musical74 Wrote:The player meets Jessie who screws up embarrassingly and the player has a little fun with Jessie while James and Meowth don't seem to be around (They're watching in secret, with a camera of some sort)....maybe it's just been a fantasy of mine to have Jessie alone...*whistles*
Heath0069 Wrote:Seems the Classic Team Rocket wins. "Meow! That's right! "
Humadragon2016 (2) Wrote:Norm (8/9) got it. well we're making progress. Happy B-day to me (litterly)
musical74 Wrote:I'll be different and say "dating sim game"...think about it, try to woo all the hot Pokémon babes, both good and bad, and depending on your actions have catfights like May and Jessie fighting over you!
Humadragon2016 (2) Wrote:dose anyone know how to use mediafire or mega?heath kinda fucked me with that.
musical74 Wrote:Before I forget, how long before you guys have a workable demo? I'd like to be able to play whatever craziness it is that you two are making... I imagine it's still some time before you'll have a demo, just know that I'm interested!
"looking at the Pokémon porn pics he has" will you include Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in the game too? I could see Nurse Joy being involved (trying stuff to reverse the spell, maybe some of it intimate), not sure how Officer Jenny would fit into things though...
Heath0069 Wrote:Okay so how bout office Jenny tries to be like a over protective type and try to stop the player?
musical74 Wrote:Uh...when I looked at the MEGA dl, it just shows a bunch of folders that are all empty, and all they are all folders (well, maybe not ALL but I looked at about 7 and all were "folder empty")... I don't know anything about MEGA outside "get stuff from it" but it looks like you forgot something major - like an actual DL...
I can totally see Jenny being overprotective!
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