OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Hello. Work with flash a little and find some interesting things - that flash can work with 3d.
IxFa Wrote:Bug: There's loud shitty music playing.
KiWolfGirl Wrote:I'm a little confused as to why A and D are swapped, but I have to say, I would be very wary about 3d game in flash. It was never meant to handle 3d. I think you will find it very limiting and if this is something you want to get better at doing and expand you are better off looking at Unity or maybe even UE. AS3 and Java or even C# are not very different from each other and i would suggest knowing at least one of those over AS2.
Why not it use video card to render it so it can do it. But there are some limitations yes - it must be rendered in speshial way (for now testing what is better) - and when i put in into web page it must to have speshial paramtrs.It was never meant to handle 3d.
IxFa Wrote:Bug: There's loud shitty music playing.
You shouldn't have said that...
Now, prepare for trouble.
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