Anyone is seeing any
bug regarding
level 1-7 or 1-8? (black screen)?
I cant reproduce.
AwesomeDragonDude Wrote:Oh, well, at least a small idea I've got: I can remember quite well how I enjoyed playing Mario on my Gameboy Advance, being stuck at ghost levels for centuries, just because I wanted that secret entrance. If you'd want to, I could sketch a level for ya, but that would probably take a while (school's had my free time kidnapped for a couple of months now and I refuse to pay the ransom Cx).
Hey no problem! And for about the level idea, for sure I'll appreciate it. However, there is....some limitations (in level size). I can make a 3 floor level, but the hard limit on its width is the same as level 1-2. Wait! With some tricks, I can make a 4 floor level (that will function like a one floor one, provided there are walls in the middle of the level).
AwesomeDragonDude Wrote:Well, I think the main idea is just to have the optional levels too, even though I definetely understand that hasn't got priorities now.
The plan is 62 levels total.
AwesomeDragonDude Wrote:Oh yeah, would be awesome if the attacks of fire peach would start working soon, always was a big fan of ranged stuff and that still hasn't changed. :3
Soon, soon

We will seen goombas, koopas and other enemies popping out of the screen because of the fireballs,veggies and pow blocks.
AwesomeDragonDude Wrote:Damn, I don't know how you do it, but you actually make me spend quite some time posting stuff in here, haha. Good job, I salute you for that.
Hey thanks! More to
coolness32 Wrote:So are the options going to start on or off when you initially load up the game?
Actually, all will be OFF. You will have to go to the main menu, then OPTIONS (that pink screen). There , you can also save them as default.
coolness32 Wrote:And how exactly are futa scenes going to work? Is Peach going to grow a penis and use it on the enemies or are there going to be enemies that are futa? (I know about Birdo)
The idea is to make a scene or two with Birdo, Wendy, Shadow Queen and any other girl that would be 'interesting' to see as futa. And maybe one of two scenes of Peach herself masturbating with her dick (in case a magical being has done that, like Kamek, Phanto or Boos). But its in conception stage yet and I may create some normal scenes first. There are many things to be done first.
coolness32 Wrote:But if enemies are the only case, then I don't think it should be an option to be turned off. If the player doesn't want to see futa scenes they should know to avoid the female enemies as best they can.
I still think its important to make them optional. When 'futa: OFF' is chosen, you can explore all the levels without any futa occurrence at all. Again, 'OFF' options will be OFF as default.
coolness32 Wrote:Pregnant Peach, will there just be a chance after having sex with an enemy for Peach to get pregnant? Or how would that work?
I would like to make her 'real pregnant' (if the option is on), in case some enemies lay eggs on her of cums on her. Even Yoshi might be able to do that. If a toad/goomba fucks her and cum inside, and the option is on, Peach could be pregnant in a given level onwards and giver birth to a toad/goomba. And, obviously, no clothing will support her, because of a bigger belly, so she will be making her quest in the nude, also with a slower speed. I dont know if I enable/disable enemies during the pregnant moment (so she would be walking with no enemies around) without laying an egg or an small toad, who can flee after being created. I dont want complex scenes and I may not create so many details in her pussy during that. Only the scene will be enough for the player to have the experience.
coolness32 Wrote:Peeing Peach, will this just be a button to "turn on" the pee? how is that going to work?
If the option is ON, I plan making this function in bath scenes (like with toadella, toilet in Peach castle and on level 9-1, and those checkpoints baths). Some will show her peeing automatically. In the toadella case in particular, I can create a button 'pee', so Peach can pee there and Toadella even get surprised because of that. And I may create a button: 'pee' in the adventure level if Peach takes too many mushrooms, berries or other fruits along the levels, then she will look left and right (as she is checking is nobody is around) and she make it in a squatting position. Maybe in the future, even in a dog position (raising one leg).
coolness32 Wrote:If you have answered any of these already, you don't have to answer them again. I will admit that after my absence I didn't read all the pages after pre-absence post.
Of course I would have given you a link to a former post if I already answered before, but I havent got these questions yet. Well, reading is good for the mind, please do it in a free time.

You have missed so many interesting discussions, but as we 'live' here in a non linear fashion, someone can bring a question even from page 1 (in case it was not answered yet), so I will answer/give opinions.