I've currently got the test level setup sort of like Mario. The Hound currently just walks on a patrol kind of like a Koopa Troopa. I'm going to give the hound a leap attack to make him more dangerous, but currently the player has to physically run into him. When the hound is finally able to attack, a well timed kick will thwart the hounds charge, alternatively you could just jump over him. The hound and player move at the same speed atm, I'm likely going to make the hound slightly faster, when on all fours.

- TestScreen.jpg (53.62 KiB) Viewed 2407 times
Camera is centered on the player, with some slight smoothing, so you should have time to respond to what ever is happening. It's still very pre-alpha at the moment. I'm still trying to decide if I'm doing it in unity, or flash with the assistance of FlashDevelop, and Starling.