Cappy Wrote:(Although genetically speaking self-impregnation would probably be twice as bad as inbreeding, I don't think it'd serve the game very well as a "Useful thing")
Yeah, probably.
Cappy Wrote:Second, the breeder serving as a "Mirror" who reflects beast breeding modifiers straight back at them has always seemed to me like a pretty cool idea, I personally would be against anybody changing it, both because it's (imo) a waste of time and effort which could be spent adding more content, and because the game's presumably been designed that way so far for a reason. I never found "Breeding a beast with itself" to be hard to understand or figure out, and it's one of the first things I've tried, seeing the animation should explain the concept to you perfectly, so it's not particularly unintuitive.
Well, I was more thinking of a cosmetic change to deal with a cosmetic problem; something like making the second monster to be selected show the breeder instead if it happened to be the same monster as the first one selected.
The unintuitive nature of the thing is all that I am concerned about, from a "game design" perspective, which is why I figure that a mention of the thing in the tutorial is likely to be quite sufficient as a way out. If one doesn't find it unintuitive then there's no reason at all for it to change, but I maintain that it
is so, since it is a completely contrary result to the command that was input to achieve that result.
The fact that you can stumble upon it via any one of the 3 (now admittedly 4) mindsets that I mentioned is why I think the fix is not a matter of any high priority.
I still think it's a thing that ought to be fixed, though.
Cappy Wrote:why on earth would you throw away lesbian and gay content just because of pedantry? The answer is that you wouldn't because that's fuckin' stupid.
Even if I TRIED to agree with you more, it would be impossible, because I already agree to the maximum amount of my capability.
If he were going to fix the breeding definition I'd expect him to do it by substituting the word "fuck" for "breed" on the interface when it's not breeding, if he bothered with any fix at all. Tossing out the homosexual options over a language definition in a PORN game of all things would be indescribably silly and completely uncalled for.
Nothing says a monster breeder cannot also make monsters fuck for fun or to raise their stats, or fuck with them in a way that does not lead to breeding.
It's much the same as nothing in the definition of breeding (as opposed to in the law on bestiality in some countries) says that a horse breeder cannot also fuck with his horses.