Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Tylerrockshow » Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:47 pm

Hey um I'm not sure if you knew this but someone posted your game somewhere else just thought you might want to take a look.
http://nicoblog.org/pc-games/pokemon-ve ... ai-usa-18/

just thought this would be helpful to know
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:24 pm

Pokemon pink didn't *fix* anything like that. Because of the construction of the humbird engine, which hasn't been touched by the way, all extra experience is discarded if the new level caps out simultaneously, or double levels. You can gain extra experience points all you want until you skip a level. At that point, the extra experience is lost and you start at the bottom of the first and only level you gained. Defeat an opponent +1 level higher than you with 1 experience point? Free level-up, and you can keep the change. Then it's easy to gain the next exp point at the same level and cap. In pink, it just takes a little longer because the exp doesn't line up quite so perfectly, and that means it's more likely not to trigger the experience loss. But nothing has actually been fixed.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FluroFidh » Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:16 am

hey I have down loaded your games countless times and they are cool and all but one thing keeps bugging me when I save then then close the game and come back later and try to load it says there is no save data what's up with that
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Jupitre777 » Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:53 pm

Is it just me or is the esc key not opening up the menu?
seems to be the only thing I'm having trouble with so far.
Otherwise, it all looks and plays awesome!
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby FurrinGok » Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:00 pm

FluroFidh Wrote:hey I have down loaded your games countless times and they are cool and all but one thing keeps bugging me when I save then then close the game and come back later and try to load it says there is no save data what's up with that

Are you running it as an administrator? If that doesn't work, save to clipboard instead of as a cookie.
Jupitre777 Wrote:Is it just me or is the esc key not opening up the menu?
seems to be the only thing I'm having trouble with so far.
Otherwise, it all looks and plays awesome!

Do you see the keyboard image in the corner? Click that, and move both of the icons off of the escape key to something else, such as the Q key.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby MechDragon » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:17 am

Yo! I decided to rework my nidorina, so before i start on the others, i wanted to check and make sure it looks good.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nidorina B.png

i'm gonna preempt some things people might say though. I am not the original artist. I just do lines and color. as I lack any real skill in concept art, any complaints concerning changing the concept art majorly, might not be possible for me :oops: . i'll respond whether things are outside my skill level from now on.
Thanks! :lol:
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby フランク » Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:10 pm

happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
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I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:49 am

MechDragon Wrote:Yo! I decided to rework my nidorina, so before i start on the others, i wanted to check and make sure it looks good.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nidorina B.png

i'm gonna preempt some things people might say though. I am not the original artist. I just do lines and color. as I lack any real skill in concept art, any complaints concerning changing the concept art majorly, might not be possible for me :oops: . i'll respond whether things are outside my skill level from now on.
Thanks! :lol:

Not too bad, but um... where the heck would her anus be? You see her Vagina and then her tail is right above it, there's no room for a butt hole there. It kind of looks like she's wearing a huge butt plug that looks like a tail. First and foremost you need to move her tail up so the anatomy is proper, her anus doesn't necessarily need to be visible, but regardless it will look better.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby MechDragon » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:14 am

Done! Here's the edit.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Nidorina B.png

also lightened the colors after having a second look at her.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:57 pm

As I said before he anus doesn't necessarily need to be visible, I personally thinks it makes no sense because she isn't bending over or spreading her buttocks with her hands.

Also, I kind of forgot about this for a while because I was busy doing other stuff, but I still can't progress in the St.Anne. Pressing space in the spot in the picture does absolutely nothing, and I'm pretty sure the other guy who needed help left his save because it still wasn't working for him either.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby dannybomber » Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:58 pm

