack
  else if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=MidHitCostMP)){
  }//MidHit hit attack
  else {

else if (AttackSuccess==2){
  //FinHit attack
  if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=FinHitCostMP)&&(EnemyCurrentHP<=FinisherUpperLimitToWork-EnemyGirlSkill)){
  }//FinHit hit attack
  //MaxHit attack
  else if (PlayerCurrentMP>=MaxHitCostMP){
  }//MidHit hit attack
  else if ((PlayerCurrentMP>=MidHitCostMP)){
  }//LowHit hit attack
  else {

if (PlayerCurrentMP<0){PlayerCurrentMP=0;}
if (PlayerCurrentMP>EnemyTotalMP){PlayerCurrentMP=EnemyTotalMP;}

//if Fail:
if (EnemyCurrentHP<=0){


if ((parent as MovieClip).bFightSkiper==true){gotoAndPlay("PlayerMPUse");}

Code: Select All Code

tFightText.text="Player Use MP - ready to strike";

if ((parent as MovieClip).bFightSkiper==true){gotoAndPlay("PlayerAtcRen");}

Code: Select All Code


tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+"Player try to attack - his will to attack is:"+String(RanAtk);

if ((parent as MovieClip).bFightSkiper==true){gotoAndPlay("EnemyDefRen");}

Code: Select All Code


tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+"Enemy try to Def - his will to Def is:"+String(RanDef);

if ((parent as MovieClip).bFightSkiper==true){gotoAndPlay("EnemyNewHp");}

Code: Select All Code

if (AttackSuccess==1){tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+ "oh my God Player Strikes !";}
if (AttackSuccess==0){tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+ "oh my God Player Miss !";}
if (AttackSuccess==2){tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+ "Enemy dodge the attack !"+"\n"+"there powers are equal !";}

//if Fail:
if (EnemyCurrentHP<=0){
  tFightText.text=tFightText.text+"\n"+"And Player Winns - what a fight !";


if ((parent as MovieClip).bFightSkiper==true){
  if (EnemyCurrentHP<=0){stop();}
  else {gotoAndPlay("EnemyRetext");}

The same for enemy but a little changes in names of vars.
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:48 pm

A little question: It is too big size of fla - and as i see there are a lot of images of girls there. They have different size and some of them very big size.
May be make it smaller and do not use for a lot of pictures of each girl ?

Flash file will be big if use all the content and do not optimize it by size - i think it is not good.

By the way - may be change real girls to some thing like hentai content like:



http://i9.fastpic.ru/big/2010/0816/ba/7 ... 4503ba.jpg

But the last idea is only like idea :roll: :mrgreen: The both is good :mrgreen:
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:12 pm

I think I know why the pictures are so big (I converted them all into vector images when I resized them), and I also accidently left the spare/alternate images as part of the fla. I'll leave them as normal and resubmit it with a few of the missing characters as well to see if I can condense things.

With the coding...
I understand that 'var' means 'variable', int means 'integer', but how about 't' and 'String' for 'tPlayerTotalHP.text="/"+String(PlayerTotalHP);'

I'm sorry, I really don't understand coding but at the same time I want to be of more help. I feel like once thecatzman adds in animation, I'll be nothing but a third wheel.

Is there anything else I can do to help?
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:47 pm

Code: Select All Code
't' and 'String' for 'tPlayerTotalHP.text="/"+String(PlayerTotalHP);'

I do not understand it a little - what do you mean ? If it is some part of my code ... my codes are little not readable good even for me some times :mrgreen: :lol: So do not worry. (Like my English i think :lol: :mrgreen: - so sorry for my bad English :roll: )


tPlayerTotalHP.text - it is a text field that named like tPlayerTotalHP. It has property text and etc but the more important one is text for us ;) .

PlayerTotalHP - is a integer value. I use AS3 - it will not need so hard to wright in AS2 but in AS3 is a little harder to wright. PlayerTotalHP - is integer value. And textfield - - text is String. It do not understand if i wright Integer=String so i need to convert it first like String(IntegerValue).

Then i can wright String="Valala"+"/"+"tratata" - it will be like String="Valala/tratata".


Do not be worry about it ;) I mean all we need for girl stats is there information for each girl made the same - for example:



All is needed they are named the same for each girl ;) It is better not to use code - becouse i use AS3 and it can be problems - flash mx do not suport it but if we wright like in my exampe - we will not have problems and can test it.

