Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:56 pm

Residentlover2 Wrote:That would be a nice outfit Im even thinking on wich place it could be added, on that bar from delphino plaza :P

Why not? ;)

Supes Wrote:Hey there, I don't know if i can post for this here, but, i have a problem in game x)

First of all......
1 - Which version is this? The official version doesnt have that brown title above. I dont need to reinfoce here that the game that is shared in other sites are not supported by the creators! Its for your own risk!
2 - If you tested the game HERE (the version in page 1, 2.4.9) and the problem still continues, PLEASE GIVE ME THE STEPS on how to reproduce it. You need to just 'fuck' both rocks, then jump on them many times until hearing a click. If that doesnt open the door (the door MUST talk to you), and I can reproduce it, I can fix this bug. Thank you.

FluroFidh Wrote:hey I just finished the first space mission and peach is still invisible could you help

Same questions as above. If 2.4.9, I can check this, then fix this. Peach MUST leave the level then be visible again, because she cant 'keep' invisible like a new powerup. This is only used for Lunar Base level, and perhaps in the future, for a quick scene when other enemies might enter but Peach will remain safe because no one will notice her being fucked.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Supes » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:41 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote: Which version is this? The official version doesnt have that brown title above. I dont need to reinfoce here that the game that is shared in other sites are not supported by the creators! Its for your own risk!

Yeah, keep calm. This is your last version but I use my SWF opener.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:2 - If you tested the game HERE (the version in page 1, 2.4.9) and the problem still continues, PLEASE GIVE ME THE STEPS on how to reproduce it. You need to just 'fuck' both rocks, then jump on them many times until hearing a click. If that doesnt open the door (the door MUST talk to you), and I can reproduce it, I can fix this bug. Thank you.

Well, i fuck both rocks but i jump on them just once. IMO, it would be better if you specify we must jump on them several times. But this is your (great) game ! :)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Myuu » Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:58 am

I remember as though it was yesterday.

Running right to left, collecting 100 rings, 'fighting' the goombas and 'defeating' Morton.

Now there's eight worlds and plenty of levels in between, not to mention gimmicks!

Oh Ivan, what a big boy you've raised. ;3;
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:51 pm

Supes Wrote:Yeah, keep calm. This is your last version but I use my SWF opener.

Sure. Anyway...

Supes Wrote:Well, i fuck both rocks but i jump on them just once. IMO, it would be better if you specify we must jump on them several times. But this is your (great) game ! :)

Ok, I will make the main rock entrance say Peach needs to jump them a bit more.
Thanks for your appreciation!

Myuu Wrote:I remember as though it was yesterday.
Running right to left, collecting 100 rings, 'fighting' the goombas and 'defeating' Morton.
Now there's eight worlds and plenty of levels in between, not to mention gimmicks!
Oh Ivan, what a big boy you've raised. ;3;

: )

I've been into a severe work in the AS3 conversion, though. Some hiccups, some bad problems and nasty bugs (like memory leaking and other technical stuff) but I'll do anything to finish this.
OverLord made me enter into AS3. He now needs to help me and be more present. I can do things alone, but the conversion will last much more.

And how about the second Krystal Face? The one you havent finished? Please dont forget her! :( This second version will be default. The actual version in the game will be when people activates it in the options.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Myuu » Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:50 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:: )


Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I've been into a severe work in the AS3 conversion, though. Some hiccups, some bad problems and nasty bugs (like memory leaking and other technical stuff) but I'll do anything to finish this.
OverLord made me enter into AS3. He now needs to help me and be more present. I can do things alone, but the conversion will last much more.

AS3? @.@

Forgive tech-confused little old me. Bullet point me the changes in gameplay, yo :? :oops:

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:And how about the second Krystal Face? The one you havent finished? Please dont forget her! :( This second version will be default. The actual version in the game will be when people activates it in the options.

I'm not one to drop a design, Ivan! I still have the old girl here with me. But with all things, time has ripened me into a better artist. I may have a few design changes if you really feel like opening that old chest~
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:27 am

Just to notice I am progressing with the conversion, but the huge 'memory leak' problem is killing all my energy.
My current pace lowered from '100miles per hour' to '5 miles per hour' since yesterday.

