WallHack Inc.

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WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Sun May 14, 2017 12:03 am

Hello everyone!
Some of you may know me for my work on the game "Strumpets"! But today I'm super proud as well as very, very nervous to present my own project, created with my friend Naito :

wallhack.png (132.33 KiB) Viewed 7060 times

Click here to see the video trailer

Download Current Public Build

Before anything, know that this game is created in Adobe Flash (or Animate now) but for various reasons we exported it in .air and .exe, which is why I can't post a .swf right here. But it will be a real plus for future features :)

The game is inspired by cookie clickers / tapping games where you have to gather money and buy buildings in order to progress. By doing this, you can upgrade your buildings, buy new ones, collect more money and so on. But in the game, the "buildings" are... quite sexy!

You always thought you were an orphan, but it was a lie! You are indeed the child of the CEO of WallHack Inc., a company specialized in online voyeurism. Lucia, its head secretary, came to ask you to take his place, as he disappeared with a big amount of the company's profits and is nowhere to be found. She makes you understand you don't really have the choice but to join and help her...
Now the future of WallHack Inc. is in your hands, go get some money and sign contracts with those couples!

Art & Animations
We are convinced that today's adult games deserve to have a certain quality. The eye has to be please not only with the sexy stuff, but also with the backgrounds and the UI. That's why we made sure to give a special attention to it. No placeholders, no photos, just pure creation. I really like the idea to create a myriad of small universes and paint them with detail, with attention.
Also, I know a big chunk of people here are artists, animators of have tried to give it a shot. That's why you'll be pleased to know we created 5 scenes per level, each containing 3 to 4 steps of animations, each containing unique facial animation. That makes a total of 16 animations per level!
For everyone interested, most of the current animations contain like more than 45 individual parts I animated by hand. But to me it's completely worth it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

beautifulenvironment.png (358.39 KiB) Viewed 7060 times
Animations.gif (2.21 MiB) Viewed 7060 times

(sorry about the big black rectangles, I did the .gif for places that aren't very friendly with nudity ^^)

Your own secretary
But that's not all! Maybe you don't only want to collect money and progress from a level to another. Maybe you want more human interaction. That's why we included your own personnal assistant : Lucia. She will help you and will add a bit of sim-dating feeling to the game. Currently she has a very limited range of actions, but we have a ton of ideas for her. More, we even built a program for her and we are aiming to release it in the future so anyone can translate her dialogs in his own language!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

lucia.png (277.13 KiB) Viewed 7060 times

Almost endless fetishes and fantasies
Each level represent a theme. At the beginning you'll encounter people discovering their sexuality, so every animation in the first level will be in connection with it. But we have a loooot of ideas of fetishes, fantasies and references, for every taste! Also, people who are willing to support us can get a chance to see their likes being incorporated as they'll be able to vote in the polls we'll make.

Who we are
The team is called SexyCube Studio, and is composed of 2 french buddies :
Sismicious (that's me!) : I'm the artist and game designer. I'm drawing sexy stuff for several years now, but this is by far the biggest thing I did, and I love it! But I wouldn't be able to make a single thing without...
Naito : the code part. He's a hell of a developer and an incredible friend! And he also is one of the biggest reason I created this project. Life has not been easy for him and I'm just trying to help him because he deserves something better. You can read more about it on our Patreon page... or just skip it and play the game, do as you like ^^

Again, we're as happy as nervous to launch this game. It would be awesome if you played it and liked it!
Feel free to comment and give us feedback or bug report!

SexyCube Studio

Public changelog :
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Buildings have been tagged for future features
- Creation of the lab
- Creation of Beryl
- 100+ facial expressions added to Lucia
- 4 quests implemented
- 4 products implemented
- small GUI tweaks
- Added Level 04 (Domination Dungeon)
- Improved cheats security
- Prevented time hack
- Prevented autoclicker softwares
- Fixed Minimap navigation arrows
- Fixed Couple Animation size in the ZoomWindow
- Added a way to display your favorite guest step
- Added Level 03 (Bubble Bath)
- Fixed cheats pop up window which didn’t disappear
- Improved performances (many code optimisations)
- Added disclaimer screen
- Improved Office (nothing visible)
- Updated About screen with Patrons
- Improved map swapping hitbox
- Facial animation bug corrected on building 1 - level 2
- Animation bug corrected on building 4 - level 2
- Hitbox of guests improved
- Popping money improved
- Custom animation classes optimized
- Game created, loved, and published!
Last edited by Sismicious on Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby evildumdum » Sun May 14, 2017 8:54 pm

This looks very promising. Especially the quality aspect.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Sun May 14, 2017 9:12 pm

evildumdum Wrote:This looks very promising. Especially the quality aspect.

