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[sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:43 am
by MewHime
Hello every one, not sure if you could remember my first thread when I searching for an english editor for my game.

Now the game's nearly finish so I decide to post the first english beta-trail version here before anywhere. ^^

the full japanese version would be sold on dlsite soon.
and also the english version as soon as my editor finish his part.

I would be glad if you could support me some. XD

error fixing... I'll upload again when finish

the game able to save using flash sharedobject and the fullscreen function's not work in the web version also.
the game's not allow rightclick so if you like to change the resolution you could you it on the option.

some part of the game still japanese like the h-scene and gameover scene.

Anyways enjoy the game ^^

Many thanks throbby for his wonderful text.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:59 am
by tracingthelines
Is there supposed to be something uploaded? Doesn't look like it worked, if so.
Working now. Seems alright, but the text in the intro needs to be shrunken a bit, since some of the lines force players to scroll down to read the whole thing. As for the combat, incredibly repetitive and the greatest challenge I ran in into was trying to right-click-move into the middle lane. I'd suggest widening its hitbox, as I constantly found myself jumping from top to bottom lane, or vice versa, while trying to get to the center. The bossfight was interesting, but after four levels of the exact same thing, I wasn't going to play any more. You've got a pretty decent game here, just needs some tweaking gameplay-wise and a bit of spicing up with the combat to be a winner. As for the art style, I really can't say it's to my liking, but I'm sure there's others who will enjoy it. Good luck with the project.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:04 am
by MewHime
the first one I uploaded got a little error I'm re upload it

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:05 am
by VintageBass
You seem to forget to put your file into an attachment tag.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:46 pm
by MewHime
thanks for the comments I'll widen the center lane XD

and for the screen thanks for notice me that, the game's not build for run on the web browser in the first place so when run on low resolution screen the browser space would not enough for it. - - I'll shirnk it down for the browser version.

may be you're right 4 exact stage in the trailer 's not so good idea in the truth there're somemore things like another charactor and another kind of mob that have of fight in ohter ways I'll find someways to make it more interesting...

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:41 pm
by Zeus Kabob
Quick note: your thread disappears when you edit it, awaiting mod approval. You'll want to get 10 posts so that you can skip this approval process.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:53 am
by Jrhonen
Did you remove the flash (or whatever it was) or something? I can't see it on your post...Unless I'm missing something. .-.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:59 pm
by Ratattack
Is there any updates on this since I would like to report some bugs with the trail version like the dialogue not continuing after one line in the stage 3 beginning after spending lots of time trying to get past stage 2. Also after a few tries the game glitched and the blue girl's special ability was unlocked whenever I loaded up a save file which locked after the cut-scene which is meant to unlock it.

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:17 am
by Tymon
I haven't seen any files to download period o.o

Re: [sound]Tendril Chronicle

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:34 am
by Alaena
Sounded interesting, but I see nothing to download as well! :(