Ho Ho Hoes (rough draft)
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:38 am
So I've taken in the feedback that I got and worked on the project a little more.
Things added:
- Placeholder for backstory/intro scene
- Improved walk cycle animation
- 3 incomplete ending sex scenes
- 1 failure ending scene
Endings are based on what item was given to daughter and what you have when you enter the bedroom.
Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Here goes,
Sooooo hiiii, this is my first post here and its a very rough draft of my first Flash Game. Ho Ho Hoes (working title lol)
I would love to get some feedback from you guys on how this project is coming along.
It's nowhere near what I have in mind as a final product.
I'm still working on:
-Intro video (covering the backstory)
-At least 4 more possible endings (Currently there is only one and it's more of a tease than a full scene)
-More levels (different families homes)
-A more interactive environment
If you have any ideas or suggestions I would love to have them.
Thanks, hope you enjoy,
So I've taken in the feedback that I got and worked on the project a little more.
Things added:
- Placeholder for backstory/intro scene
- Improved walk cycle animation
- 3 incomplete ending sex scenes
- 1 failure ending scene
Endings are based on what item was given to daughter and what you have when you enter the bedroom.
Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Here goes,
Sooooo hiiii, this is my first post here and its a very rough draft of my first Flash Game. Ho Ho Hoes (working title lol)
I would love to get some feedback from you guys on how this project is coming along.
It's nowhere near what I have in mind as a final product.
I'm still working on:
-Intro video (covering the backstory)
-At least 4 more possible endings (Currently there is only one and it's more of a tease than a full scene)
-More levels (different families homes)
-A more interactive environment
If you have any ideas or suggestions I would love to have them.
Thanks, hope you enjoy,