Thanks Ren! ^_^
- Fixed a bug where the game would lock up after certain dialogue
- Decreased the number of wasps required to spawn the elite
- FINISHED.... sort of.
- I will still do tweaks / bug reports
- quick patch to add quality setting buttons
-- found on title screen and in-game menu (key customizer)
- against my better judgement I decide to have a quick release before final
- there have been a ton of tweaks and fixes, and I have forgotten half of them by now
- two major changes in this update are:
-- you can go test the Beezy fight, although victory will just kick you to the game over screen (no sneak peeks!)
-- you can go test the Broodmother scene and reward
- amazingly, somehow, I didn't break your saves!
-- although if you cheated some of your values, your save might break because I did have to switch a couple calculations
- too many bug fixes to mention
-- most notably, I found out what was causing abilities to be ignored when used in the air
-- the elite wasp will react properly in the arena
- added the Broodmother to the hive
-- no sex scene yet, so if you manage to win... well bragging rights and what not!
- fixed a bug where max health was fluctuating between areas
- fixed a bug where the left shadow wall wasn't blocking you properly during the Stinger fight
-- this would prematurely advance the plot for some
- fixed a bug where Eva's skin would show briefly upon entering a new area as Bridgette
- fixed the infamous GORGER WALL RAPE OF DOOM (seriously this time, they shouldn't do it anymore, promise)
- if you enter the arena without either Dash or Honeypot (ie- you missed them in the earlier chapters) an elite wasp and/or gorger will spawn
-- should be round 3 for the elite gorger and round 6 or 7 for the wasp
-- if you have both the abilities, they will not spawn (just regular mobs)
-- you shouldn't be able to light the torch and start the next round if they are stunned onstage (ie - can't fight next wave without bangin' em)
- added the new character portraits to the game!
-- I love them! It think they make the dialogue 80x better
-- everyone thank Psyk!
-- added a credit for Psyk in the game opening
- broke your saves.... the stat fix required this... sorry!
- other reported bug fixes, keep em coming!
- reworked the way abilities trigger so there should be no more cooldown firing without ability firing scenarios
- mask should now properly reward you with gallery and equipment bonus
- worked more on the ability Spawn
-- there are no hitboxes for it yet, though so it still doesn't really "do" anything
- added a creepy easter egg
- other bug fixes (keep em coming!)
- recovered from crash
- upgrade to CS6, lit CS5.5 on fire and sent it to hell
- finished Tender combat sequence
- added elite Tender to Hive
-- added Tender sex animation to Gallery
-- new ability Spawn
--- currently doesn't do anything, placeholder objects are generated
- lost a shit ton of work because flash crashed mid-save and corrupted the FLA
5/16 (part 3!)
- added combat mechanics to Tenders
- populated hive
- fixed bug where weapon enchantment wasn't showing upon idle initiation/completion
- removed auto equip on shop purchases, was causing confusion with new stat adjustments
- fixed other bugs
5/16 (part 2)
- added Guardian sex scene to gallery
- added unique dialogue sequence if you seduce the Guardian with Bridgette instead of Eva
- fixed bug where Gorgers would spam you to death against walls
- fixed bug where the Guardian was showing the wrong hand color
- fixed bug where you could seduce without a weapon equipped
- fixed bug where honeypot face/eye expression wouldn't revert to normal
- fixed bug where Guardian's health wasn't regenerating from 0
- added armor stat increases into the game! That work! Armor does something now!
- changed the points at which stats are calculated to make the game flow better and cut out some of the random buginess with max health
- stat changes required a save break

- finished Guardian seduce, stun, regen, and sex animation
-- added new passive ability Self Control as reward
--- it will still loop because I didnt finish the tail end of the coding (you will see the skill gain each time you beat her for now)
--- it is also not in the gallery yet, sorry!
-- the dialogue is weird if you screw her as Bridgette, because it is still Eva talking - this will be fixed later
- made some modifications to the way air dashing works
- added a plot easter egg conversation for people who actually like that stuff
- fixed buggggggssss
- changed the range gorgers will charge
- finished the Spirit Mask's sex animation
- created a special tentacly-goodness armor set for a reward
- added Spirit Mask to the gallery
- added Hive Tenders to the hive
-- no hitboxes yet so you can't really hurt one another yet
-- entering the hive will effectively lock up your game as the walls will rise, but you can't kill them
- fixed bug where Brig's internal view would be in Eva's colors
- fixed bug where you could save and enter the menu as Brig
-- this require a save kill, sorry all
- fixed a couple spelling bugs
- fixed other reported stuff that I forgot about because I forgot to write it down!
