QuizmasterBos Wrote:coolness32 Wrote:This is a long one so I put it in a spoiler.
As a video game player, I am more likely to go to an NPC to get information rather than hit a box. I am sure there are players that are completely opposite and would rather hit the box than talk to an NPC. It's good to have more than one option although both are more than enough just by themselves. As an example, in Super Mario World for the SNES, I hit none of the hint boxes except for accidentally. The NPC explaining doesn't need to be in the game, it's just something to think about maybe adding.
And yet I prefer a box. See, an NPC gets thrown in your face, whilst a box can be hit by choice. If players begin complaining, then they just suck since they aren't reading the boxes that clearly explain. Of course, the less explaining necessary, the better.
I don't think that an NPC that explains things to you should ever be thrown in your face, I think you mean forcing the player to listen to the NPC without a choice. You know when you first exit Peach's room and you see Toadsworth? for the explaining NPC, in his dialogue he could just say "see *insert NPC name* for information about things you can do", then the player can choose to see the NPC or just skip them. In this case the NPC would best be placed where all the Toads are just before you leave the castle so that the player sees him and then chooses to talk to him or not. Or, they can ignore him and play the game, then there's still the boxes that they can hit if they choose to do that instead.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:coolness32 Wrote:After the game is done, you could always have it open on here so that people can make outfits for it. You ever play that game "Superdeepthroat"? This idea is kinda like how that game is out, done but people who want to can make skins for it. Then one day there could be 60,000 outfits O_O!!!
Dude, are you seriously comparing MiM PUT to Super Deepthroat? Those are like two completely different games! In MiM PUT, the clothes actually matter, plus they can be obtained within the levels, so you actually need to play the game.
In SD, you just deepthroat until you get bored. The design as well as some other options are the only things you can change, so it makes sense that you can have hundreds of outfits. So, I still firmly stand by my opinion: The game needs to be limited in costumes.
I am not comparing the games. I am simply stating that once the game is done, it can be "open source" so that people can mod it. I know that this is a flash game so it's already open source, but I was just meaning that once the game is done this could be a place for people to post custom costumes. I agree with your opinion about there being limited outfits.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:The problems:
- People will start to ask for powerup changes too: 'e.g. change burn mushroom clothing to another one and change frog powerup to use, say, sling bikini'. And I'll have to add code in the checkpoint/start of the level which will detect when Peach is using a 'dress' outfit while without a powerup (adding complexity).
power-up costumes should not be able to be changed. That is what you planned when the game is more complete and sounds good. The only outfits that should be able to be changed are the ones that don't have powers. Kinda like how you have the raccoon suit right now.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:- The 'immediate' change in character select for non powerups will be vanished. This is a positive feature people will miss. However, as I've stated, this is likely to happen in the future anyway, as these outfits (even non powerup ones) should be found only around the levels (the user has to strive it), as its special items. Then, once the player finishes the game, outfits could be available to be used and changed.
I feel like right now the outfit change is solely for bug finding. Easy access is best, but once the game is more complete, it's a feature that you want to not be there, and it's a feature that shouldn't be there until you unlock it.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:- We need to limit and make things clear: which outfits can be changed? And will that occur only if Peach is using 'dress powerup'? When she's a raccoon, frog, fire peach, they wont be enabled?
Correct, because you shouldn't be able to wear a raccoon suit and still be able to throw fireballs. but non-power outfits don't have special properties and it would be nice to be able to swap those mid-game.