Thank you so much! Graphic quality is often reduced to specific assets when it comes to adult games, and it's also uncommon for the audience to appreciate it. But I have the feeling that several games have brought adult projects to a new quality standard, and it's very satisfying for artists!
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby evildumdum » Sun May 14, 2017 10:04 pm

Adult games are an emerging market. There will always be one man indie developers that make interesting but basic games, but most people are wanting more and there are very few people able to do that. Glad to have another one join the genre.
"If at first you don't succeed, try hitting it with a shoe."

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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Sun May 14, 2017 10:42 pm

Wow, thanks! I'm very happy to get some recognition for our hard work, and especially because it's an adult game.
We always told ourselves we were making a game before making everything else. And good games are made with dedication, passion, and skills ;)
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Lowman » Sun May 14, 2017 11:55 pm

Very nice for an early release. Has a very satisfying amount of content and the quality is excellent. I feel there is a bit of brick wall at the moment when it comes to earning money past a certain point (once things start to cost a billion per upgrade), but I imagine more areas to invest in will alleviate that.

A couple questions that I have about game play:
Do you have any plans for a legacy system similar to what is in a lot of other clicker games in order to access higher content?

You mentioned that there will be the potential for many diverse fetishes to be incorporated into the game. Is there any way for people to skip those which they would prefer not to see in order to access some later content that they do? I imagine it could be a deal breaker for many to have to sit through an entire area of water sports, vore of futa if that is not their thing.

Otherwise the game looks fantastic and if there is anything I could recommend after looking at the Patreon it would be to possibly lower the reward tier to access polls. I imagine it would give a more diverse sampling of the patrons as well as incentivize people to take the plunge.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Duoiz » Mon May 15, 2017 6:58 am

Wooah, you really uped the standards on this forum with the graphics in this. Looking foward to more.
The graphics feel both clean and cuteish and at the same time sexy. Not to mention that I envy your talent.

Playing around with the game however I want to bring out some constuctive critisims aswell.

The game turns slow really fast, perhaps you should help the speed a bit by side activites or something.
(Perhaps this is what the office-ladys task will be, else maybe do "dates with the clicker-girl? someting to do while you
wait for the next bilion to drop by, just clicking is a bit....meh...)

As for side activites,the "clicke-girl", there are 2 things that come to mind,
one is that the first one (lvl1) is way more powerful then the one on lvl2, atleast after a day of playing.
I found my self leaving lvl 2 just to go back and click the lvl1 girl for the bonus.
The 2nd, perhaps add a slightly diffrent mechanic to them. Say, 1sec faster each click, a combo meter for another
and perhaps a 1 room 2xspeed for one? Having all clicker-girls have the same mechanics can be a bit boring

Perhaps you could also add some mechanic to determine the clicker bonus (blue), a bar, or a simon-says game of zones to click
(I know, meet and fuck sucks... but right now it feels a bit to random when you get blue bonus.)

well that is all I have for now. I hope to see you continue working on this. aim for 100 diffrent zones! Your work really inspire. GJ!
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Abelius » Mon May 15, 2017 4:44 pm

Man, as an aspiring creator myself I bow to you. :mrgreen:

I admit I don't have time atm to take a look at the demo, but that trailer video is absolutely awesome! If those are the standards you've set in general, then you're clearly something else.

It's a great time to be a pervert, I say. :lol:
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby someonenoone11 » Mon May 15, 2017 4:58 pm

Art is awesome.

The game however, is mega boring. Wait for money to hit millions, upgrade one thing, repeat x999999 until you hit 5 bajillion to buy everything to level 100.

Again art is awesome. With such great art you should do something to improve the gameplay. It shouldn't be too hard to change it from "wait a bajillion years to get 1 new animation"

Unless I'm missing something here.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby evildumdum » Mon May 15, 2017 5:16 pm

Have you considered adding a dedicated and talented writer to your team (FYI i am not a dedicated, nor talented writer so don't worry, no self plugging.)