5/8 (part 2)
- finished some fine tune points on the Guardian
-- added a shield effect for hard guard animation
-- she will now repel your sword throw as well as block your movement
-- added soul gain and animation to her death animation
-- fixed floating issue when blocking Bridgette's attacks
-- extended the window of opportunity for Eva to get behind her as well as get back out
- cleaned up the shop dialogue
- fixed a bug where summoning wouldn't work after loading a save
-- if you still have this bug, reselect Bridgette from the menu then re-save and it should clear up
- I think I fixed a bug where Eva would randomly spawn in the inappropriate spot when loading a new zone (?)
- other misc stuff
- fixed missing wasp in chapter 1 cutscene
- fixed the flashing wasps in combat
- fixed the background area in front of the arena
- fixed an armor glitch with wasps where it wasn't decaying properly
- added additional combat conditions to the Wasp Guardian
-- she should always push you back regardless of your direction (no stab lock when not against the wall)
-- you can now beat her in combat
-- this means you can also enter the hive and poke around the new area!
- fixed Bridgette's damage modifiers
-- her beam and explosion attacks should do roughly 1500% of your normal attack damage
-- her shot should do about the same as your regular attack
- other misc tweaks
- Wasn't happy with how easy the Arena Boss was, so I buffed him up a bit.
-- biggest change you will probably notice is the extended Inferno
-- lowered his damage a smidge but gave him another 100 hp
- Added new overworld map segment
- Added Beezy' sub map segment
-- Once you have the portal unlocked plotwise, you can either talk to Bridg at either end to go back and forth
-- OR you can access it via warp; when you mouse over a portal tile it will take you to the world map
- added 6 new areas
-- two woodland areas outside the hive
-- four internal hive areas
- added a new friend to play with guarding the hive entrance
- added a plot segment between the portal and new areas
- fixed some reported bugs
-- just saw a few new bugs so I am writing this to remind myself later: hey self
--- you screwed up the wasp stage animation so they are 'blinking',
--- you can see the flash stage outside the arena
--- you didnt set the cutscene armor to load!
- You strength and prowess in the arena has impressed the Gorger Spirit Lord of Combat, and he wishes to challenge you!
-- it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you save your game before entering the arena
-- I have not finished the sex scene, so if you win, your reward for now will be knowing you are better than everyone else
- optimized wasps
- optimized gorgers
- fixed bug where sometimes the Gorger Chief would not take damage
- fixed bug where continuing at the game over screen without saving would load old cached data
- other reported bug fixes (thank you all!)
- fixed a bunch of bugs that people mentioned
-- thank you for being so vigilant!
- populated the arena
-- you can access it in chapter 2 at any point before engaging Bridgette
- started to optimize Wasps, you should notice a tad more lag improvement
- enemy damage will now scale with their level; you might notice wasps hitting a bit harder than they were before
- game should no longer lock up when accessing the gallery in chapter 3
- bridgette's sex scene should no longer lock up at certain points
- added a game over screen
-- the title button will return you to... the title!
-- the continue button will reload from your last save
- added arena backdrop and triggers
-- gorger will politely inform bridgette that her level of badassery is not allowed in the arena
-- you can't use summons while in the arena
-- right now there is no combat, but that will change soon
4/30 (part 3)
- fixed a bug where wasps would load the wrong dialogue in chapter 2
- fixed a bug where the arena gorger would load the wrong dialogue in chapter 1
- fixed a bug where the arena gorger would overlay Tiki's dialogue in chapter 1
- fixed a bug where the arena gorger would not despawn in the battle with Bridgette
- fixed a bug where you couldn't escape up the path after the second round of Bridgette's fight
4/30 (part 2)
- Okay, I lied. I had to break your saves.
