by ValturNaa » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:15 am
First open a map. You can find the specific one you're looking for by following the explorer folder along the side, and open it by double clicking. That enables the non tile options. The third option (that looks like a person's profile) is the sprites creator. Open that and the menu will change. Along the top is a drop-down menu that allows you to pick the type of sprite to add. Make sure it is set to rpgSprite (this is the most versatile one) and double click somewhere on the map to add it to the game. It will automatically activate and show you its sprite image settings. Since you're making it invisible, it should work as is. Halfway down the screen, below the map, is a set of three buttons. The first of these activates the coding menu; the second, appearance; the third you don't need to worry about (it has to do with copying existing objects).
Switch to code editing mode (and if by accident you deselect the new sprite, re-select it by clicking on it in the map) and expand the "auto" field. This will give you a blank space onto which you can drag in code. Click on that to get your code options. Drag over a move block (it looks like a stick figure walking), select that block, pick the sprite to fix from the list of sprites that appears in a drop down menu, and expand the move block (if this is the player sprite, look for "player"). Click on the empty space. The icon that looks like a person's face allows you to change the current sprite of the actor chosen in the move block. Open the drop down menu and navigate through folders to find jesse's sprite if it isn't already selected. The sprite will have a little walking-ants outline around it that tells you where it is going to be cut.
If the cut is wrong, hover over the "frozen" or "animating" button to access the sprite cutting variables (these used to be right out there but for some reason in this version humbird decided to hide them) and tweak those until the sprite box looks correct. Just fyi, "directions" is the number of directions that the sprite will automatically cut to, and "frames" is the same in the opposite direction. Rows and Columns will cut a sprite sheet into that many pieces each with their own directions and frames, so you can have multiple walk cycles or whatever stored in the same image. In most of these sprites, the correct cut is 4 directions, 3 frames, 1 row, 1 column. You shouldn't need to worry about the animation style or delay but yoyo animation and about 3-5 delay is typical. That should work as a band-aid fix that can be applied right now. But it doesn't get to the root of the problem.
To delete a sprite from the map, simply navigate to the map, select the sprite by clicking on it, and hit the delete key. It may take a second to respond and there is no confirmation window and no undo so be sure you've selected one you don't need anymore. If you need the band-aid fix, you should delete that sprite once the fix has been applied. Which is as simple as saving the map, loading the game, saving and closing the game. Just make sure you wait until the editor has *finished* saving, otherwise you'll get an error when you try to open the game or a new map in the game.
Now to get to the root of the problem. It could be an error inside a sprite's stored image. To check that, follow the steps above to reach the map where the problem occurs, go to the sprite edit mode, select the problematic sprite, and open its image editor. Then skip all the stuff about adding sprites and code blocks and just make sure the sprite image is correct. If it's off there, the marching ants outline will show you the cut it's going to make and you can tweak it. If this is where the problem is, correcting it here should correct it as soon as you load the game, and the band-aid fix will be unnecessary.
If the sprite change is made in an event, to fix the event you will have to find the sprite that controls the event. Sometimes they're well named, sometimes not. At that point it gets more complicated, but you can basically skip through most of the code to find the last move block affecting that sprite, open it, and check for a sprite change. If you find one, make sure it is cut correctly. If not, move up to the last move block for that sprite until you find the one causing the problem. This solution will still require the band-aid fix to correct your current game because the event has already run, but it will fix the problem for future games.
Apologies if I sound condescending. I don't mean to be. But it sounds like you need an exact step by step and that takes longer to say than to just do. If I could directly access your file (like, a physical visit) I could probably fix that problem at the source in about five minutes, ten if I had to hunt for the reason it hung up in the first place. Once you get the hang of this editor it's really pretty easy to navigate and sometimes you forget how daunting it can be just starting out. I would use it more except I have other issues with it more related to its being in flash (and my not having a flash editor doesn't help) and my always wanting to expand on limitations. And if you have any further questions or something is still unclear please ask. I'll do what I can to help.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.