Ironvein Wrote:Stazza Wrote:I wasn't asking because i'm inpatient or I feel the game should be progressing quicker, I was only curious because i'm eager to see how the game progresses
I'd give it a month and even then, probably not a major update. It depends on what he's actually working on currently (weither it's just a new monster, finishing up animations of the older monsters, game tweaks, and whatnot). The biggest mystery really is his priority list. That I wouldn't mind knowing.
I don't think it's impolite to want Hartista to be posting some kind of message/update on progress at least once a week. He is taking donations now so I'm sure people want to know how the work is going. It doesn't take much to just pop in and be like "Making some progress on so and so". When people stop posting messages as frequently, it can mean they're putting off work on their project (Not saying he is), but people may think that.
Even if he is, I personally would much rather somebody say they are on hold than just disappear. Communication is good. You can't really say he doesn't owe people anything now, the downside of this donation system lol.