-- some of the bugs being reporting and people being able to load Beezy/Pecunia as playable characters forced my hand

- Added the 4 additional wasp loops to the gallery after you watch the hive corruption cut scene
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't access Brig's skin in the gallery after reloading the game (another reason why I had to delete)
- Fixed a bug where you could load Pecunia and Beezy's summons
- Fixed the way dashing works
-- it should be like the old version now where you hold down the button and tap a direction
-- or just release the button / no direction not to dash
- added the placeholder for the arena framework
- redrew the background for area 7 to make better logical sense with island layout / arena area
- hopefully I fixed the Gorepony bug where you would get kicked to the dev screen when trying to engage Bridgette
- hopefully I fixed the bug where you would be stuck in chains after the ambush hits (the chains should drop now if this happens)
- hopefully I fixed a bug where Brig's sex animation would catch on Tiki entering her body
- added the chapter 3 splash screen
- added faders to the end of the chapter 2 cut scene
- I highly suggest talking to Tiki in chapter 3

- added different dialogue when you talk to people as Bridgette
- fixed some spelling errors
- tweaked a couple more optimization points in various animations
- Recoded Eva's sprite from the ground up
-- should help with those having input lag
-- might improve lag in general
--- since I have none, you will have to tell me if you notice a difference
- Added summon mechanics
-- currently the summon key is set to 'E'
--- will make it customizable in a future update
-- summons will replace your current health and abilities
-- summons health will drain at a constant rate, and unsummon when hit 0
-- you take no damage while summon is out, however, damage will drain 10% of summons remaining duration
-- added 3 unique abilities while playing as Bridgette
-- you can't access the shop, pentagrams, or the bed while playing a summoned character
-- added a new skill slot for summons in the menu
-- added a new skill page for summons in the menu
-- revamped the skill menu to better display active, passive, and summon abilities
- Made some changes that will affect fighting Brigdette
-- dash now grants invulnerability again
--- added a graphic effect to dash to this affect
-- blocking in the air lasts a little bit longer now
-- removed some bother some hitboxes in her lazer shot
-- redrew / retooled the barriers so they are not as intrusive or laggy
--- this included redoing all barriers in general
- added plot segment after fight with Bridgette completes
-- right now, there is no further plot; you can just run around and spam stuff as Bridgette
- added Bridgette's scenes to the Gallery
-- when you unlock her, you unlock her skin
-- added skin toggles in top right corner of gallery
-- this will allow you to display Bridgette as Eva in all animations
--- has some pleasantly interesting side effects to the Bridgette scenes
- didn't break your saves! what!
- nerfed ability to dash through Brig's lazer beam
- fixed a misplaced hitbox in the lazer
- when I break your saves from now on (I didnt this time) your customization options should stay regardless
- and I added something else... what was it... what was it... hmmm....
- fixed bug where ui would hang around after Stingers are defeated
- made a few changes to the chapter 2 boss fight:
-- the chain ground effects should now appear behind the foreground layer
-- the wall are now electrified so you cannot hide in them to avoid her attacks
--- they will hurt you, touching them is not recommended
-- each phase gets progressively longer, although the first one had its time reduced (it is more or less a wash)
-- the harder abilities will now slowly increase in probability at each ambush point
- you should only gain levels upon reaching multiples of 100 (no more 99 increases)
- other stuff
- added preboss plot segment to chapter 2
- finished scripting fight with Bridgette
-- Please let me know if you like it!
- changed hardware acceleration to GPU, maybe that will help some of you with lag issues
- misc bug fixes
-- I still haven't made the armor stat mods work. This is pure laziness because I wanted to get the boss fight done; don't worry, it is on the list!
- Broke your saves. BUAHAAHHAHAHA
- smallish update for people who wanted to shoot stuff in the face with a lazer cannon
- quick update before I go on vacation
- added full armor set to shop
- improved shop interface
- added new weapon to shop
- added a 150 soul bonus to beating the stingers so you will have enough to buy shop items
- fixed bug where armor/weapons weren't showing properly on the title when loading a game
- fixed bug where you couldn't select sex scenes in the gallery without exiting first
- added a new plot/dialogue segment when you enter the shop screen
- broke your saves lolololol (I had to the new shop added too much stuff)
- fixed a graphics glitch in the chapter 2 cutscene with Pecunia where she wouldn't land during the conversation
- added armor selection to the "equipment" menu
-- there is an additional button that lets you switch between weapons and armor
- rearranged the weapon, ability, and armor menus to be a bit more consistant with when you "should" receive the ability or item, and not when I implimented it
- added a 'remove armor' option in the equipment menu
- some other stuff!