The problem is that I need to create INSTANCES that points to movieclips inside her head, arms, legs... but when I change her pose (adding a new pose MC and deleting the other), even if I delete all children and listeners (with more commands), those instances still exist in memory! When I trace them, I see like 'instance2032 not removed, instance2033 not removed', then I try to delete it and put the 'DESCENDING pose', and now it says 'instance2032 not removed, instance 2033 not removed, instance 2034 not removed instance 2035 not removed'! :x :x


Myuu Wrote:I'm not one to drop a design, Ivan! I still have the old girl here with me. But with all things, time has ripened me into a better artist. I may have a few design changes if you really feel like opening that old chest~

I really need her second model. I was waiting as hell (perhaps no one noticed this). Its not 'old chest', is the BEST model I saw! : ) You just have 'slippered through other people preferences' and sticked with the third model (the actual). I always prefered the second one : ). But please take your time. Yes, you can do all design changs you prefer, provided we can talk about it over time ;).

Just for you to know, if you appear here (say, in 1 week), saying (its all done!! Here she is!!) I will update the whole game with her model IN THE SAME MINUTE, as a thirsty beduin in Agrabah! Thats for you to check how fond of your second model I am : ) She is so cute and I want her in the game. Thank you for that so beautiful model. A real masterpiece!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby tripflip » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:30 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:We need to discuss more! Fantasies, chit chatting, and possible scenes for our Peach that I could make! ;)

How about a bath scene with Mario after you save him? After you save him, an option gets opened up in Peach's bath to invite Mario to join her. Maybe they can playfully splash each other, wash each other in intimate ways, and then they can have sex. Maybe have options like 1) playfully splash each other 2) wash each other lightly 3) wash each other intensely 4) suck him clean 5) take his soapy dick 6) scrub your bumhole clean with his dick 7) cum.

I can mess around with the ragdoll program if this sounds interesting.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:50 pm

tripflip Wrote:
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:We need to discuss more! Fantasies, chit chatting, and possible scenes for our Peach that I could make! ;)

How about a bath scene with Mario after you save him? After you save him, an option gets opened up in Peach's bath to invite Mario to join her. Maybe they can playfully splash each other, wash each other in intimate ways, and then they can have sex. Maybe have options like 1) playfully splash each other 2) wash each other lightly 3) wash each other intensely 4) suck him clean 5) take his soapy dick 6) scrub your bumhole clean with his dick 7) cum.

I can mess around with the ragdoll program if this sounds interesting.

Sounds very hot! I'm for this idea.

I was think we should bring in Peach's Mario Sunshine dress in the game as an outfit. Thoughts about it?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Anonymouse » Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:55 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Of course it does not cover EVERYTHING, like mouse presses, etc. Its just for us (timeline coders) that have like 1,000 movie clips and WE DONT WANT to create A SWARM of classes just to give it a command in the first frame.
This kind of approach avoids coding in the timeline like this!!

What you want is the addFrameScript function:
Code: Select All Code
someMovieClip.addFrameScript(1, function () {
// code to run on frame 1 here
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Anonymouse » Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:03 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Just to notice I am progressing with the conversion, but the huge 'memory leak' problem is killing all my energy.
My current pace lowered from '100miles per hour' to '5 miles per hour' since yesterday.

The problem is that I need to create INSTANCES that points to movieclips inside her head, arms, legs... but when I change her pose (adding a new pose MC and deleting the other), even if I delete all children and listeners (with more commands), those instances still exist in memory! When I trace them, I see like 'instance2032 not removed, instance2033 not removed', then I try to delete it and put the 'DESCENDING pose', and now it says 'instance2032 not removed, instance 2033 not removed, instance 2034 not removed instance 2035 not removed'! :x :x


In case you haven't, make sure you are using weak references in your events. When you add an event listener, set the last parameter to true. Otherwise if an object in memory is listening for an event it will never be removed from memory. It's better practice though to make sure you always remove your listeners by doing something like:
Code: Select All Code
addEventListener(whatever, whatever);
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, remove);

function remove(e : Event) : void
     removeEventListener(whatever, whatever);

// or
addEventListener(whatever, whatever, false, 0 true);

Another good practice is to use as few event listeners as possible. If you have lots of enemies on the map, they should not all have their own ENTER_FRAME listener. Rather, there should be one listener that processes all enemies.

Of course, there are other reasons AS3 can have memory leaks unrelated to events.