And if they will have names not like Stat1 but have Name for example iGir1HP=1; sGirlSay="ohoho"; and etc - the code will be easy to fix when we will test it. It is for that purpose - for adding and fixing stats in future ;)

The loading data part of coding will not be big problem for me it is easy to read wright in stats like this - this game do not need hard algoritms so do not worry about coding.

It is much more better
if we think about game concept one more time - may be try to make it in vector - like hentai games with vector animation like in LegendOfKrystal or some thing like that ? I do not understand now how to make animation in other way - becouse now we have - pictures of girls. If we put animation of each girl game size will be very big. It is not good. (If animation will be like avi or the same). If it will be like swf - or fla with movie clip - with small size - we already have a lot of girls picture thats size is very big.

I think it will be perfect if game size will not be more than 10-15 mb. We will need animation / pictures / sounds - some codes - but code will not be big in size :mrgreen:


About game:

Coding takes only part of time in making game. But in good game much more part of time needs: content / animation / design / idea / testing / arts and etc.
I am not good in drawing / arts and animation. So you and thecatzman can do animation and arts. By the way you make good design and if we will add animation we will need to think where and how to put it - may be change design and code some times. All this takes a lot of time. When i try to rewrite LegendOfKrystal on as3 it takes me 1 - 2 weaks - becouse i change only code part and little change animation for add code.

But how long was game made from zero. Much more then that. Animation and art works takes really very big part of work and time. Even when i made game with out girls like tanks - for example:

http://ownerofsuccuby.narod.ru/news/flashnews/17.swf - i make very hard model of tank (i trace picture from internet becouse i can not redraw it :roll: :mrgreen: ) so it lags some times :roll: The tank size is 300kb or even more it was not oprimized so ... :roll: :mrgreen: (But it is 1 to 1 santimiter :roll: - i mistaked and trace it - it needs a lot of PC power - it would better to use jpg then trace it for example it will be 27 kb in jpg =))

I did not draw for this game - i have a lot of mistakes in converting arts and bad design :roll: Even so - it takes me a lot of time. And if we will use girls - girls is not tank. If it is not important how tank looks like - but for the girl it does ;)

http://ownerofsuccuby.narod.ru/news/flashnews/12.swf - the code in this takes me 10-30 minutes, but converting arts takes more than 2-3 days for example.

So the main problem is to make game look good ;) We always can do some thing with code - but to make content, make animations - girls stats (values / text / add music) - test that all - it will take a lot of timeto make it good working ;)

So it is better to focus on this part i think becouse in animation / arts / design / texts - i am not good so i think my help in this will be ... :mrgreen:
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:30 pm

I now have a question - do you mean make animaton where girls fight with there tits with out heads - like 10 standart movies / attacks ?

I little do not understand how do you want it to look and work so have some questions about it.

By the way - it is better not to put a lot of girls in game now. It is possible to add it any time and later. It will be perfect if you give me some thing like litle concept of what to program - and few test girls.

Then we will make game with 2-3 girls and look what mistakes we make. Then edit it and add more girls :mrgreen: ;)

If we now will do a lot of girls stats - we can mistake some where and it will be a lot of work to edit.

Like for example cortas platformer. It is very good, corta draws and animate very good, but now they are adding new girls, but no new levels as i understand. It is interesting to win the game first and know full this story and then play different characters. So it is taking a lot of time - you make a lot of mods - but it is not full story of the game that have to be told to player. A lot of girls is very good, but always - for example me - i like 2-3 girls and play by them. But game is shot - so i think the story is the first and main that have to be made. And then add new girls and etc.

But it is only my opinion - may be i am wrong.

Like gorepete do - he have 1 character but a long story. :mrgreen:

So if it possible can you post some example and concept - of menu some example how do you want the animation work and some example of how you want to make girl stats please - it will be good if i will work with it a little on this weakends - while i have a lot of free time :mrgreen:

And a little about that 30 mb menu - i did not wind there form like in it: download/file.php?id=10115

If you have fla of it can you post it please ;)
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:31 pm

Alright, I was able to compress the .fla file down to 12Mb, I'll post it later this evening (still at the college).

I have an idea as to how the Attacks will work and how to classify them past Finisher, Strong, Medium, Weak, and comes to 12 individual moves. I'll get started on maybe making a few basic models for the various Body Types; Slim, Average, Athletic, Built, Chubby. After that it's only a matter of changing the head and skin color to match the individual.