- fixed invisible wall bug at the start of chapter 1
- added basic mechanics for the armor shop
- added basic bracer set for testing
- added more plot to chapter 2
- added the option to manually input hex values in color pickers
- fixed other crap
- fixed bug where stinger's anal cum was a question mark
- fixed bug where fairy probe would still trigger in gallery for stinger
- fixed bug where colors were different in the gorger chiefs reticule
- fixed bug where the gorger arm would jump in the middle of the wasp doggie-style scene
- added additional dialogue triggers around the map and intro to Chapter 2
- reactivated warp, but removed save points from chapter 2
- opened up the chapter 2 map to run around in
- slam will now move your character forward a bit when used
- touched up some odds and ends in Chapter 1
- added a targeting reticule for the stinger's nuke (whiners)
- added a wasp hut in chapter 2
-- used it to test random dialogue mechanic
- fixed bug where stinger animations weren't showing in gallery
4/9 (part 2)
- finished chapter 1
- added warp ability for beating stingers
-- warp will open a new area on your menu
-- clicking it will open a map of the current chapter
-- selecting a marked area will teleport you to that save point
- finished stinger encounter
- finished chapter 1 plot animations
- created chapter 2 intro
-- right now chapter 2 is just your house, it isn't developed
--- you can access the additional animations or save there
--- warp has been temporarily disabled for chapter 2
- hopefully fixed a bug where sometimes the charging stinger would despawn
-- have no idea if it worked, try to be specific if it still happens (ie - what they were doing, what you were doing)
4/9 (part 1)
- added rest of plot up to stinger encounter
- added two more save points
- fixed a bug where you could progress dialogue before the screen had loaded
- fixed a bug where stingers would spawn / nuke before they were triggered
- broke your saves again, sorry, but I had to because of all the new plot dialogue triggers.
- changed stinger boss mechanics to make them a bit harder
-- goop dropping stinger will try to spawn above your head
-- bolt shooting stinger will try to target you better
-- charging stinger has a shorter spawn window
- added additional skins to main set
-- you don't have free access to these, however
- made some other behind the scene changes
- created the first part of the chapter 1 intro
- improved the Wasp strike graphic to better show attack range
- added initial stinger sex scene
-- it stops before the climax; this will end your game, make sure you save before fighting the boss
-- added scene to gallery (although since it is the game's current end point, you won't see it)
- other stuff
- added second boss before beezy
-- of course you can't kill them yet, they have no seduce animation yet and will just regen indefinitely
- restructured HUD to clear up some screen space
- gave boss' their own HUD
- did a lot of behind the scenes stuff to incorporate character swaps
- broke all your saves (was a big update, sorry)
- misc bug fixes
- completed and plugged in Beezy's model
-- you can see her at the portal, although you can't do anything yet
- fixed a bug where empower and block were sharing a cooldown
- adjusted spawning values on wasps so that they will spawn onscreen
- adjusted gorger charge range so they will remain onstage
- adjusted wasp volt attack for better projection and impact
-- re-changed the attack to a quick blast of three bolts
- added the two gorger/wasp scenes to the gallery
-- you have to defeat an elite wasp to access it
- other misc bug fixes
- fixed visual glitch with clit piercing not showing against gorger champ
-- fixed vag graphic to reflect internal color settings as well
- reverted yesterdays changes to reduce file size since the changes were minimal
- removed vcam for now to see how that affects lag for people
-- added more stage elements
- misc stuff
- Did something to see if it helps lag
- You will now regain your health when switching chapters
- Wasp encounters moved to portal area in chapter 1
- Background animations created and included
- added effects, internals, and detail to wasp scene
- added new ability Honey Pot
-- elite wasps will now teach it to you
- wasps have been given stats and levels
-- wasps will award souls now when defeated
-- changed color scheme of elite wasps
--- elite wasp back nipple, hand, and stomach detail should color correctly
- you can no longer dash before learning it
-- you are now invincible during dash
-- since it isn't 'spammable' anymore, we are going to see how it goes
- changed a few hitbox ranges
- misc bug fixes
- Small update before I disappear for the weekend
-- block now has 1/3 of the old duration and 1/5 of the cooldown
--- wasps will only fire one bolt to compensate for this change
--- blocking a gorger's charge will immediately send it into panic to compensate for this change
-- fixed some nap area bugs
--- the GChamp button isn't working unless you view the Gorger first, which doesn't make sense
---- looking at it now, might update if I resolve it soonish
- Fixed color issue with the elite wasps' back hand not changing
- gorgers won't beat your face in against the zone wall anymore
- wasps now *properly* fire a single bolt from both directions
- extended the block hitcheck
- Mechanic changes, yay!