You might be familiar with a game maker called Sierra Lee. If you aren't, make yourself. Despite working only with RPG maker, working alone at that, she makes the most gripping adult games i've ever seen and it's all down to her amazing writing. It can really make a difference.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby WonderGamer » Mon May 15, 2017 7:11 pm

FYI: The content in that video may not be appropriate for YouTube, you should consider something like NaughtyMachinima or other various porn sites (that allow uploading). I think vimeo allows some degree of adult content (at least I haven't heard of people getting penalized for it, but I expect they would if they pushed it too far). Looks like GameTrailers unfortunately got bought out by YouTube (Google), so I'm not sure I can suggest any other gaming-related community media sites to try...

EDIT: On the off-note, I'm not really a fan of NaughtyMachinima anymore because I can't download their videos with the ANT Firefox plugin anymore (same situation with PornHub). NM may have some topnotch videos, but sometimes audio can get dumped for high quality versions after getting processed on their site (one other gripe I have about them)... Then there's the matter of ads, but some of them I find interesting, so not much to complain about there other than you'll usually run into them every time you start a new video (unless the previous one was extremely short or you're able to properly block the ad scripts).
Last edited by WonderGamer on Tue May 16, 2017 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Mon May 15, 2017 9:37 pm

@Lowman : Thanks for your kind comment^^ I'll try to answer your questions.
Currently we don't have plans for a legacy system because (If I understood correctly what a legacy system is) it would mean start over from the beginning and as we're aiming for many levels/themes it could be discouraring for some people to have to start over. I fully understand the point for classic tapping games, but here we're talking about sexy stuff people might want to keep watching ;) But don't worry, there will be ways to progress faster, I'll explain just after that.

About skipping fetishes, be aware that we still keep the right to avoid things that don't appeal us. I'm not very fond of extreme stuff so don't expect to see too much of this. However, we already thought about it and we're trying to figure a way to make it work. It will likely be a special level mechanic, where you can access special places apart from the big story line.

Also, thanks for the patreon advices! The tier is pretty high because people pledging from $30 will have direct input on which level should be next, and this is not an easy task, especially if there is a lot of people to decide it. For now we want to keep this kind of stuff for people fan enough to invest on us. But right now, it doesn't matter :)

@Duoiz : cute and sexy, you said it! That's a huge relief for me because it was exactly what I tried to do. Thanks a lot!
About the game being slow really fast (ironic, isn't it ^^), see just below too.

@Abelius : Wow, what I compliment! I tested the demo of LoK rebirth and I have to bow to you too... Your team is doing a greate job and is full of nice promises. I'll look forward to it and wish you the best because I can see how much work you put in it. Gambate and thank you!

@someonenoone11 : Thanks for your kind comment too! Explanations below!

@evildumdum : I checked her, and definitely to come back to her and test her games. Having a writer could be a very nice addition as well as letting me more time to work on art (as I do the story too), but our current goal is to be financially stable to be able to invest extra money on someone else. So definitely keeping this in mind for the future.

@WonderGamer : Thanks for the warning. So far we didn't show anything pornographic so it should be fine. Some youtubers have done let's play of adult games and just covered the sexy parts with black bars sooo... I'm crossing my fingers and hope for the best ^^

@all : at this stage, we can indeed say that the progression becomes quickly slow, because of 2 reasons :
- every clicker game is designed like this, but most of them have power ups to speed up the process. So far only cheats can do the job but we're planning to add some bonuses soon to help you. We just need to think about balancing, create the art, coding everything and we'll be good to go. It's v1.0, we just need a bit of time ;)
- and that's the second reason. So far we only have 2 levels. I'm currently working on level 3 but its takes quite some time so slowing the players a bit is a nice way to not just confront them to a wall. If you haven't upgraded all your buidlings to lvl 100, you haven't see every scene! It just gives me more time to work on the future features.

Also, be sure we thought about several ways to keep you entertained, mostly with Lucia. So far her action range is quite short but we have a lot of plans for her, including naughty things... Talking about it, have some of you discover the easter egg we put in the game? He he, one more thing to complete before the next release!
Anyway, the next big updates should fullfill your desires!

Thanks again everyone!
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby WonderGamer » Tue May 16, 2017 12:52 am

Sismicious Wrote:@WonderGamer : Thanks for the warning. So far we didn't show anything pornographic so it should be fine. Some youtubers have done let's play of adult games and just covered the sexy parts with black bars sooo... I'm crossing my fingers and hope for the best ^^

Typically those channels get flagged eventually also, so if you get a warning & video take down, don't ignore it; I got hit with a strike filed by Namco/Bandai in the form of retaliation to a link of my Dragon Ball XenoVerse review published on my personal site that they didn't agree with, in the description of my YouTube stream page (even while inactive & not being streamed to), the reason of the strike being for Violation of YouTube's policy on spam and deceptive practices (which is a false claim, but YouTube ignored the appeal & Google used a technicality to toss the BBB-Complaint I sent their way when nothing was done on the appeal). Full details about that can be found on a YouTube review I published at the time it happened, located at http://www.wondergamer.net/reviews/youtube_issues_strike_against_inactive_stream_event.htm.