However, I'd like to see what thecatzman comes up with animation wise. In the meantime, I'll get to work on a basic rundown of the various attack types and what I think they'd look like.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:47 am

Here's the Compressed Version as promised.
Alright, I how how I want the models to look but I don't have a proper picture to base them on to make an outline from. All the Flash work has really slowed my computer down, if it's feeling better tomorrow I'll see about getting started on the model. Even if I have to draw it by hand (god-forbid).
Compressed Animated Select Screen.fla
(11.8 MiB) Downloaded 100 times
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:31 am

Thank you. I'll try to play with it as soon as possible - but unfortunatly have a little problem now - i eat some bad food and get poisoned :?

But i look your *.fla file - it is good. It is like i want, so i hope i will make codes for it soon.

I even hoped that i would make it today, but i was not expected, that i will got poisoned
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:12 pm

Quite welcome. I figured something had happened after not hearing from you but sorry to hear that you have food poisoning.
Don't feel too rushed about the .fla and working on it, just get over the poisoning first and foremost. I've got plenty to busy myself with in the meantime.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:31 am

I test it - my idea works :mrgreen:

I can load girls parametrs from our MovieClip BD - so now i can tell a little how to make it.

Girls pictures have to be resized or remake to size: 157 width / 212 height - or proportion have to be the same like 157/212

For each girl it have to be information Like:

sInformation="Leanne Crow is an immensely popular immensely well-endowed British glamour model. Over time her bust has grown.";
sSignatureMove="Leanne Crow";
sFinishingMove="Leanne Crow finisher";

Do not make information big. I mean do not make Sinformation longer then in example. It is only like test example for now - i am now testing system.

Now i will post alpha test of program in swf - to show how it works.

Original text on sInformation="Leanne Crow is an immensely popular immensely well-endowed British glamour model. Over time her bust has grown, first from a G cup to an HH cup. Now her breasts are now larger than ever, weighing in at the monumental 34 double J-Cup bust.With pleasant an upbeat personality, Leanne is a junior Tit-Fighter.";

But it is too long so it show only... . But i do not know it depends of what text size i use. It is on current movie.

For now buttons do not work but i will make them soon.
Last edited by OwnerOfSuccuby on Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:35 am

For each girl it have to be information Like:

sInformation="Leanne Crow is an immensely popular immensely well-endowed British glamour model. Over time her bust has grown.";
sSignatureMove="Leanne Crow";
sFinishingMove="Leanne Crow finisher";

This information is on layer - Girls picture and this where you put code to frame. For example 4 girls 4 frames with girl and info about her on each.

There were no parametr like Mana in your version so i remove Appeal - becouse it do not use and change it for mana =)

When you will make information for girls change only Text and numbers - that are after my variables. If it starts from "i" - like "iMana=20;"
It have to be only numbers in it after "="

I maen just copy paste it for girls and change values ;)

If it starts on "s" like "sInformation" - any text. But do not make it to long - try to make it look good becouse text fields are limited :mrgreen:

By the way - may be edit character will not be used - we have to save information for this purpose. It is hard to make, and i do not think it is usefull. But we can think about it later i think =)
Last edited by OwnerOfSuccuby on Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:01 pm

I do not make any buttons and etc animation - i hope we will make it later. After we code it all and you download new version of flash ;)

As i promise - like test version of code working with next and prev buttons.
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Re: Titfight Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:21 pm

Smart idea switching the stats to Metric, I'm not sure how you calculated the Bust number, but I'll switch that to Metric scale on my works as well.
The text is just for show really since that was the concept of the original game. You can shrink it down to get it in, that way people who want to read it can just zoom in, and those who don't can ignore it since it's not important to game play.
I didn't add the Energy (Mana) portion, because that the one stat that remains the same for all the wrestlers (10). Since it's the same for everyone and isn't meant to be editable, I just left it off of the profile.

If thecatzman hasn't replied by Wednesday, I'll get started on making my own characters, but it looks like I will have to drawn the out first if it comes to that.

One problem though... their names disappeared from in front of their pictures. Was that supposed to happen or did you just leave it out just for the sample?

How do you make buttons? Can you post the code for that?
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:02 pm

About girls names on pictures - it will add on picture, like art work so i remove it for now. I copy random girls and try to check will it work or not. It is no differense is there picture or animation or anything else - it works the same for this code - so i just test it with picture.

I always use this code for buttons (for as3 and as2) http://www.legendofkrystal.com/forum/vi ... =29&t=2370 like in 1 a, but for AS3 now i make a standart component and i need not code it it do all by itself - i only correct number or name of frame it have to go and a buttons name.