-- block is now a set duration with a short cooldown
--- you can now switch directions while blocking to compensate
-- dash has been reworked as a follow up ground attack
--- after you swing, if you hold down the attack button and a direction key, you will dash in that direction
---- this means you can attack, then chose to stay and attack again, dash away, or dash through the enemies
---- dash has had its distance doubled to help with the whole "stopping on top of the mobs" thing
---- dashing is still the primary attack while in the air
----- aka you could hop and dash to trigger one immediately without swinging first
- Added a few more loops to the bee ninja sex scenes
-- wait, did I even put those in last update? Now that I think about it I didn't
--- so um, added the bee ninja sex scene, however it is not complete
---- need to add effects, internals, etc
- Interacting with the bed will now trigger the gallery screen
-- you can replay any sex animation that you have already encountered
--- my computer was being a turd and I was rushed so it might be buggy
---- this means some of the fairy mind control scenes will trigger even though they shouldn't
- Tweaked the bee AI a bit, although there is still work to be done
- What else? Seems like I did other stuff too but I forget by now.
- scripted basic combat logic for chapter 1 enemies
-- there is no stun/regen animation, so their health will just cycle infinitely
-- armor will break as health decreases
- changed tongue to internal skin color
- tweaked the Gorger Champ animation a bit to smooth out some parts
-- fixed up some skin colors
- other stuff!
- fixed glitches associated with re-entering into the next chapter
- created zone set for chapter 1
- use interact key to go down lower path to portal area
- just run about for now, nothing really interactive yet
- added end sequence to prologue
- added chapter 1 starting area
- added boss sex scene
- began next scene transition
- added new ability: Slam
-- although you don't have the opportunity to use it yet, its there!
- added horn color option
-- added a reset to default in custom options
- tweaked this and that, cleaned up some bug reports
-- fixed orbs not striking from rear guard
-- fixed being pushed through no pass walls
-- added touch ups to some animations
- small update to change the way the level and soul system works so people can try it out:
-- you will now not lose stats or your level when spending souls
-- however, you will not gain a new level until you recover the souls you spent
--- ex: you are level 4 with 310 souls, you spend 200; you are still level 4 with 110 souls, but you wont get level 5 until you get over 400 souls
-- In order to keep the game from being grindy, the souls you get from enemies are based on your EFFECTIVE level, not actual
--- ex: same as above example; you kill a level 2 enemy, you get FULL soul credit even though you are level 4, because your effective level is 2 (110 souls)
- had to break all your saves so you could effectively test it.
- stomped around ranting and raving about Time Warner while foaming at the mouth
- added boss dialogue and triggers
- completed boss fight sequence
-- boss can now be damaged and will regenerate/seduce appropriately
- awww file finally reached 1 mb
- added climax to seducable gorger
- added mechanic to learn abilities from enemies
- dash is now learned from bringing a gorger to climax
-- core structure altered a bit to remove dash
-- empower is now in first slot for 150
-- blitz added to level two slot for 300
--- you can use blitz to damage the boss while he is casting
-fixed bug with color selector on title screen
-fixed bug with ability selector in game menu
-fixed bug with enemy health bar
-worked on boss mechanics
--added reticule to make it obvious where the OTK hit is landing
--you can now strick back after avoiding the impact
--you still can't kill him yet though because I am a jerk
-added tutorials at various points in the game
-added additional dialogue
-retuned some things
-style update to the ingame menu
-added customization and key setup to ingame menu
-reduced gorger charge damage
-retooled the boss a tad (still unkillable)
-added level marker to HUD
-level increases will restore health
-level increases will now track properly outside the save pentagram
-fixed a graphic issue in the most recent cutscene
-misc tweaks
-tied eyebrow piercings to... eyebrow instead of generic head spot
-added a bit more story
-recalculated and revamped way in which stats affect things like damage, health, etc
-added level gains
--you get a level for every 100 souls in your possession
-added starter Core abilities and mechanics
--purchase core abilities with souls at save points; this will reduce your level but grant you new powers
-added level gains and development to enemies
-soul decay is based on your and the enemies level
--you gain less souls the lower the enemy is compared to you
--soul gain is phased out after a 5+ level difference
-fixed bug where triggering a dodge mid air would result in... strange positioning
-added a soul counter to the HUD
-broke all your saves; load will be available when you resave your data
-changed Gorger AI so that after taking damage, they will flip into panic mode and run away
--they are invulnerable while panicking, but will not attack you either
--helps prevent cornering and attack spamming
-different gorger attacks will now do different damage
-elite monsters no longer create zone borders, so you can skip them if you want
-ton of other misc stuff I have forgotten about (the camp boss is still invcible / instant killer)
-created Core framework
--just clicky testing now, nothing actually exists for it yet
-defeating enemies now acquires souls
--added floating text to show soul gain
-temporarily removed enemy knockback just so you can see how terrible combat is without it (whiners)
-fixed shadow walls, turns out posters were correct! The enemy counts were tallying before the spawn, so it would be artificially inflated
-broke all your saved games since people don't like to refresh their cookies before reporting "bugs"
--you shouldn't have a load option until you resave the game
-tied "Start" button to your story progress so you shouldn't need to click the fairy anymore if you have already seen the opening scene
--Start will take you to the last save point you used
--hitting Start before Load will reset your game
---current save isn't deleted unless you resave
-other misc stuff!
