Rex Wrote:Hello I am Captain Rex or Rex for short, and i'm picking up the "New Bowser’s Castle"
1)First off i'm not posting it until i fix some of the problems (for example: samus melts when you click on her,the blinking when navi gives a blowjob)
2)I would like to thanks Playshapes and Blargh: Playshapes for making the game and Blargh for making the CS4 version so I could work with it
Coming soon the a forum right here:
(If i do not post by 9/5 please bug me about it)
Domawul Wrote:Seems that the files are no longer available on Newgrounds, some cache error. Does anyone have them available and could possibly upload them somewhere again? I've just begun messing around with flash and would love to try and make something out of the material here : )
DesertPunk121 Wrote:When I download the Fla files on Newgrounds and go to open it, it tells me that its the wrong file format... I am using Flash CS4...
porne Wrote:The special hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk in the theater.
OniiChan Wrote:An Amiibo based off your character skin was made!
OniiChan Wrote:An Amiibo based off your character skin was made!
LuftMallow Wrote:Now if there was a biker suit version made...
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