I don't know how comfortable you are with sharing your code, but if you want any help converting from AS2 to AS3 I'm happy to take a look, I've converted a few other projects in the past.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:53 pm

tripflip Wrote:How about a bath scene with Mario after you save him? After you save him, an option gets opened up in Peach's bath to invite Mario to join her. Maybe they can playfully splash each other, wash each other in intimate ways, and then they can have sex. Maybe have options like 1) playfully splash each other 2) wash each other lightly 3) wash each other intensely 4) suck him clean 5) take his soapy dick 6) scrub your bumhole clean with his dick 7) cum.

GREAT IDEA!! ;) I'll put in my TODO list now!

tripflip Wrote:I can mess around with the ragdoll program if this sounds interesting.

You should! Thank you!

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I was think we should bring in Peach's Mario Sunshine dress in the game as an outfit. Thoughts about it?

Which dress? Images are better to see it.

Anonymouse Wrote:What you want is the addFrameScript function

Hmm I already know about it ;) Actually my problem is that I need to use those 'ADDED_TO_STAGE' things, because sometimes I use a 'lone' movieclip right in the stage, sometimes I use a movieclip that is already inside another one.
I've learnt that sub movieclips doesnt need to check for ADDED_TO_STAGE in order to check their own timeline code, because when they exist, thats because its parent MC (which holds it) was added. But that parent one needs the ADDED_TO_STAGE part.

Thats why I've created the Timeline.exec code! I am proud of it! ;) See more above (I've shared the code).
I'll be incluing the addFrameScript over time, in order to empty all timeline code.

Anonymouse Wrote:In case you haven't, make sure you are using weak references in your events. When you add an event listener, set the last parameter to true. Otherwise if an object in memory is listening for an event it will never be removed from memory. It's better practice though to make sure you always remove your listeners

But people say that sometimes it gets deleted even if being used. So in a given situation, if we have 30 enemies in a level, there is a chance the 21th enemy doesnt do anything anymore, for example.
So the best is to make the 'addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, remove)' in any timeline code that uses ENTER_FRAMEs, MOUSEclicks and other events. I am already doing it ;)

The timeline executor code (above) also cleans their created listeners. Thats because that 'one liner code' already creates the ADDED_TO_STAGE, ENTER_FRAME (if needed) and REMOVED_FROM_STAGE ;)
Right now, the game was rushing from 49mb to 200mb in less than 2 minutes in a level. Not its increasing far lesser! It was 70mb after 5 minutes. More tests needed.

Anonymouse Wrote:Another good practice is to use as few event listeners as possible. If you have lots of enemies on the map, they should not all have their own ENTER_FRAME listener. Rather, there should be one listener that processes all enemies.

Yes but......hmm this complexity isnt needed yet, because there wont be like 200 enemies in a level. I use fewer enemies (like 30) because we doesnt need a swarm of creatures (yet). Maybe in just rare scenes (to give some humor and to see Peach being screwed up hehe), resembling Paper Mario scenes where a swarm of X-nauts appear (like in Rogueport).

Anonymouse Wrote:Of course, there are other reasons AS3 can have memory leaks unrelated to events.

I am researching more about it.

Anonymouse Wrote:I don't know how comfortable you are with sharing your code, but if you want any help converting from AS2 to AS3 I'm happy to take a look, I've converted a few other projects in the past.

I have a prototype and you can surely help ;) Just dont be so 'ahead of me', please. I fear you changing everything in a night hehe. The idea right now is to make it work in AS3. I'll be creating the Creature.as class later, where Goombas, Koopas, etc, will have their own classes which will extend Creature.

There are a few things I need help right now, like making the camera zoom work correctly (right now, when Peach jumps, the gravity test in GROUND MC is interfering with the camera somehow. So, in maxed out zoom, Peach starts hopping a lot, like in a spring :/ EDIT: I fixed it now!! Thats because, even using a MovieClip(root) scope (ROOT), I still need this THIRD line below!
Code: Select All Code
obj.pointStage=new flash.geom.Point(0,0); //takes the registered starting points of Peach x,y. When Peach walks, this 0,0 is recreated in another position, so yes, I need to create/replace that new point at every frame.
obj.pointStage=obj.localToGlobal(obj.pointStage);  //it says: 'hey, convert this point to Global coordinates'
obj.pointStage=obj.root.globalToLocal(obj.pointStage);  // MUST use THIS LINE. Being at ROOT doesnt mean it only needs localToGlobal!