Ok so i had somewhat of the same problem not sure if we are talking about the same thing but if you watch the magic show at night time like i did the night progresses into day and you cant go back to bed and everything fucks up buck i luckily saved before i went to the magic show so i just went back before i did that and i just beat gary (and stole all his cheer leaders) then everything continued to progress like normal so i'm thinking its just a glitch hopefully i hope this helps you.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby mattmon » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:40 am

not sure if its a bug or something im not doing, whenever I lose a pokemon to charm and I then knock it out instead of capturing it again when I re-encounter it its still knocked out but it doesn't happen all the time, I had lost a weedle and a krabby but the weedle was full hp when I encountered it but the krabby was out cold. is there something I can do to fix this?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Akhera » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:08 pm

フランク Wrote:happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
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The attachment grimer.jpg is no longer available

I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it

Well yeah, I'm new here, and after 1 evening of trying out paint.net, I've come up with a colored and "shaded" version of the Grimy Girl.
Don't go too hard on me xD
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby フランク » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:08 pm

first of all ...
nicely done!

the left/lifted hand could use a bit more detail,
but ...
I love the flow of color, especially the "hair"
If you could do her eyes as smooth as her hair, it would be great.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Daphuqizis » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:56 am

フランク Wrote:happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The attachment grimer.jpg is no longer available

I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it

Not sure how I recognized this, or if it really matters, but isn't this Slime Bess from MGQ?
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slimebess.jpg (394.56 KiB) Viewed 1369 times
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Dapper Gent » Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:02 am

Akhera Wrote:
フランク Wrote:happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
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I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it

Well yeah, I'm new here, and after 1 evening of trying out paint.net, I've come up with a colored and "shaded" version of the Grimy Girl.
Don't go too hard on me xD

I just wanted to thank you for this contribution. Your concept actually inspired my Muk and Ditto designs, which I'll be more than happy to link once I have them edited and posted in our thread.

Also, I waited a bit for bug reports to come through and just started playing the game again. Despite all of issues mentioned above, I'm eager to see what all has changed and has been added to it.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Akhera » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:23 pm

Dapper Gent Wrote:
Akhera Wrote:
フランク Wrote:happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it

Well yeah, I'm new here, and after 1 evening of trying out paint.net, I've come up with a colored and "shaded" version of the Grimy Girl.
Don't go too hard on me xD

I just wanted to thank you for this contribution. Your concept actually inspired my Muk and Ditto designs, which I'll be more than happy to link once I have them edited and posted in our thread.

Also, I waited a bit for bug reports to come through and just started playing the game again. Despite all of issues mentioned above, I'm eager to see what all has changed and has been added to it.

That's great! I'm happy it's not considered terrible xD
I've edited it again, trying to use a special 'glow/fragmenting lines' effect on the hair and acid. I've also darkened and edited the eyes for a better feel, although I'm not sure it's very good.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby Akhera » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:45 pm

MechDragon Wrote:Done! Here's the edit.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The attachment Nidorina B.png is no longer available

also lightened the colors after having a second look at her.

Eyoh, I needed some practi(c/s)e so I tried shading your Nidorina in a different way than I shaded the Grimer
I hope if someone can give me some feedback in ways to use glows and the gaussion blur to shade, I'd appreciate it. Anyway, here you go:
Nidorina+B.png (344.83 KiB) Viewed 1357 times
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby フランク » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:03 pm

Daphuqizis Wrote:
フランク Wrote:happy easter everyone!

I found the time to do some drawing
And here it is ... a Grimer
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I hope you like it,
feel free to edit/color it

Not sure how I recognized this, or if it really matters, but isn't this Slime Bess from MGQ?
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yeah you're right,
I used Slime Bess as reference
... MGQs plot is so amazing ... definitely a better RPG than nowadays Final Fantasy (>10)
I am a bit surprised, that someone recognized it
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:23 pm

Akhera Wrote:Eyoh, I needed some practi(c/s)e so I tried shading your Nidorina in a different way than I shaded the Grimer
I hope if someone can give me some feedback in ways to use glows and the gaussion blur to shade, I'd appreciate it. Anyway, here you go:

Shouldn't the right side of her body be shaded brighter than the left? I'm pretty sure the light comes from the right in battle. I also still think her butt hole shouldn't be visible in that pose.
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