Re: Panthea - leave2gether 05/12/2015

liking the gator scene hope to see more of the canine and gator scenes X3
The official forums for the Legend of Krystal project
Bzorak Wrote:So I might be clueless or something but I have no idea how to access the new boss/gator scene. help?
musical74 Wrote:Can't be a masseuse, can't be overly slutty when the boss asks to show some tits (as far as I can tell)...
musical74 Wrote:I guess my biggest question is whether you can increase relationships with everyone, or just the *romantic interests*. Also, given that it's more *do this, then this, then this* at the moment, wondering if Casey will change her mind and want to stay because she is friends with everyone...
Ichicora-Uzumaki Wrote:I cant get any of the sexy endings, and if you make your character finish daydream it doesnt continue
badashi Wrote:IMO some dialog should be fleshed out better. The options when you talk to the boss the first time are frankly, very bad.
henata11 Wrote:how do you get skills
convel ryuu Wrote:though if its costing you and is uping file size then maybe no on the voiceing?
Nikag Wrote:And some small update - first attempt for voicing sex scenes with freelancers
WARNING - NSFW AUDIOSpoiler (click to show/hide):
I would really like to know what do you think both on audio and new animation.
It was not easy to get it from freelancers (2 failed so far), and I'm not sure if sound brings enough excitement to be worth spent money and increased file size (1 scene audio is ~ +2MB size)