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Iya & Rowr (ON HOLD AS OF 2012-12-26)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:17 am
by Niekitty
Hi all!
been an amnomynous lurker around here long enough i figured i might as well actually register and POST something! :3
Iya & Rowr started out as a kind of a prehistoric version of Calvin and Hobbes in my head, but by the time i had the initial sketch done it had gone and gotten all perverted (my head does that).
IF i can get it done right (im SO not a programmer) it should be a combat platform jumper with some limited RPG elements and plenty of nice, juicy monster raaa... er... surprise sex. :D

EDIT: still going. =^^= the game is functionally built up to the end of the backstory.

uploaded build 2.

first progress build is done (just the menu). im not sure what the normal file sizes around here are. current build is at 3.8mb, which for as little content as it is seems a bit... excessive. also keep having glitchybrowserbugs trying to upload the thing. ill blame the government and try again later. :3

*'About' screen is fully up and running
*intro part 1 up and running (just book pages)
*Need to figure out how to Save/load and include Load screen
*camp/training screen
*skills (nothing major, just small stuff)
*the whole bleeping rest of the game
(nothing noted YET)
*intro next button works now (or darn well should)
*finally learned the VERY basic basics of AS2

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

iyarowr-v7.swf [ 6.2 MiB | Viewed 150391 times ]

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Home (rough sketch)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

iya and mrow.jpg
early concept sketch


Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:02 am
by TheLegendaryChosenOne
wow,a calvin and hobes porn game,that awesome.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:15 am
by Biles
Nice, now that should be interesting. Since you say you're not a programmer, at least I would like to see what your art talent would look like if you render in Flash.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:29 am
by Grape_Drink
hmm... looks like an interesting concept to say the least, good luck with your endeavors!

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:14 am
by Rooiehaan #2
awh, they both look so cute!
the girl's so innocent, and that cat is so... kitty-like <3
also love the house, it looks really detailed and real. nice job!

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:23 am
by GreasyGoose
Interesting idea, i hope this becomes something. You are a good artist, you should try drawing in flash maybe making some good models might attracted a programmer.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:55 pm
by Hnyarly
That project seems so amazing that I must offer my ActionScript skills.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:01 pm
by Biles
Careful not to speak too soon. I'd like to see this artist's Flash art skills first. Preferably if he (or she) has already started to do renderings.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:18 pm
by FruitSmoothie
Art wise, I was more interested in the little hut so far than the girl and cat, nothing spectacular shown in their sketches atm, basic anatomy is pretty sound on the girl which is good and makes me believe you're capable of drawing regularly. I'd love to see more things showcasing them though, especially if you gave them the same amount of work as the hut. The kitty looks a bit like a cat sea lion in that, haha. Hope you post some more arts of them soon!

Edit: Agreed with FMC, small chest = win. So tired of balloon animal breasts. There's a good inbetween of course, but in comparison to the hugely unrealistic proportions generally drawn around here, some tiny ones are a good counter, lol.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:28 pm
by FMC
One thing I like about the characters is that they have believability to them, especially if you're going for the prehistoric route.

And for me, personally, we have too many games of girls with big breasts. Its refreshing to see something so flat, which I'm personally a fan of. Hopefully, you don't change the models too much from what they are if you draw them out more completely, as the one above me said to do.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:31 am
by Niekitty
okay, just to update, i actually do have the main menu mostly functional. im not a coder, but AS2 isnt that awfully hard for simple stuff and i have had a LITTLE training in programming (granted that was good old VB). :3
Thank you all for the responses. =^^= ill post something more as soon as i get the chance, just got a lot of other stuff happening right now OFFline. ive tried 3d renderings of Iya several times, but i just cant get the same feel with polygons as i can get with 2d linework (and 3d would take a LOT longer and more power to build something functional).

yes, i have had a lot of drawing experience. glad it shows, 'cause AAU was fricken expensive. XD

Hnyarly, thanks! once i hit the actual gameplay im proooobably gonna need the help =^^=
still trying to figure if camp, region map, and gameplay screens should be nested into one scene or created as separate scenes. *nibbles lip*

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:08 am
by Gregdgreat
I have to say those are some really good sketches... in fact, they dont seem like sketches at all... LIES D:< Thats some full blown art!

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:23 am
by BlueLight
FMC Wrote:One thing I like about the characters is that they have believability to them, especially if you're going for the prehistoric route.

And for me, personally, we have too many games of girls with big breasts. Its refreshing to see something so flat, which I'm personally a fan of. Hopefully, you don't change the models too much from what they are if you draw them out more completely, as the one above me said to do.

I agree. I rather like small than big.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:03 pm
by eldragon
looking forward to this one :D

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:14 pm
by Suraru
ya, this seems interesting.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:21 pm
by Hnyarly
Niekitty Wrote:im not sure what the normal file sizes around here are. current build is at 3.8mb, which for as little content as it is seems a bit... excessive.

It's surelly due to the music.

Biles Wrote:Careful not to speak too soon. I'd like to see this artist's Flash art skills first. Preferably if he (or she) has already started to do renderings.

His/her Flash skills seems proved.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:25 pm
by zzcl
Niekitty Wrote:WORKING
*Need to figure out how to Save/load and include Load screen

There's a lot of sites where you can download a .fla with preloaders, like Newgrounds

Only if you don't want to complicate your existence xD

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:26 pm
by Lucky777
I'm REALLY liking the music selection here.

As to the partially working intro, one of the ways that it's only partially working (for me, at least) is that I have to click on the "next" MULTIPLE times, to advance even one scene.

Also, the music, wonderful though it is, seems to loop in a questionable way. As in, I think there are eventually multiple instances of the same song playing at the same time.


...No... nothing is wrong with the music. King Derp over here just had 2 pages open at the same time, and didn't notice the flash started playing without needing a play button pressed.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:28 pm
by BlueLight
You might want the changing of page to page to be a motion tween.

Re: Iya & Rowr

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:57 pm
by Hnyarly
BlueLight Wrote:You might want the changing of page to page to be a motion tween.

It also shows some strange form changes in the book's written words frame by frame transition, so it seems like using form animation instead of standard animation.

Niekitty Wrote:still trying to figure if camp, region map, and gameplay screens should be nested into one scene or created as separate scenes. *nibbles lip*

Each zone in each frame seems to produce a better game performance than having all in the same one.
Another option is having only 1 game frame, and different zone MovieClips. So, when you change of zone, you just have to change the zone MovieClip (removing and attaching). Or a mix of both, having 1 MovieClip zone with each zone in each one of its frames.