But you need Adobe Flash CC version. CS6 doesnt work (I tried to open in CS6 and save it. It gets corrupted!) I'll PM you later, thank you!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:06 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I was think we should bring in Peach's Mario Sunshine dress in the game as an outfit. Thoughts about it?

Which dress? Images are better to see it.

This one right here in the spoiler:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Anonymouse » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:13 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:But you need Adobe Flash CC version. CS6 doesnt work (I tried to open in CS6 and save it. It gets corrupted!) I'll PM you later, thank you!

CC is fine :)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:12 pm

Ok progressing! MIM PUT AS3 with new Camera system working, and zoom modes with a smooth 'in' and 'out' speed!
The camera is so better that I may update MIM PUT AS2 with it in later versions.
I may upload the prototype SWF in the weekend (the already compiled game) in this thread for you people to see the current progress.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:This one right here in the spoiler

Its actually her classic pink dress (default dress, not Brawl dress), with a more light pink and no shoulders. Its feasible to make, but perhaps as a modification of the classic dress (like having a button to configure it: classic x sunshine)

Anonymouse Wrote:CC is fine : )

Ok! Since I am working like crazy on it, I may delay some days before delivering it.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Tacomancer » Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:10 pm

would love to get a progress build :D
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Peach's Untold Tale AS3 (PROTOTYPE) - 18th January 2016

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:31 am

ImageEXPLORATIVE TEST + MAIN BUG FIXES COMPLETED ON FEBRUARY 22th 2016 (The game works fully, although bugs might be still present)
ImageALL 'IMPORTANT' bugs fixed - Version 3.0a9 - AT 17th MARCH 2016

TOTAL DAYS USED until WORKING STAGE (explorative test): 5 MONTHS and 19 DAYS!

Remember you can speed up the game that was deployed in page 1 even more (less CPU) by configuring the OPTIONS screen (QUALITY, FRAMESKIP and STATIONARY CAMERA settings).

CURRENT STATUS: Testing, Testing and Testing for a crystal clear game!
REMEMBER THE PROTOTYPE BELOW has only a couple of levels!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Image [ ENTIRE CODE IN AS3 ] - OK! 44,422 lines (+4100 new lines + 1000 lines in the objects)!
Image TIMELINE executor code (Aedler OCT 2015) OK! (Update 1) Ok! (Update 2) Ok! (Update 3) Ok!
Image LISTENER advanced executor code (Aedler JAN 2016) OK!
Image New Camera with new improved zoom modes working OK! (Update 1) Ok! (Update 2) Ok!
Image New Boundary code (to limit camera) working OK!
Image Sound/Music System OK!
Image Convert all Breaking Blocks
Image HUD OK!
Image Foreground and Respawn layers are now created dynamically (very low CPU footprint)
Image OPTIMIZATION: KeyEvents MASTER onEnterFrame capturing HUD
Image Test level working OK! (UPDATE: Added 3 different areas to it).
Image Peach Poses OK!
Image Peach entering doors OK!
Image Peach Movement and Keyboard Actions OK!
Image Pipes and Vases working!
Image OO CLASS: TextFieldColor class
Image OO CLASS: Dictionary of Advanced Integers
Image OO CLASS METHODS: Util.addFrames and Util.timer
Image Climbing ladders
Image Warp Trunk Holes working
Image CREATURES: All Goomba Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Koopa Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Shyguy Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Pokey Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Bobomb Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Thwomp Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Flurry Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Wiggler Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Mario Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Chain Chomp Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Chompette Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Drybone Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Monty Mole Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Boo Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Cobrat Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Chuck Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Blooper Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Birdo Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Ninji Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Don Pianta Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Boss Bass Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Cleft Scenes
Image CREATURES: All X-naut Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Phanto Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Piranha Plant Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Bumpty Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Anuboo Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Lakitu Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Yux Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Wrench Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Toadsworth Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Buzzy Bettle Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Poochy Scenes
Image CREATURES: King Osama
Image CREATURES: Yoshi and its Scenes
Image CREATURES: All Toad Scenes
Image OTHER CREATURES: Lady Bow, Flavio, Punios, Jinx, Jabbi, Cheep-Cheeps, Mushroom Frog, Mushroom Dicks, Zess T, E.Gadd, MIPS, Grodus, JellyFish, Cataquack, Charlieton, Green SockHop, Wario and Luma.
Image REFACTOR of 'isPeachNearVisibleLoop()' + optimization
Image METHOD/FUNCTION 'IN-TYPE' optimization (#2)
Image LEVEL: 1-1
Image LEVEL: 1-2
Image BURST FIX!! LEVEL: 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6.....9-3!
Image PLAY LEVELS 7-5 and 9-1 to find obvious BUGS
Image Make the GALLERY work
Image SAVE and LOAD screens
Image ACHIEVEMENT screens
Image Grabbing a Key (by hand and by putting in her...)
Image Final General Tests