For this buttons code is like: (it is onas3 and will not work in as2)

Code: Select All Code




if (!bPrevGirl.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK)){bPrevGirl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,fPrevGirl);}

function fPrevGirl(e:MouseEvent):void{
  if (GirlsDB.currentFrame>2){GirlsDB.gotoAndStop(GirlsDB.currentFrame-1);}
  else {GirlsDB.gotoAndStop(GirlsDB.totalFrames);}

if (!bNextGirl.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK)){bNextGirl.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,fNextGirl);}

function fNextGirl(e:MouseEvent):void{
  if (GirlsDB.currentFrame<GirlsDB.totalFrames){GirlsDB.gotoAndStop(GirlsDB.currentFrame+1);}
  else {GirlsDB.gotoAndStop(2);}

Thecode in db is like on picture.

For example 4 frame:
Code: Select All Code
sInformation="Linsea bla bla bla";
sSignatureMove="Linsea bla bla";
sFinishingMove="Linsea Rica finisher";

I do not understand about metrik - i did not calculate there bust size - just make a random values and wright it in our database :mrgreen:
I even do not think that i can calculate there size in real life ;) And i little do not understand about metric - what do you mean ?
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:53 pm

I had originally put the stats in Imperial Units; Height in Feet & Inches, and Weight in Pounds. Metric Units is Height in Centimeters and Weight in Kilograms, which is a lot more streamlined.
In the mean time, I'm trying to make heads and tails of the coding you showed me on your other thread. If I can figure out how to use a button, then I can make my samples a lot clearer. If I can get it, I'll make a sample that has the title screen, calender, and character listing.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:28 am



For buttons in AS2.

Charselect is the name of frame where you go. Or you can put its number - it is better for now i think.

So you can make gor example 3 frames on main time line. Write stop(); on the first and put button on it.

In it wright (in button like on picture) -

on (release) {

And it will go and stop on 3rd frame. You can use 4 commands for movie clip control:

It is like TV remote cntroll - go next chanel - or go some other chanel with number... or even a better example is video cassette recorder - where you need to go to some movment of video - stop it or play again - or play from moment you want :mrgreen:

It is for AS2 - but i can not use it in my version - i use AS3 it is much more different there - and a little harder - so for that purpose i made components they will do all by them self. You just will need to instal CS4/5/5.5/6 ... - becouse i cann not convert it to older versions - so you can not open it with Macromedia flash. If it will be some problems i can try to find MX and make example with it i think may be i have it on my other PC).
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Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:18 pm

It's funny because last night, while I was working on trying to figure out where on earth all this coding came from and was supposed to go, I FINALLY, figured out what had happened to my 'Actions' panel. I kept clicking and clicking and it wasn't showing up. Just a list of Index's. I finally gave up, and closed it off. When I did, it popped out and showed me exactly what I was looking for. Needless to say, I figured out how to use buttons, frames, and scenes. All that's missing is getting the 'Start Season' and 'Sponsor Season' parts worked out.

.SWF and .FLA also included, for your viewing pleasure.


Here's a pretty well fleshed out sample of what I had in mind for the Titfight Simulator to do.

A run through of the stats that I had listed and how they work:


Health: Self-explanatory, every wrestler starts with a set value from 30 - 60 which drops by certain intervals depending on the attack type and opponents skill (which I'll go over later). When it hits 0, they loose.
Attack: Wrestlers have a set maximum Attack value from 1 - 10. In a match, a random number is selected between 1 and their maximum (for example, if their attack is 4, then they can get a 1, 2, 3, or 4).
Defense: Like with Attack wrestlers have a set maximum Defense value from 1 - 10 as well. Again a random number is selected. This number is compared to the aggressors attack. (For example, the attacker has a maximum of 4 attack and gets a 3 while the defender has a maximum of 6 but gets a 2, then the attackers move works.) If Attack > Defense; Attack Success. If Attack < Defense; Attack Fails. If Attack = Defense; Attack Ties. Success, Failure, and Ties will be gone over later.
Skill: Wrestlers have a certain Skill level from 1 - 5 (Rookie, Standard, Professional, Veteran, and Elite) which comes into play with attacks. Should an attack succeed, their Skill level will add to their attacks damage. A Rookie (Skill = 1), will do an extra 1 damage to any attack while an Elite (Skill = 5), will do an extra 5. This way, Rookie vs Rookie and Elite vs Elite matches will be fair, while a Rookie vs Elite match will be nearly one sided.
Speed: This stat determines who will be the attacker during the next round. Again a value from 1 - 10, this differs in that Speed, accumulates until used. (For example; a Wrestler with a Max Speed of 2 vs one with a Max Speed of 8. In the first turn, they get 2/2 and 4/8, and the 4/8 Speed goes first. Next turn, it become 1/2 + 2 from previous turn vs 6/8. The 6/8 goes again. Third turn, 2/2 + 1 (from previous) + 2 (from one before) vs 3/8, the 2/2 (now 5/2) goes on the offensive. The next turn, it becomes 2/2 vs 5/8 + 3 (from THEIR previous turn). This way, fast (but usually weak) wrestlers can get more attacks in while slow (but usually stronger) wrestlers are more spread out. It also prevents one wrestler who's naturally lucky from continuously out-speeding a slower opponent.
Appeal: This is a special stat, with a range from 1 - 5, and rather than help the wrestler directly, is meant to affect the crowd/audience. Whenever a wrestler uses an Exciting move, they have the chance to influence the crowds energy, increasing it by their Appeal Level.

