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Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:38 am
by evilOlive
So I've taken in the feedback that I got and worked on the project a little more.

Things added:
- Placeholder for backstory/intro scene
- Improved walk cycle animation
- 3 incomplete ending sex scenes
- 1 failure ending scene

Endings are based on what item was given to daughter and what you have when you enter the bedroom.
Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Here goes,
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

hohohoesTwo.swf [ 452.67 KiB | Viewed 2827 times ]

Sooooo hiiii, this is my first post here and its a very rough draft of my first Flash Game. Ho Ho Hoes (working title lol)

I would love to get some feedback from you guys on how this project is coming along.
It's nowhere near what I have in mind as a final product.

I'm still working on:
-Intro video (covering the backstory)
-At least 4 more possible endings (Currently there is only one and it's more of a tease than a full scene)
-More levels (different families homes)
-A more interactive environment

If you have any ideas or suggestions I would love to have them.

Thanks, hope you enjoy,

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:36 am
by AcetheSuperVillain
As an animation student, the walk cycle bothered me. Google "walk cycle" and you'll get a lot of helpful material. My favorite quick reference is this one. If you are planning to do a lot of animations, let me suggest this series as well. I wish someone had shown that to me a decade ago.

As for the game mechanics/plot, i guess I'd like to see more from you before making suggestions. Maybe some elf action in there somewhere. Or reindeer action. Or abominable snow man action. Or tentacles.

The controls work well. It kinda bothered me to use the mouse for a few things and the keyboard for most things. Santa's walking speed was a little slow. It's not terrible for this game, since the stage is pretty small, but I was often annoyed at how long it takes to walk around in the main Legend of Krystal games, so it kinda reminded me of that.

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:12 am
by evilOlive
Thanks for the advice and the links. I had some trouble making the walk cycle and I'm sure that link you gave me will help me. I was going for more of a sneak/tip toe kind of look but it needs work for sure.

The abominable snowman and the elves will be in the backstory animation intro.

I'll look into making it fully keyboard playable. I totally agree with you on the monotony of walking back and forth through side scrolling games. Maybe I'll add a sprint or something.

Thanks so much for the constructive criticism Ace! This will help me a lot.

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:14 pm
by AcetheSuperVillain
There will be plenty of reference out there for sneaking walk cycles too. This burglar could work well for a sneaky santa as well. Note that you can press the gear symbol on youtube to change the speed to .5 or .25 when studying animations.

You know, you could make sneaking/sprinting a game mechanic. Some obstacles might need to be sneaked past, while others need to be sprinted past. If you don't have plans for the down button, maybe you could hold down to sneak and press normally to run. A lot of fighting and brawler games have you press left, left or right, right to dash, but that convention is seldom used in Flash games.

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:55 pm
by evilOlive
Thank you so much again.

I'm going to work on the walk cycle today and hopefully post it today too.

I really like that idea of sneaking/running. I think it will spice it up a little more.

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:22 am
by JacksonGood
Would definitely enjoy the game and I can see various things you can do with it. Solid groundwork!

Keep the name, it's hilarious.

Re: Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:43 am
by evilOlive
Thanks for the positive feedback!