CLICK BELOW TO CHECK THE TAG CLOUD from more than 3,000 errors/bugs fixed during the conversion:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I dont need to 'redo' everything. I am just adapting each level and scene to work (they're already in AS3). It SHOULD be easier, like 2 to 10 or even more items per day.
And Please take note that some enemies may not reappear in newer versions of this prototype, because I delete the ones that worked in order to test new ones!

You can check the current FPS and Memory Usage (right click and select SHOW PROFILE).

(Remember the prototype may NOT have all the enemies above neither levels. The idea is for me to test them, then exchange some to the others we need to test!)

- Added PERFORMANCE FPS option! Check the first SPOILER above!
- Added Level 1-1 and 1-2!
- Added OUTPUT debug screen (the 'X' in the bottom right). Just click on it.
- Adeed all Koopalings (except Morton, as its already converted).
- TOTAL of FIVE AREAS! One of them is at night.
- ADDED many enemies (goombas, kooopas, shyguys, wigglers, bobombs, drybones, pokeys, bossbasses, jelectros, bloopers, cobrats, clefts, anuboos, bumpties, jinx, mushroom frogs, jinx, MIPS the rabbit, birdoes, green sockhops and chucks)
- ADDED 3 random toads in the level.
- If 30 or more enemies, some MUST disappear over time. You can check if all scenes are being executed on Peach!
If any scene breaks/crashes, tell me!
- NEW: now you can zoom the current scene, centering where you click with the mouse.
- Improved text balloon code (AS3-1.1)
- ALL blocks and powerups working!
- ALL pipes and vases working!
- Climbing ladders working!
- Fireballs working! (Fire Peach mode)
- Mostly main enemies working (Goomba, Koopas, Shyguys, Pokeys...)
- NEW (internal): Keyboard events in its own class (the player wont notice anything different in the game). Thanks to Overlord5!
- NEW CAMERA using a better College matrix + trigonometry. Smoother zoom modes and an entirely new Boundary checking.
- Lactate button changed to 'B' due to conflicts with SHIFT. Load game shortcut is shift+1,2,3,4 since Update 2.3.14 (14th April 2015). When in keyboard mode 3, shift wont quick load since you will be using this key to SKIP scenes.
- Its now possible to click in Peach during the scene (actually the group of creatures there, like Peach and goombas, etc), then execute the zoom whose center will be the mouse pointer!
- Diary can now be opened and checked!

Keys: LEFT RIGHT DOWN UP, and Z X C. If the screen is blank, please WAIT.
If she doesnt walk, try another browser, or download the game.
I would like to see if the performance is now better (try to play it in full screen by downloading it, then using Flash Player!)
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

MIM PUT AS3 ALPHA.swf [ 17.8 MiB | Viewed 14964 times ]

Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:10 am, edited 121 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:57 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Now, we have the FIRST PLAYABLE AS3 version of MIM PUT ;)
Not much to do. Some glitches yet. You can click on Peach to see the new zoom modes.
You can check the current FPS and Memory Usage (right click and select SHOW PROFILE).
PLEASE select 'PLAY THIS LEVEL' when Peach sits down in the train!

Keys: LEFT RIGHT DOWN UP, and Z X C. If the screen is blank, please WAIT.
If she doesnt walk, try another browser, or download the game.
I would like to see if the performance is now better (try to play it in full screen by downloading it, then using Flash Player!)


