Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

Postby kingofbrocoli » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:55 pm

Yeah,GM has a funtion called PNG crush It helps wih size and mantains quality but it does not really help with the performance.What I did was installing a plug in that let´s me use lua that way I don´t have to built the code from the ground.
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

Postby samuelsteven6 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:53 pm

...For some reason, the game just... stop. It didn't do anything else like it was abandoned. The game was created 4 years ago and then no more update. What's going on? Did the game was abandoned or forgotten? Or maybe there will be updates to immediately beta version without any warnings?
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Re: Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:09 pm

Alright, so I'm going to go ahead and lock this topic down since it's been 4 years since last update and all that really happens is people necroing to wonder if there are going to be updates. Cliffnotes for anyone wondering: No, the game will not be continued as parts of the team either haven't been heard from since the final drama that killed the game or have moved on to other projects. No one part of the team own all the pieces of the project needed to continue it so it is dead and gone.
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