The Adventures of Captain Cutie(5/2/14)

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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Tovi » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:27 pm

I have a quick little question or I guess you could say suggestion. I have noticed that cutie's breasts are a bit improperly proportioned as things usually get "bigger" the closer to the viewer they get instead of the other way around? It kinda throws the perspective off a bit I think, is someone else seeing it or am I perhaps mistaken?
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:23 pm

Hey guys, been a while. Well I finally have some free time so I started working on the game again. I’m hoping to get the next chapter out by the end of summer. Here is a preview. As always please leave a comment. :D
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stillworkingonit.swf [ 54.7 KiB | Viewed 4994 times ]

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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby UnLimiTeD » Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:35 pm

It's been nothing for so long I totally didn't know I should look forward to this.
But now I do!
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:58 am

Thanks for the comment. Sorry it’s been a long time but I usually only visit the site when I have an update for the game. I’ll try to visit more often to reply to posts. An update is still a long ways off but here is a new cutie model I’ve been working on. I gave her bigger hips and a new attack animation(still need to work on the walking animation a bit). Let me know what you guys think. :D
Arrow keys=move
Click to Play
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cutietestingground2.swf [ 113.49 KiB | Viewed 4496 times ]

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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Tovi » Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:26 pm

Hello there. I made a post a while ago, though I think you might have missed it back then. I love the new moves and animations, but seeing as the problem I mentioned earlier still remains I will refer to my previous post on that matter. I must say that of all projects going on in this forum this is amongst the more interesting and I look forward to further development! :D
I make art sometimes! ^^
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:59 am

Wow, I wasn’t aware my crappy little game had so many fans, sorry to keep you guys waiting. :shock:
Yeah, body proportions are not my forte (neither is art in general but I’ve been getting better me thinks ). So the boob closest to the player should be bigger? I’ll change it in the next update, thanks for bringing it to my attention.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby ParadoxalObserver » Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:14 pm

I feel as if the player might be a little too big. The legs are breasts and legs seem too large, and head and arms seem to small.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby core999 » Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:07 am

keep up the good work, i think your pretty neat
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:53 am

ParadoxalObserver Wrote:I feel as if the player might be a little too big. The legs are breasts and legs seem too large, and head and arms seem to small.

Actually I like this style ;) I think it depicts better the gorgeous Amazon.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Tovi » Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:04 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
ParadoxalObserver Wrote:I feel as if the player might be a little too big. The legs are breasts and legs seem too large, and head and arms seem to small.

Actually I like this style ;) I think it depicts better the gorgeous Amazon.

I agree, Ivan. As to character design I'd say you're getting better and better, oneeyezero, and that says a lot, considering your first character-drafts were pretty darn good, and not only that but also characteristic for the game it is now resulting in. Seeing progress on this game is marvelous! :D
I make art sometimes! ^^
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:27 am

Valpas Wrote:
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
ParadoxalObserver Wrote:I feel as if the player might be a little too big. The legs are breasts and legs seem too large, and head and arms seem to small.

Actually I like this style ;) I think it depicts better the gorgeous Amazon.

I agree, Ivan. As to character design I'd say you're getting better and better, oneeyezero, and that says a lot, considering your first character-drafts were pretty darn good, and not only that but also characteristic for the game it is now resulting in. Seeing progress on this game is marvelous! :D

Thank you. It ‘s been fun working on this game and I wish that I had more time to devote to it and to improving my art skills. I like the big hips on her; the vast majority of the characters on this site are very skinny, so I thought I’d be different by having a more “curvy” main character. ;)
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:33 pm

And chapter 5 is done. I spent most of this chapter redoing the models and changing how the hitboxs/combat worked so it’s a bit shorter than the last chapter(finally got her to not move while she attacks :D ). I compensated by giving you guys more H-scenes. ;) As always leave a comment and enjoy!
(P.S. if anyone knows how to reduce lag in flash let me know)
P.S.S. Just for the sake of comparison here are the first modes I used (2 on the left) compared to the one I’m going to be using for the remaining chapters (2 on the right).
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stillworkingonit.swf [ 144.52 KiB | Viewed 3223 times ]

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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby jbomb » Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:31 am

How come I'm not able to attack anything?
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:15 pm

The only enemies that you can hurt are the training dummy; the feral wolfs that throw ice at you and the boss. To hurt them you need to wait till there vulnerable (when they’re busy summing ice or masturbating).
Also I noticed a mistake with the second tutorial sign. It’s meant to say up arrow +down arrow, ill fix it later.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Tovi » Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:59 pm

Looking good so far. Some minor issues would be for example the delay before Cutie actually deals damage. What I mean is that a more direct result when making an attack would make for a lot more precision for the player. Considering the fact that her spear is out the second you hit attack you'd think this first instant blow would deal damage as well? It threw me off for at least 3 reloads until I realized that there was a delay in the animation before you could actually attack.

Secondly I would like to address the fairly unfair fight with the white alpha. After being vulnerable twice the floor is too unsafe for you to even do proper damage. What I ended up doing was simply nudging my way towards him continuously taking damage until I had nudged my way over to the one tiny pixel on the right side where I would not get hurt from extending my hitbox with the attack-animation. Note that this only seems to work on the right side, so unless you beat him on the third occasion of vulnerability, you're pretty much boned. I highly suggest increasing the size of the safety-zones or the player will have next to no chance of clearing that last boss.

