glm Wrote:Delurking just to offer my congratulations : great work, esp. for a fan project.
Thanks! It's a daily challenge but it's going on.
glm Wrote:Also, an idea : you might wanna copy the MIM (hacked) version, and have the sound on/off button on the first loading screen. That way, the player could launch the game discreetly, and not jump on his seat, frightened, when Peach get creamed on the title screen. ^^
Okay! I will add the button!
dercas Wrote:Also, I was curious if it may be possible in the future to release a version with "alternate" character models available? Don't get me wrong, Peach is damn sexy, though I much prefer Kneesocks (from Corta'SPlatformer), Krystal and the "Lizard Ladies". That being said, I have no idea how obscenely difficult something like this would prove to be.
Probably. It should be named like 'MIM Heroes'.
Difficulty Level to make this version: 1 (easiest) - just add more characters and maybe a different plot/history.
Work needed: medium to long (maybe more than
3 7 days just to add the characters) -> each 'day' uses 1 to 2 hours of my free time.
Alternate version possible? Yes. But it will be updated less often. That's because I'm not two Aedlers :/ I preferred to keep working on MIM, and I delayed new game projects due to that.
Am I doing it right now? Sorry, but no. There many priorities (as more levels).
dercas Wrote:Maybe put it in a poll?
Not these weeks, sorry. But I plan doing that (remembering the alternate version may be updated less often).