-tied stats to the game so they actually do something now
--power affects your damage output
--charisma effects the speed at which you seduce
--flexibility gives you a % dodge/damage avoidance chance
--resilience effects your total health
-when flexibility triggers, she will auto back flip instead of normal stun animation
-added gear(weapon) selection to menu system
--weapons will affect stats, gave you the dildoblade to play with
-cleaned up variables
-misc stuff
-saving is now an option on the ingame menu screen
--now you open the menu by standing on the active pentagram and hitting your interact key
-abilities are now dynamically selected on the ingame menu screen!
--click the open ability slot on the "skills" tab and select the ability you want to place there
--you can only have any one ability active in any one slot
--abilities choices should save when you save the game
-pube choice should save now when you save the game
-the game no longer tries to auto-load your saved data
--click the "load data" button on the title screen to load your saved data
--hopefully this will resolve some of the issues people were having
---you should clear your cookies before loading, this new version might not be compatible with the old save data
---or just save over the old data, the abilities might be messed up until you do
-I didn't like the top of her hair piece, so I changed it back to be more similar to the original but with smoother lines / less clutter
-the usual misc crap
-added new color choice for internal view
-redrew some elements
-started making the basic ingame menu
--hit attack on the save point
---this is a temporary key until I finish it
-random stuff
-fixed camera positioning while having sex to prevent internal view from being cut off
-added a save point in the opening area
--stand on the pentagram to activate it and hit your interact key
--should save customizations and key settings
---you need to have cookies enabled (derp)
-tweaked the shadow barriers / kill scoring to hopefully resolve reported issue
-misc stuffs
-added internal camera
-added a new pal at the camp
--no, you can't win yet
-zone borders will be blocked until you defeat all enemies in that zone (one way or another)
-fixed a bunch of reported bugs
-added a spawn mechanic to the bad guys
-misc stuff
-hp regen is now active during seduction
--this is so harder enemies and bosses can "recover" from your seduction and extend the battles out
--lust remains at the previous level when the next seduction begins (you don't lose ground)
-fixed an issue where gorgers ran the wrong way after being blocked
-added 3 additional sex loops to the basic enemy
-tweaked interface to reflect dynamic ability cooldowns
-added third ability type to test
--should enchant weapon and triple damage output for a limited time
-crash recovery
--if you see little hitches or glitches let me know, there was a big flash crash and I had to spend a lot of time cleaning stuff up
-misc bug fixes
-fixed weird block hitching
-tightened up hit boxes, especially while in the air
-added damage values and modifiers
-added floating damage text to enemies
-added seduction bar to elite enemies
--bar must be filled by channeling seduction to cause stun
--will alternate between health regen (revive) and seduction fill (stun) depending
-misc items
-added block mechanic
-added a bunch more damage hitboxes (jumping, etc)
-added a small sex loop to shut people up so I could go back to working on the mechanics
--use the interact key (space by defualt) on a stunned enemy
-misc stuff
-finished baseline ability mechanics (only 2 in game thusfar)
-added new keybinds for ability slots
-added a second drain/heal ability to test with (its not 100% complete, but you will get the idea)
-added ability test
-added basic gui
-0 hp will result in kick to title screen
-added hit checks for combat
-added elite toggle for enemies
-added regen and death sequences
-imported and converted Egg's wing model
-added to opening sequence
-fixed jumping bug
-added enemy animations
-added basic enemy AI
-added jumping
-changed attack animations
-added seduction
-retooled the customization screen
-added a few new derpalicious tattoos
-I forget what else got done!
-created a basic baddie, he is at the camp, you can't do anything yet.
-added thigh tattoos
-added piercing options
-separated nipple and lipstick coloring to their own category
-probably other stuff that I forgot!
-added opening sequence
-new tatoos and pubic options
-added first 5 areas
-only basic movement and attacking
-added eye and mouth animation tests
-you can now select the previously set key in the key change menu
-Key Selection
-Character Customization
Stay Tuned!
Original game can be found here.