Other than that, excellent work!
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Bartangelus » Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:52 pm

First of all sorry for bad english.

I have noticed a few things that can be improved :

_ It would be handy that the red point for the dialogue be always in the same location to pass a dialogue already read faster. (or always have a arrow to pass it)

_ The chapter 4 is a litte buggy mainly the area after leaving the camp of wolf and before meeting the wolf girl. I've had a “enless fall” (because of the vanishing of the ground) two times before I can finish this chapter (I've got to retry twice including the chapter 3).

So it can be cool to fix it or to make a shorcut to go directly to chapter 4 (like for the chapter 2).

_ The tutorial is wrong : A+ “down key” doesn't work to do a down attack.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Captain cuttie fleche.png

_ The view need to be reframe. Because the ground is in the middle of the screen that makes we can't see attack or even plateforms above us like in that screenshot

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Captain Cuttie.png

If I jump I die because of the spikes that I can't see.

_ In chapter 5 there is a awful long time before I can inflict damage after pushin the A key. The first attack animation does not deal damage and the battles lose all the dynamism because of that. You have to wait at least 1 or 2 seconde before dealing damage.

The battle system of the other chapter, with instantaneous and continuous damage, is better (from my point of view)

Another thing, when I don't attack at the right moment (like when you hit training dummy with his thorn at the beginning) it inflict damage to me while it's only my weapon wich is in contact with it.

I aggree with Valpas about the hitbox extending when you attack that's really annoying.

(I mean when I hit a cactus with a spear I should not being hurt :shock: )

I've got suggestion too :idea: :

_ Add an invincibility time after suffering big damage, like quarter or half life, because you got one shot very often. (don't know if it's possible)

_ Add a portrait of captain Cuttie on the top left of the screen with detailed points of life (45/50 ect …). It would be nicer and more convenient than the current bar life.

_ Add sounds and music

_ Add different outfit depending on the life of captain cuttie (like loosing her bra ect...)

_ Why the hearts of life of the first chapter are gone !? There was very helpful !

_ Add something that warn you you are at a checkpoint.

_ Add a restart key or button to restart at the last checkpoint (prevent endless fall or “total lock” in a part of the screen.)

_ If there is no heart of life, beating an ennemy could refill a little life.

_ Add a pause button (or a menu)

_ Add something that shows it's the end of the area (screen changement are a bit brutal)

_ Add a gallery with all the sex scenes.

It's a lot but that's just idea :)

Otherwise that' my favorite game here. Great job !
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:24 pm

Thank you for your suggestions, as soon as I get some free time I’ll try to fix some of the issues. Tweaking the combat system and fixing the boss fight shouldn’t take too long but the other things on Bartangelus list might take a while.
The V-cam is something I’ve been meaning to fix from day one. I want it to follower around her waist or chest but it stays around her feet.
This is the code that I use for the V-cam
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y += (_root.cutie._y-_y)/4;
_x += (_root.cutie._x-_x)/4;
I’ve tried screwing around with the x/y values to change where it followers her but every time I do it wigs out on me and starts jumping around the screen randomly.
I think I know what the issue is though; I have Cuties center point thingy at her feet so it can touch the ground and not fall through it. I think because her center point is at her feet the v-cam wants to follow that point. Once again once I get some free time ill screw around with it to see what I can about it.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby Dark Avenger » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:01 pm

I love this game (the sex scene are so cool) but I think difficulty is a bit too high. It should have items to refills life when you kill an ennemy for example.

And the final boss of chapter 5 is really hard you have to learn by heart the exact location to put your character at the right pixel to attack without taking damage. :shock:

I saw the design of your previous Captain Cuttie that you finaly don't use. But I love the tattoos on her butt. I see that's Bartangelus suggest to coordinate the life and the clothing of Captain Cuttie but you could use her tattoo has a complement of the life bar (many tattoos = full life bar and vice versa.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Captain Cuttie's tattoo.png

That's great to see how your game has improved since the first chapter ;)

Will the chapter 6 be even better ? :D
Dark Avenger
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby kvier » Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:40 am

At least in chapter 5, all the enemies are puzzles, not really tests of agility. It took several tries, but once I figured out/read the thread explaining what I was supposed to do, I didn't think it was all that hard.
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Re: The Adventures of Captain Cutie

Postby oneeyezero » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:26 am

Ok so I think I fixed the v-cam so it follows Cutie a little higher. I also went and redid the hit boxes again so if just the spear is touching an enemy you won’t be hurt. And I made the boss fight a little easier (I compensated my giving him more health.) :twisted:
Man, figuring this crap out was time consuming and exhausting, but I’m happy I managed to fix the things that were giving me trouble for so long.
Things are starting to get busy again so I think I feel another hiatus coming along. Please feel free to keep committing and giving me suggestions. Once I get some free time again ill read through them and see if I can add/fix the previous chapters based on your suggestions.
Till next time, later.

Dark Avenger Wrote:Will the chapter 6 be even better ? :D

Depends, how do you feel about lesbian bondage, sex machines, forced orgasms and bunny girls tied to automatic dildo pogo sticks? ;)
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