I realize this is a different situation, but the point is you'll get a 3 month strike when that happens & repeat offences stack; 3 strikes & your out... Reviews of adult games typically are left alone if properly censored, however I've seen Let's Play channels of hentai games that got fully banned even when they were getting censored... If you want to take your chances & minimize the chance that your channel will get hit with a strike, I suggest making any videos of adult content (censored or not) unlisted & only shared on external sites (I've already done this with every single video I have of a Namco/Bandai game because of the previous attacks; I honestly believe my persistence regarding the spamming in the PS3 version of DBX is the reason why they shut down their public forums)...[edit] which I see you've already done.

And I'm going to point out, there is one small section in your trailer that is missing censoring, so you might want to reconsider using YouTube or at least get it fully censored so people can't bitch & moan about it (not that I expect it would stop it, but might lower the chances you get hit with a strike). You might get away with it if properly censored, but you're still taking a chance regardless...
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Lowman » Tue May 16, 2017 4:36 am

Sismicious Wrote:About skipping fetishes, be aware that we still keep the right to avoid things that don't appeal us. I'm not very fond of extreme stuff so don't expect to see too much of this. However, we already thought about it and we're trying to figure a way to make it work. It will likely be a special level mechanic, where you can access special places apart from the big story line.

One way that you could attempt this would be to have a branching path with warnings what is in each one. Then instead of having each levels cost be predetermined, it could be on a sliding scale based on how many scenes you have seen previously. This would effectively allow people to completely avoid anything they don't want to see, but I imagine the coding for it would be trickier and it may not be possible.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Tue May 16, 2017 9:04 am

@WonderGamer : thanks for all those adives. I see you've been though a lot of ressearches after your strike!
As you noticed, the video is unlisted and only posted on Patreon, so that's a bit of safety for me. Also, this video is meant to change when we'll have more to show, meaning I'll eventually end up by deleting it and do something new. I'll check if patreon accepts video links from adult platforms but I hope we'll reach a point where the video is no longer needed!
Thanks again!
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Firefall » Tue May 16, 2017 3:45 pm

Great art in this game, love the look of it, but man, that barrier to entry for the last few scene variants that cost 11 digit sums :/.

Also, as someone mentioned, there's a part in your trailer where part of the screen is kind of out of focus, but it still clearly shows some uncensored adult material there.
Last edited by Firefall on Wed May 17, 2017 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Nikoli » Tue May 16, 2017 7:58 pm

You may want to check your download. I got a host of viral alerts on Adobe Air when I tried your beta.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Duoiz » Tue May 16, 2017 11:41 pm

Just came across your post in another forum, saying lvl 2 should be premium only, if so you have linked the wrong version here aswell... both lvls are currently available... (atleast when I downloaded, see old post date for day of download).
Going to go look for that easter egg now...
Btw noticed that the background in the office fades with irl time, nice lite detail.
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Sismicious » Wed May 17, 2017 11:03 pm

@Firefall : thanks for the compliment! Don't worry about the cost, things will be faster and more fluid when we'll integrate more levels ;)

@Nikoli : the files are directly hosted from our computers to Patreon, so don't worry they're safe! But unfortunately we still have a certification problem that might lead to computers interpreting the file as dangerous. Just be sure to download it from the patreon page, and everthing should be alright!

@Duoiz : the files have been updated. If you downloaded it before we changed it you might still have a version with the lvl2 ;)
Also good luck with the easter egg!
And thanks for noticing the background change, I'm glad you like it!
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Re: WallHack Inc.

Postby Algene » Thu May 18, 2017 5:48 pm

Actually is a very good game, while i love the idea of having a lot of animations, i shall remmember what happened to BS, as a suggestion the game needs some things that are "traditional" to the genre, all the clickers have a "purchase x5, x10, xN" so you can do it in a definited number, the first billon is a torture to get but is good that this is not one of those "touch button get lewn" game, if you want you need to work for it, good luck to your team, and keep the good work!
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