It looks great Ivan. Though I noticed a few bugs. 1. You can't change Peach's shoes. They stay stuck on the Pink ones. 2. She starts off naked in the train then the entire screen goes blue.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:28 am

Perfect work - it works faster now i think if looking on example ;)

Very good progress I think - you are really cool ;)

But get some errors in debug player (may be it will help a little :oops: ):

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at Timeline$/executeWalking2FirstFrame()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:162]
   at Timeline$/exec()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:38]
   at MIMPUTAS3_6_fla::PZ_loungingserious_25/frame1()[MIMPUTAS3_6_fla.PZ_loungingserious_25::frame1:1]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at MIMPUTAS3_6_fla::cumdripping_420/frame26()[MIMPUTAS3_6_fla.cumdripping_420::frame26:1]
   at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
   at Timeline$/chairTrainCode()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:567]
   at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:75]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at peach_standing/frame132()[peach_standing::frame132:1]
   at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
   at Timeline$/chairTrainCode()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:567]
   at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\Timeline.as:75]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #2007: Параметр child не должен быть равен нулю.
   at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
   at ControlList/frame2()[ControlList::frame2:8]
   at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
   at Main/PeachShadowFloor()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_peach.as:4204]
   at Main/set_level_variables()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_functions.as:1615]
   at Main/Ltest()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_levels.as:129]
   at Main/load_level()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_levels.as:105]
   at Main/levelHandlerCode()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_levels.as:5]
   at Main/frame6()[Main::frame6:1]
   at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at MIMPUTAS3_6_fla::PZ_Seating_1349/frame32()[MIMPUTAS3_6_fla.PZ_Seating_1349::frame32:1]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at peach_walk2/frame28()[peach_walk2::frame28:1]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at peach_standing/frame42()[peach_standing::frame42:1]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1006: setVolume не является функцией.
   at Function/<anonymous>()[C:\Users\Ivan\Documents\MIM AE\MIM AE AS3\AS3 PROTOTYPE1\includes\_HUD.as:263]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at peach_jumpe/frame3()[peach_jumpe::frame3:1]

Code: Select All Code
TypeError: Error #1009: Не удается вызвать свойство или метод со ссылкой на объект "null".
   at peach_jumpe/frame12()[peach_jumpe::frame12:1]
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby LuftMallow » Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:59 pm

It's been awhile since my last visit but I wanted to try out how AS3 is working out. My findings so far: The title screen and menus are running much better now but I'm still getting ~10 fps in the level itself. Things get better when I lower the quality to medium but it doubles the memory usage. Some things have been omitted so I don't know if certain glitches I've encountered are due to that or the conversion. Overall it seems much better than the AS2 version.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 2.4.9 (Oct 5/15)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:06 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Perfect work - it works faster now i think if looking on example ;)

Thank you! Man, this is being another SAGA! But I can say I am much more near the completion than the beginning phase! The WORST has passed!

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:But get some errors in debug player (may be it will help a little :oops: ):

All is 'TypeError' problems, did you notice it? It's due to the fact PEACH changes her pose immediatelly, BEFORE the ENTER_FRAME listener code ends. Also, it can occur when there is code still executing in a given frame (outside the listener).
So the Peach Pose Movie Clip is destroyed, but not in memory. It's still in memory executing the rest of the frame :/
This is not a game breaker, but I need to create 'REMOVED_FROM_STAGE' for every Peach Pose over time.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:It looks great Ivan. Though I noticed a few bugs. 1. You can't change Peach's shoes. They stay stuck on the Pink ones.

Fixed above!

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:2. She starts off naked in the train then the entire screen goes blue.

Did you read what I've put above? PLEASE select 'PLAY THIS LEVEL' when Peach sits down in the train!
Anyway, I've fixed it. This demo doesnt have the entire prologue sequence, as I need a smaller game in order to work on it and transfer all updates to the main huge game.

LuftMallow Wrote:The title screen and menus are running much better now but I'm still getting ~10 fps in the level itself. Things get better when I lower the quality to medium but it doubles the memory usage. Some things have been omitted so I don't know if certain glitches I've encountered are due to that or the conversion. Overall it seems much better than the AS2 version.

Hey, I'm really HAPPY to see you back, Luft!! Welcome back!
Thank you, I'm happy to hear that, because at least the conversion was being much important, something like 'I MUST DO IT', really.

But......hmmmmm 10fps? Do you use a Pentium III or a Notebook with those 'ATOMs'? Here, even using a Pentium IV Core 2 Duo, I noticed an almost doubled FPS (17 instead of 9 in AS2). Why just 10 there?
Well, this area is full of toad houses, so yes, it takes some CPU. But here its 25fps (Core i7). The max FPS of the game is 26.
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