After playing Humbird0's pokemon game, I was wondering if I could add some scenes to it, I had the feeling that it could be more dense.
I thought I could post a fanmade update, but after playing a bit with the editor, I went on making a "different" game.
Why this boring introduction? Because it may help you to understand how I want this game to be built.
Basically, you will follow the protagonist of Humbird0's game, and participate in some scenes occuring in the original game.
Obviously, some events will be completely separated, but the point is to make a game in which, if you pay attention, you'll notice some details that develop some points of Humbird0's pokemon game story, unofficially, of course.
The gameplay will be more minigame/scene oriented but I also want to include pokemon battles.
To sum up, I want to make a fun, kinky (and weird) game that parodies a parody .
So here it is:
Last Update: 27/01/2016!GMhW0RzT!zc3CkNfubX_PwPNxRxeO7vRExIx9WJVbGbzf3YnYS4c bug fixed
Next Update:
-Make events on the road to viridian
-Maybe other events in pallet town
-Rocket Girl must get her first pokemon!
-Change the opening screen
-Remove unused resources
The protagonist
Why an alternative story?
If you want to help
Questions for you, guys:
Here, I will post some questions on points that I kinda block on or make me hesitate, so if you like this game and want to influence it's developpement, it's right there.
#1:What could be Shelly's first pokemon?