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Cleaning Up: If your topic is locked, please read

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:22 pm
by MiscChaos
Hello! I just wanted to let everyone know before I get started that very shortly I will be cleaning up the Creative Corner by locking up any topic that hasn't seen any response since November 2018. This is because there's been a rash of people posting in dead topics to escape Newly Registered status and sometimes I just don't catch them before someone else approves the message.

If your topic ends up affected by this, not to worry. Just PM either me or another mod and we'll unlock it for you ASAP. Thank you for your understanding in this matter

Re: Cleaning Up: If your topic is locked, please read

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:10 pm
by MiscChaos
Heya folks! It's that time again. Any thread that hasn't had a post within a year of today's date, 13 September 2022, will be locked shortly to prevent necroposting and such.

If your thread is affected by this and you would like to have it fixed, feel free to PM me or shoot me an email and I'll get that sorted for you