Height: Flavor Text, has no effect on stats.
Weight: Flavor Text, has no effect on stats.
Bust: Flavor Text, has no effect on stats. (Bust size and shape is reflected by major stats.)
Alignment: The wrestlers personality, depending on type gains a bonus based off of Crowd Energy. (Lawful, Face, Neutral, Heel, Wild)
Body Type: The wrestlers build, which effects stats. (Slim, Athletic, Average, Built, Chubby) Slim gains +1 to their random speed, Athletic regains 1 Energy every other turn, Average gains +1 to their random Defense, Built gains +1 to their random Attack, Chubby regains 1 Health every other turn)

Health: This shows how much Health each wrestler has left.
Energy: This shows how much Energy each wrestler has left. Always out of 10.
Signature: This shows the name of the wrestlers signature move, if she has one.
Finisher: This shows the name of the wrestlers finishing move, if she has one.

Screen: Shows an animation of the attack used by the wrestlers.
Crowd: Shows the crowds excitement level. Excitement ranges from 1 - 30, and is set to 10 at default. An Exciting Move (Success, Fail, or Tie) will increase the Excitement by the Attackers Appeal. A Boring Move (Success, Fail, or Tie) will decrease the Excitement by 1. Normal Moves have no effect. In addition, certain moves may cause the crowd to Boo or Cheer one particular wrestler. Depending on their alignment they may gain or loose an attack bonus.

There are 12 moves divided between 5 different effects on the Crowd; Cheer, Boo, Bore, Excite, Neutral. Cheer (Good) moves, will boost the Crowd Energy in the wrestlers favor, while Boo (Bad) moves will give them negative favor. Both Cheer and Boo, moves will boost the overall Crowd Energy by 1.


Complicated I know, but this is pretty much everything I ever wanted to incorporate into the Titfight Tournament. (Except for Alliances, Rivalries, and Tag-Teams; which I'm still unsure as how to explain decently.) Allied characters have lower Defense against one another while Rivals have higher attack maybe? But anyway, one thing at a time.

I've found something that might help in getting the animated characters working, but then... I can't animate... For now I'll try and get their default positions and facial features sorted out.

Anything else you need done or explained, feel free to let me know.
Compressed Interactive Select Screen.fla
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Compressed Interactive Select Screen.swf [ 2.55 MiB | Viewed 13531 times ]

I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:13 pm

OK the code wll need to be fixed. I will watch what is possible to do with it :mrgreen:

About speed - if for example one player speed is 8 and another 1 - the player with speed =8 may attack 8 times more than that who is with =1 ? If random so ?

I mean speed is for more random attack by one character and another just did not attck ?

About apeal - as i understand it is not for fight ? It is more like do people like the girl or do not i mean do she fight with honour or not ?

Is it all that is needed for fighting part ?
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby SteelSaurus » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:44 pm

For Speed; if one character is 8 and the other is 1, it means that on the first turn the chance is (1-8) vs (1-1), second turn (1-8) vs (1-1)+1, third turn (1-8) vs (1-1)+2, etc. The looser gets whatever their last speed was, plus their current speed.
Chelsea Charms has a Speed of 1, but she has 60 Health, 10 Attack, and 10 Defense. She won't attack a lot, but when she does, she'll almost always hit. In the meantime, she has a lot of Health and a high Defense to protect her.
{{I mean speed is for more random attack by one character and another just did not attack?}}-Didn't quite understand this, sorry.

For Appeal, you're right in a way. More Appeal means the Crowd will like her more. The more the Crowd likes her, the more Energy she gets from them.

Once the fights are up and running, we can see if one particular wrestler is winning too many or too few, and then just change the stats.

That's all the stats for fighting I think. I can't think of a good way to do tag-teams with alliances and rivalries yet.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Titfight Text Simulator

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:42 am

I make speed components:
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm


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