Looney Toon's Babes (material only)
Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:14 pm
Long ago back when The Brave started posting three Looney Toone females on his thread, I've gone and tinkered around with it by not only reconstructing animated body parts, but most importantly, I've optimize the graphics too. I plan to make the flash file downloadable so everyone in the LoK can have their pervy ways with them So far, I've went through painstaking efforst to compile and organize all the body parts. What you see here are the three girls sharing body parts.
One more thing, notice how all these girls are sharing similar body poses, it was how I was able to combine alot of their parts into a single MC. However, I would like to add more Looney Toon babes if possible, preferably ones that have similar poses as the three I've just presented. If you know any of them, lemme know. I suspect however, The Brave may possibly know where more could be found. I would like to include characters like Minerva if possible.
I've added two more characters to the file, Bimbette and Slappy. I've also restructured the way the body pieces are handled. I was thinking of adding Rita the Cat, and Rubella the Rat in the collection, but for the time being, I'm too lazy to do that. As usual, the latest workfile is updated and in CS5 mode, if anyone still uses that version of Flash. Future updates will be dated in the OP. And one note to the mods of this thread. Can I request this thread is moved to the "Resource" section of this forum?