by ValturNaa » Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:29 pm
The mechanics that can be set in the editor at present are something I've been toying with quite a bit. The values that I settled on are ones that I find acceptable. If you disagree with my choices, feel free to edit them (that is what the editor is for, after all).
As far as map design, I have my own little system for doing that and, for the most part, map creation is not an issue. I did have quite a little while where I couldn't decide how to build the hidden village, but typically I look at the game maps, watch the related anime episodes, and figure out a halfway point between the two. The hidden village was difficult chiefly because it only exists in the anime and the single episode where it appeared has very little detail about it. The more time-consuming part of the maps is the scripting, which I would have my hands full trying to teach to a bunch of people, much less dealing with the chaos of lots of people trying to hand off different versions of the same maps and me trying to sort out which versions to use and combine them all with my own maps. I just can't see that situation being helpful at all.
But the bigger issue as far as speed goes is the art. As deadman said, if we didn't do the scenes now (and we aren't going to download stock hentai that *might* fit in as placeholder), we might never get to it. Hopefully now that the pokedex is finished we can prepare ready and polished battle arts for all morphs, which will mean our *entire* artistic focus throughout the remainder of the game will be scenes and any necessary sprites. At which point, we can hopefully bring updates quicker since there will be less to draw. But, still, we *are* just doing this in our spare time for now, and until/unless we get enough financial support to treat this project as a full-time job, that will continue to be the case. The same goes for a lot of the other projects on LoK; they are made for fun by people who have day jobs.
I'm not mad. I'm only forty and eighty percent crazy, and that's split between two personalities, which makes me almost half sane.