LuckyPig Wrote:Quote
Whops, I think you forgot to put '[ /quote] after my 'thank you'.
LuckyPig Wrote:Say Ivan, I've been interested in getting into a video game career, or making indie games anyway, but I dont really know to start, I'm a beginner in art but am attending classes at local college, is there anything that I should probably start studying to make flash games or anything?
I dont recommend a total 'delving' into pure code just yet. As for Flash, you can start programming AS3 right away ON PRACTISE (seeing the things happen, not only 100% reading books), because AS2 is old. But for me (MY opinion), AS2 was very good to know AS3 and to make more functions because As2 is more COMMONPLACE and easier to program (again, my opinion). So, if you want easier code and games made quicker, you can start with an AS2 freeware project that was already done (a really good example is playshapes MIM 1 and Legend of Krystal 1). Its easier for programmers to experiment with, creating new functions. Then when you are comfortable with, you can create new projects from scratch.
NEVER try to do EVERYTHING from scratch all the time because it takes time and may make us give up. Once the wheel was invented, why reinvent it?
If you want As3 right away (with is more recommended) you can search for snippets of code or better, freeware AS3 examples, with a camera engine, a gravity and collision detection for example. Then its only a matter to experiment creating new functions.
Learning anything is like learning a human language when we are babies. We just experiment them, get used to them, play with them, all with enthusiasm.
So dont force yourself. Just start it. The more curious and enthusiastic you are, the better. You will be mounting your game pace by pace, with more and more code.
Books I recommend (just for more insight): 'Adobe Flash CS4 For Dummies' (recent books dont mean those are better in all situations), 'Game Development with Macromedia Director (2005 Focal Press)' and 'How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS5' (Georgenes).
LuckyPig Wrote:What kinda class is coding? its never easy knowing what class I should take up at the school there isnt one that just says "hey come in here to learn how to make video games"
You have to make a technical course, a 'DIRECT to the matter' course. Generally, programming language courses DONT get you immersed in videogames code, unfortunatelly.
But you can use the theory at home or in the university' labs, in your freetime. Thats what I did and still do.
Vulcaraven Wrote:I can play the embedded swf in the first message with no problem or I keep a lower resolution in adobe projector. Is this a bug or is it related to on-going optimization? I guess I'll stick with 2.0.8 till it's fixed.
Those disappearing objects are due to optimization and this function shall never be removed. But it should work on full screen.
I detected that , in fact, it keeps working when you are in normal screen, then you put full screen.
BUT once you go to the next level WHILE in fullscreen, it triggers the bug.
Fixing it.